WebNovelVamp Wine49.02%


When the sun has come and peeks through the windows

Noire stirs awake and opens her blue eyes that had a hint of annoyance

Noire: I should kill the sun

Kallen: Hmm?

Noire's eyes soften and looked at the now awake silver-haired girl

Noire: Good morning Kallen

Kallen: Good morning...

Once Noire felt that Kallen released her hug she immediately go to the kitchen and prepare tea

Kallen groggily removes herself from the bed and goes to the dining table

Noire pour tea into a cup and gives it to Kallen and started to cook


Kallen: That's rare...

Noire: I've recovered my memory

Kallen in the middle of drinking it immediately freeze

Kallen: (then does that mean she will not be with me?)

Noire: I know what you are thinking... and I adhere to my desire and be with you until I become ashes

Kallen felt relieved and took a sip of the tea

Noire: let me tell you my story

Kallen wants to say it isn't necessary but she wants to hear it and wants to know more about the person in front of her

Noire: you know that Vampires have a bloodthirsty tendency that they've become one of the most dangerous races in the entire world

Kallen: But you aren't

Noire: Nope even I am not an exception

Noire: it's just I've become tamer than in my earlier days

Noire: No, I forced myself to be tame

the oil is sizzling and Noire skillfully stir the food to not be burnt

Noire: In all honesty, I'm just an ordinary vampire that hunts other races to sate my thirst for blood

Noire: killing innocent, destroying lives, and being feared is my everyday life

Noire: I've been in thousands of fights come victorious drinking my enemy's blood to fully healed if someone is stronger than me I'll use everything I have just to take them down

Noire: that kind of lifestyle continues until no one can beat me even my fellow vampires they submitted to me

Noire: I ran around and fight stronger opponents... I've killed the kings so armies will clash with me

Noire: yet I stand victorious and continued to find something more... I even killed a god and take their eyes as a trophy that I killed it

Noire put the breakfast on the table and sit in front of Kallen

Noire: I've found a newspaper about how a person is considered a genius because they invent something

Noire: as a prideful vampire I want to show them that I can do it better... but I can't even make a simple mechanism so I decided to study

Noire: I forcefully numb my vampire senses because it will be detrimental to me in the long run if I mixed with other races

Noire: I've become successful and become one of the most renowned inventors... Lilia Laur or L.L for short

Noire: because of a failed experiment I lost my lab and become a wanderer and now I met you to start over

Kallen is currently overwhelmed by the story and it doesn't help that Noire is so nonchalant about it

Kallen: wait... let me digest it


Noire just watch Kallen in the eyes silently

Noire: (will she hate me? disappointed? look at me with a weird look?)

Noire: (This isn't the first time someone has drifted away because I tell my past)

Kallen looked at Noire and sighed

Kallen: I wish you put a suspension for the important events of your story rather than say all it once

Noire: what can I say... I'm a bad writer

Kallen: Still... that doesn't change the way I look at you now

Kallen: you have changed a lot compared to your old self

Kallen: and you've become a much good person and saved millions of lives because of your inventions and contribution

Noire smiles gently

Noire: you are a good person...

Kallen just shrugs and started to eat

Kallen: still I'm surprised the pillar of humanity is currently in front of me

Noire: How ironic I'm not even human

Kallen: not at all... you are much more human than other humans

Noire: heh...

the dinner finished in a warm atmosphere


Noire can be seen in an empty room that had only a table and chair

Noire starts up the drone and it started to light up and floats

[(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ Creator!!!!! you are mean!!]

Noire: Shut up or I'll make sure to electrocute you

[( 〃▽〃) yes!...]

[Σ(O_O) wait!!! you regained your memory?!!]

Noire: yep and it's because of you

[(* ̄ii ̄) then I want my kiss!!]

Noire: ah... that perverse attitude is truly nostalgic... isn't that right? Asakura-san

[( Φ ω Φ ) Kyaaaa~♡ you still remember my name!!!]

Noire: of course... though choosing you over the consciousness of a general makes me realise how much I regret it

[(・ω<)☆ tsundere]

Noire: coming from a former tsundere that word makes it less believable

[\( ̄ハ ̄)/ you've changed me so much because of your rough ways so technically I belong to you and you must take responsibility]

Noire: when I make a human body then I will take responsibility by making you hear the music that I've made

[Σ(°△°|||)︴you are so sadistic!!! don't ruin music for me!!!]

Noire: I'll make sure to put the arrangements so random with unnecessary cymbals and voice samples

[\(〇_o)/ NOOOOOOOO!!!!]


Noire: Kallen, here is my trusted partner Asakura Neko

[(≧▽≦)/ what's up!!! Neko here!!!]

Kallen: what a cheerful drone... Kallen Kaslana nice to meet you Neko

[(つ≧▽≦)つ kyaah~ a beautiful woman!!!]

Noire: behave

Kallen laughs at the Neko's upbeat energy

[ヽ( ̄ω ̄ )ゝ still I want to say something towards you Kallen]

Kallen: what is it?

[┐(︶▽︶)┌ Neko owns Noire so you have no chance to get her]

Kallen stares at Neko's blatant smugness and looked at Noire

Kallen: I am thinking about this for too long but do you mind me having more than one girlfriend?

Noire: as long you don't force them it's fine I guess

Kallen: then...

Kallen leans down and Kiss Noire

[(°ロ°) !]

Noire: (I guess I'll reward Neko)


- This scene is from the after Laznoire has been killed-

Noire: finally I can return to my body

???: Why did you do it?

Noire: Hmm? so you are the other person inside of my body and I'm pretty sure my blood is different because of you

???: Why?

Noire: let me satisfy your question with another question

Noire: Will you accept it if someone is taking over your body

???: Depends... if they are harmless then I let them... but if they aren't ill make sure to end them

???: but the boy is harmless

Noire: Harmless? he will sacrifice many people just to go back to his dimension if he realised it

Noire: my subconsciousness can only restrain him for a bit but not permanently

???: still, that doesn't warrant that you have to annihilate him

Noire: big words from a harbinger of destructions

a person can be seen wrapped in countless golden chains but the chains seemed an accessories rather than restricting the girl...

the girl has white hair orange eyes that had a letter of XI while her dress is white that had yellow shades that looked like it's moving

???: You don't know me

Noire: you don't know me either
