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Noire's world - Arknights and Honkai is the main component of this world, while PGR and Apocalypse is the added component

Laznoire's world - PGR and Apocalypse is the main component of his world while Arknights and Honkai is the added components

the Apocalypse I've mentioned isn't a game but a genre


The process of the adoption is ongoing and strangely enough, the matron is very respectful toward August

Closure: does adoption normally this fast?

Tsuyumi: no... it certainly takes more time than that

Kal'tsit is looking around in the room when she saw the current ruler of RIM Billiton has no picture but only a name called Augustina Daybreak

Kal'tsit: that's strange why their current ruler has no picture at all?

Tsuyumi: now that you said it... it's very strange since the ruler has no images on the wall

Closure: maybe she hated publicity?

Kal'tsit: maybe... but she should have at least a picture

Closure: let me look it up...

August and Theresa Are finished talking with the matron and they are picking up the child and will only need the child's willingness so the adoption will proceed

Tsuyumi, Closure and Kal'tsit follows them the matron makes the children gather and Theresa will pick the one that caught her eyes

Closure: I found one!

Kal'tsit: let us see...

It's a picture of a golden-haired Feline that has Blue eyes in the middle of a plaza surrounded by many people and is smiling brightly while on her side is a white-haired Cautus that has pink eyes seemingly having a headache because of the Feline person

Closure: isn't that person resembling August?!

Closure points at the Feline in the picture

Kal'tsit: that's...

Tsuyumi: impossible...

while on the rooftop in front of the orphanage and a blonde hair girl that has bright blue eyes looking at the situation amusedly

Noire: hehehe~ I wonder how smart and logical people will react if I think outside of the box


when Noire is running toward the meeting location something has clicked into her mind and stopped and looks at the glass reflecting the body's appearance

Noire: (isn't this the appearance of the person I've killed? I'm pretty sure she is the so the figurehead of this country...)

Noire: (then does that mean she is on my Blood grave?)

[Blood Grave - it's Noire's technique that records her every kill into a grave inside of her soul, the grander the grave the stronger the opponent that rests on it, she could summon the people she killed into the real world at the cost of her blood and energy, they will retain their strength and memories if Noire's allows it, this skill is the main component of Noire's Blood rally]

[Blood rally - Summons selected individual from the Blood grave as a familiar to wreak havoc on the battle field]

Noire: (I could tweak her memory and manipulate it for a bit so my employer will have an easier time and I could go back to Kallen without spending too much time on this mission)

▪︎It's similar to the ability of Jinwoo from Solo leveling but instead of shadows, it's flesh and blood▪︎

Noire: but of course, I need to tell Tsuyumi and Kal'tsit what happened...

Noire: but too bad for them I can tamper with the brain quite easily


While Kal'tsit and Tsuyumi had their mind broken that everything that happening right now doesn't make sense

Closure: yeah... it doesn't make sense because their ruler can't be entertaining us

Theresa is coming with a Cautus child that even her bangs are covering her eyes and it seemed there's a black choker on its neck

Theresa: Amiya this is Dr. Tsuyumi, Dr. Kal'tsit, and Closure

Closure: so your name is Amiya?

Amiya nods shyly while hiding behind Theresa

Closure: ooh! Nice to meet you!

Kal'tsit: It seems she is quite shy

Tsuyumi: that's understandable but why does she have a choker?

Theresa: it's because she has been infected...

The three nod and they understand the situation while August is coming toward them

August: let's go now after all we have a lot of things we should talk about...

August's mood seemed a bit off and Tsuyumi and Kal'tsit want to ask her things but put it off and decided to ask next time

Theresa introduce Amiya to the rest of the group and they continued their way towards the President's Palace the guards tried to stop them but after seeing who Is the driver they quickly let them pass and they seemed to report it


only August, Tsuyumi, and Theresa have arrived inside the Palace to meet the president for further cooperation but the room is a bit empty

August: ohh! this place seemed getting cleaned quite often

Theresa: does the president have important business?

August: oh... no it's just the president your talking is in front of you

Theresa: ehh?

Theresa is confused quite splendidly while Tsuyumi is questioning all of her knowledge and probably her sanity is negative by now

August: ahem... I'm going to introduce myself again

August: my name is Augustina Daybreak the current ruler of RIM Billiton


Tsuyumi is shaking and wants to shout that everything is a hoax and she must be inside of a simulation but

"Noire: surprised?"

Tsuyumi is startled and looks at August

"Noire: don't be surprised because you will feel a little black out"

Tsuyumi: what are you?!

She felt a pain on her shoulders and a touch on her head

but that suddenly disappears like its nothing while an insect is flying outside from her jacket

Tsuyumi: what happened suddenly?

"Noire: nothing at all just a simple illusion

that works if a person is so absorbed in thinking"

Tsuyumi: I guess you are right... I need to not think of... what am I thinking again?

"Noire: how to bed Kal'tsit"

Tsuyumi: ah... yes how to-

Tsuyumi stops and whispers

Tsuyumi: just keep this a secret

"Noire: okay..."

Tsuyumi: I guess I need to negotiate with the president now


Meanwhile, Kal'tsit has been monitoring Closure and Amiya when she felt lightheaded all of the sudden and an insect flies away


Noire: making them forget that I become Augustina in the first place, and become a ninja instead works in my favor

Noire: now I need to take care of the rest of the officials here to make them act like Augustina didn't disappear

Noire: isn't that right Ashe?

Noire looks behind, the girl has white hair and pink eyes, she has rabbit ears and wears a pink top and bottom with a jacket she seems to have bandages and carrying a backpack

Ashe: Teacher...?