WebNovelVamp Wine82.35%


On an elevated plateau in the middle of the forest, a silver-haired girl is fighting a black-haired girl

they exchange blows but in reality, the silver-haired girl is the one that got hit while the black-haired one didn't suffer a single hit

Neko: your attacks lack decisiveness!

Neko kicks Kallen straight towards her stomach but Kallen manages to block it and immediately got received a left kick making her fall down

Neko: honestly your close combat experience against humans is close to none...

Neko: brute force isn't the only thing that matters if you fight someone with the same strength as you

Kallen dust herself up and readies once again

Kallen: That's why I need to train

Neko: *sigh* tell me what did I do to deserve this?

Kallen: didn't you tell me you see going to help me?

Neko: I suppose... then let's continue

they both rushed to each other and they clashed once again

whenever Kallen almost lands a hit against Neko, Neko always abruptly shifts her body to an unimaginable degree and counters the attack at a bizarre angle

Kallen: you have a cat-like bone... are you sure you are not from the cautus race?

Neko: nope I'm a former human trough and trough...

they continued for a while and Neko is still standing while Kallen is on the ground

Neko: your battle sense is impressive I can give you that

Neko: maybe 10 more sessions and I can take you seriously

Neko grabs Kallen's hands and pulls her to stand up

Kallen: thanks...

Neko: let me ask you Kallen what did you do to make Noire come to "love" you

Kallen: I didn't do anything though...

Neko: if it's about physical appearance her past student is more beautiful than you to be blunt...

Neko: but why did she choose you... it makes my head hurt finding the reason why...

Kallen: do you hate me?

Neko: no, but I'm guessing Noire's intention because it isn't like her staying with someone when she could go anywhere

Kallen: what do you mean?

Neko: Noire can freely travel to the quantum sea and the imaginary tree without consequences...

Neko: even I traveled with her countless times see many people beg her to stay yet she still moves without thinking twice, yet here she is staying with you

Neko: and I don't know why...

Neko: I mean don't get me wrong I didn't see Noire that way... its just that she choose you so abruptly that many of her past students can't imagine achieving

Kallen: sorry... even I don't know anything, but all I know is that I love her and I will do anything to make her happy

Neko: *sigh* I'll train you to the best of my abilities so you can fend for yourself when her students decided to attack you

Kallen: yes!


[( ´ ▽ ` ) good thing the simulation time and the real world is very different... I catch up with Miku and Luka's stream]

[(.❛ ᴗ ❛.) speaking of catching up I wonder how many familiar Noire has put on the campus]

Neko lights up and releases a quick sonar to the surroundings

[(メ﹏メ) Uhm....]

in her projected map the entire campus has been lightening up in red lights except for Kallen's room

[(º □ º l|l) this... just how many bugs are there... this is way too excessive]

[( ̄︿ ̄) it's one of her insects... I think she called it blood mite...]

[( ̄︿ ̄)it's a mite that is very smaller than normal mites and acts in a simple command... they don't need to eat and they can exist up to 10 years being stationary, also they have camouflage and are immune to poison]

[( ̄︿ ̄) they are connected like a hive so when the task has been triggered all of the surrounding mites will go towards the goal until it's been finished]

[( ̄︿ ̄) despite its small size it can kill a person because it carries a type of poison called ricin, it will embed in a host and self destruct there releasing the poison that will follow the bloodstream]

[(ーー;) But what is the goal? why does Noire need that many mites? did she intend to kill the entire people except for Kallen?]


Noire is in the air much higher than the aircraft she needs to protect

"Tsuyumi: we are almost there do you need to rest Noire?"

the voice is coming from the earphones on her ear

Noire: No, still... there are a lot of enemies

"Tsuyumi: what do you mean?!"

Noire: it's a sarcasm

"Tsuyumi: I didn't think you know that... you made my heart skip a beat for a second "

Noire: sorry I'm taken

"Tsuyumi: and so am I!"

"Tsuyumi: ahh... Kal-chan don't look at me like that... don't stab me!"

"Tsuyumi: I'm lying! I'm sorry! I'm very single!"

Noire looks back and sees aircraft tailing then

"Noire: eight aircraft are seen in our backs about 100 km away"

"Noire: it's 100% that it's the same type as our aircraft"

"Tsuyumi: Okay... Closure attempted to communicate with them just to be sure"

Noire: didn't I have a gun inside of my storage?

Noire just gets an ordinary carbine from her storage

Noire: what is the largest magazine that I have... 100?, did I modify it or not?

Noire: I hope it will not jam halfway or I'll be sad

"Tsuyumi: despite their great acting they are connected to Theresis... shoot them down"

Noire: (should I use my bloodline ability? I haven't used Sankta abilities so I'm not sure how... should I pray?)

Noire closed her eyes and when she opens her pupils suddenly have a crosshair design and the gun In her hand is glowing and her halo and wings shone brighter

Noire pulls the trigger making a never-ending of bullets has descended towards the aircraft and shooting through it like its made of foil

the gun jammed so Noire change her magazine to a standard 30 and unjammed the gun with her hand

she then aims toward the aircraft's main engine making the energy cores unstable and making it explodes

Noire breath in and the glow has receded

Noire: did the god of Sankta accept me? like... seriously?

Noire: I mean... I'm not complaining just plain surprise

Noire moves and catches up towards their aircraft while the remains of the enemies aircraft crash into the ground