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The negotiations is very successful that made Noire happy she then goes inside the aircraft stealthily

"Tsuyumi: where are you now?"

Noire: already inside...

"Tsuyumi: I didn't see you here"

Noire: where are you guys?

"Tsuyumi: tomorrow is the departure because Theresa and Augustina have many things to talk about"

Noire: ohh...

Noire: I will come back tomorrow morning

"Tsuyumi: Huh?"

Noire: I need to go back to Arc city

"Tsuyumi: your body can't handle it"

Noire: don't worry I am fully recovered

"Tsuyumi: it seemed I can't change your mind"

Noire: of course

"Kal'tsit: just report after you reach there"

Noire: (Ahh... what a pain, even my mother didn't nag like that...)

Noire: fine...

Noire decided to lift off towards the horizon


Noire: since its still afternoon I will try to find the weapon that I used to kill the snake

Noire: where is my last memory of that fight... I guess its the sea where there is hydrogen sulfide present in the bottom

Noire: that I used to produce the so-called stink bombs but in Actuality, it's a killing gas

Noire: it's the black sea, I should fly there...


Noire: where is the exact location... Well I hope there are no sea creatures that will bother me

she decided to use a diving outfit and weights then she goes towards the depths

Noire: (uwah it's dark...)

she continued to explore the depths until she felt something watching her

Noire: (I can't use my blood arts because it's full of water and despite the I can't feel water resistance when swimming doesn't mean I can fight underwater)

Noire: (whatever I just need one to drain its blood and I could fight with the others after that)

something glows with light blue light it looks like a humanoid

Noire immediately lunges at the creature and sucks its blood then throw it towards the others but it immediately floats up

Noire: (minty...)

the surrounding has been filled with similar glows and they rushed toward Noire

Noire: (I should've got Rita first...)

her hands glow in crimson as she fights while maintaining her foothold in the murky soil as the surrounding has filled with dirt making her eyesight lessen

Noire: (It's like I'm fighting an alien species based on their structures)

every time Noire slashes the surroundings is filled with luminescent blood


Noire: (finally... although my diving suit is tattered)

Noire: (Well ever... I will find my sword no matter what...)


Noire: (here!)

the object has some red glow on to it and it seemed stuck deep in the sand

she tried to pull it out only to not be successful on it

Noire: (it seemed I can't wantonly swing this sword anymore even its not at full strength casually)

Noire: (I think its maximum weight is over 10 Megatons but right now it's set on 4 megatons I can't lift it anymore)

she clicked a mechanism on the blade making it lose its glow

she pulls the blade and she swam back up


she is now on the shore with her sword and a mountain-like pile of alien humanoids

Noire grabs lots of empty containers and sighs


Kallen is studying near the windows while Neko is engrossed with her Idol show

when Noire has arrived with messy hair

Kallen: Noire?! what happened?!

Noire: nothing at all I just found my snake smacker!

she shows the sword that is even bigger than her

Kallen: um... that's amazing!

[(¬‿¬ ) ahh yes the sword that is taller-]

Noire smacks Neko out of the room like a baseball

Noire: anyway Kallen did you need help?

Kallen: nothing at all

Noire put the sword in the wall while she sits on Kallen's lap

Noire: being short isn't bad at all...

Kallen: of course, it isn't bad

she decided to hug Noire

Kallen: why do you smell salty?

Noire: ahh... let me take a Bath first

Kallen: Okay

Noire moves towards the bathroom and takes a bath

Kallen looks at the bluish panel that she can only see

Kallen: is this true? am I not hallucinating?

♤ Noire Lenoir's Status♤

Real name: Annelouise Kathinya

Race: Vampire (former)

Faux (current)

Age: 1047

Affection: 100

Overall strength: Super powerful

Afflictions: Mental Instability, Various curses, Amnesiac

Life expectancy: 5 years

{Sadly it's the truth host...}

Kallen: But she looks fine...

{She is like that because she is with you}

Kallen: explain...

{when she is near you she can relax her entire mind and be open towards you but she has a deep fear that if you know her secrets you will hate her}

Kallen seemed lost and don't know what to do

Kallen: can you help me?

{Of course host! as the happy ending system, I will make sure to ensure your happy ending!}

Noire: Kallen who are you talking to?

Kallen: I'm talking to myself

Noire: is that so?

{Host I suggest that you carry her towards the bed and make her fall asleep}

Kallen: (okay)

Noire is confused about the situation but she enjoys it

she puts Noire on the bed and turns the cooler on

Noire: *yawn* it seemed I'm sleepy...

Kallen: it's okay I will wake you up when it's ready to eat

Noire: okay...

Noire closes her eyes and snoozes off

{We can talk using your thoughts}

Kallen: (I'm glad... can you tell me your name)


Kallen: (Well Alanna can you tell me what Faux is?)

{Faux is a race that uses others' DNA to have characteristics and have a body so to speak of}

Kallen: (Why did she become like that?)

{becuase of the various experiments she does to her body it becomes like that}

Kallen becomes speechless and becomes somber

Kallen: (I didn't think there were many things I didn't know about her)

{She has a complicated past that even she has no idea}

Kallen (What do you mean?)

{In her Afflictions she has Amnesiac which means she periodically lost some of her memories but her brain makes false scenarios to fill that gap up}

Kallen: (Why?)

{It's her childhood trauma}


A/N: I feel bad for Noire I'll make sure to make her achieve happiness through... random bullshit

A/N: well since I've changed the future ill tell you what will happen if Kallen didn't get a system

Noire has become happy and gives her first time to Kallen and by morning comes she erased her mark on the world and the name Noire will be invalid and disappear

Annelouise and Noire become one, now that Annelise comes back into the underworld

Due to the merge, many of the memories have disappeared so Annelouise goes inside of the castle feeling lost

her sister knows the one who committed the crimes isn't Anne so she tried to help Anne to recuperate

only to see Anne die so suddenly and she grief losing the last family member she had

while the 12 students become happy with their lives while Kallen is having her best life with her various harem members

though it seemed the word Noire seemed made her have a splitting headache so it's banned to say that word in front of her