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Noire, Kallen, and Francis are finished eating dinner while Neko is connecting to the world server to gain connection and have a chance to update her software

Francis: may I know what is your job Noire?

Kallen looked at Francis to not be privy with Noire too much

Francis knows it but he wants to know Noire is trustworthy and not using his daughter as a chess piece

Noire: sure... My very first job is a bodyguard for a noble of some sort

Francis: ohh?...

Noire: my clan is pretty somewhat high-ranking in the military and as an offspring, I trained hard to be a successor

Noire: well the first day of the job is just me being subjected to harassment because the noble that wants me kind of wanted me to serve them as their mate

Kallen has a worried face and touches Noire's hand

Noire just smiles at Kallen and assured its fine

Noire: but to be honest it's just my prowess that almost rival the clan head is what they're after

Noire: well in fact most of the Sarkaz will only submit if you can beat them but that's an old tradition I haven't got on the track of the current tradition so I'm sorry if I'm too old fashion

Francis: It's fine

Kallen: yeah! it doesn't matter

Noire: (truly a father and daughter)

Noire: I killed her... yeah it's the princess of Sarkaz

the two suddenly have a dumbfounded expression

Noire: I know right? it's kind of idiotic but because I'm kind of young at that time

Noire: about 13 years old... I'm very bloodthirsty and battle-hungry every time in my younger years


Noire: next is being a Queen

The two of them that recovered suddenly got struck again

Noire: if I remember correctly I've ruled the Queendom for about 100 years or more and got bored...

Noire: my job is only to force people to be good at their jobs and competent or else I beat them up and beat the people that challenge me...

Noire: beating isn't the right term... it's more like killing them halfway

Noire: the Queendom flourished a lot and weaker people praised me but the people who is on the officials cursed me

Noire: Hahaha! that's a very funny moment, to be honest

Francis wondered how his daughter managed to make this absolute a nut job of a person fall for her

Kallen glares at Francis making the latter sweatdrop

Noire: I've got the job of Instructor to try to train individuals to fight me in the end but they failed to land a hit on me

Noire: I've become a bladesmith to create weapons because I'm bored and try to kill a god using my masterpiece but the blade broke in the first clash

Noire: I've become a gunsmith because explosions and guns are awesome! but it's useless when fighting gods

Noire: I've become an inventor and chemist to dabble using chemicals as a weapon I tried to use it on the god but they are immune to it

Noire: I've become a mechanic to create vehicles but they are so awesome that my vehicles are always prone to be stolen

Noire: I guess that's all of my jobs

Francis is so shocked that he can't put any retorts towards every job she takes

Kallen: why are you hunting gods?

Francis: (My dear daughter aren't you focusing on a different subject right now?!!)

Noire: To be fair many of the gods are trying to mess with me so I have hatred toward them

Noire: though some are nice... like the NEET god

Francis: (A god that is a NEET?! I'm pretty sure she is the one that made him a NEET)

Kallen: it seems you have fun

Noire: of course I have...

Noire: But I'm more satisfied and happy being with you

Kallen smiles at Noire and they are close to each other

Francis: ahem...!

Kallen throws a harsh glare making Francis feel hurt

Francis: (My daughter is completely stolen from me!!!)

Noire: I guess private matters are only for private places

Kallen; I guess...

Francis: I guess I could (reluctantly) accept you towards the family

Francis: But fair warning if you decided to mess around and only play my daughter's feelings Mark my words I will completely burn myself and you to ashes

Kallen felt touched hearing her father's words

Noire closed her eyes and opens it showing her eyes that have been completely dyed with red

Noire: I swear in my name and soul that I won't hurt her nor make her cry

Francis: Very well I believe in your words(what the heck?! that is so scary!!!)

Noire closed her eyes and opens them revealing her deep blue eyes

Kallen: your eyes are beautiful no matter what color it is

Noire: thanks... I love your eyes too, it made me want to look at them every time

Francis: (This shameless bat)

Kallen: oh by the way father, how's mom?

Francis: I think she is going home but I'm not sure when she will arrive

Kallen: I see...

Noire pats Kallen in the hopes to cheer her up

Kallen smiles and indulges it even though its smaller than hers

Francis just stares at them not knowing what to do, he can make Noire stop the action because he is jealous that a bat is taking his daughter under his nose but his daughter will probably look at him with a much more piercing look and will be displeased greatly if he did that

until the surroundings including him covered in a red barrier and the hand of Noire is a giant lance

the barrier suddenly dissapears

Noire: I didn't think you are Kallen's mother, Julia Schariac

it's a woman that has a silver hair, blue eyes, wearing a red t-shirt and a black jacket and black shorts and a sword hugging her thigh

Julia: Noire... or should I say the blood countess

Noire: nope It's the Bloody Empress... though I'm pretty sure that nickname is gone

Julia: my daughter is very much in love with you but I must stop her

Julia: because you are a very dangerous individual... I won't let my daughter fall into your hands

Noire: (I felt like a random person just try to cancel me because of what I did over a hundred years ago)

Noire: way to go to greet your former teacher Julie