WebNovelVamp Wine98.04%


In a bedroom, a pale blond girl is hugging a silver hair girl that has been sleeping in her arms

(You lied)

Noire: (what do you mean?)

(You and Annelouise are two different people)

(And the memories you've shown to them are fake that you've created)

Noire: (on what basis you can call those memories a lie?)

(if you are afraid of mixing then you can easily overtake her)

(but you will disappear when you two merged? that's impossible because it's still you)

(unless you and she aren't the same people)

Noire: (tsk... this is why I hate another soul inside of my body)

Noire: (I should've killed you back then... but well I'll humor you...)


Meanwhile, there's an unmanned vehicle driving towards the exit of the city

[(T ω T) can't she at least not hit me so hard? I'm going to break one way or another with me using as a base ball]

[(ー_ー ) ahh... I wish I could have a body right now... the taste of food is so nostalgic... I want to eat]

[( ̄ヮ ̄) what I'm doing here again? hmm... right two of them seemed to want to meet up with Noire right now and I'm here to pick them up]

[(-_-) still... how many days do I have left before Noire's memory will be wiped out... I believe it's 757 days left...]


In surroundings full of trees and flowers a pink and black haired girl is facing a white-haired one

Noire: well... this body of mine I get from my best friend

Neru: why?

Noire: the memories I've shown towards them are half lie and half fake with a little bit of truth

Neru: that's going to make it more confusing

Noire: I'm a person that is made of lies... I'm a parasite through and through

Noire: well the truth is far from sour to tell you the truth...

Neru: tell me

Noire: geez... I wish whoever your significant other can take you immediately because I'm going to go ballistic dealing with you

Noire: then let's start with how I've been born...

Noire: I've born in the blood lake in the underworld, well that's the place where corpses have been dumped

Noire: and surprised I'm a zombie

Neru: it's not surprising after all I see you eat a limb last month

Noire: you are an odd one, to be honest... Herrscher tends to be arrogant and has superior look at themselves

Neru: if they are influenced by the will then yes...

Noire: what can I say I tend to overeat until I can talk normally and look like a normal under dweller

Noire: I also like to collect scrap weapons, I also like killing and hurting other creatures

Noire: heck I always kill my fellow zombies if I had a chance to

Neru: so thats why you like massacring mutants...

she shrugs at the remark

Noire: it's a habit

Noire: I'm an odd one that's for sure... well it's because a god decided to gamble at me so I killed him

Neru: Seriously...

Noire: well moving on, I've been acquainted with Anne because a random noble decided to adopt me because I'm wearing rags...

Noire: speaking of that noble I called them my family

Neru: did you kill them as well?

Noire: Nope! they are still alive and kicking they just want me to introduce their future in-law next time I'll go back there

Neru: what's with this so suddenly?! are you trying to make the atmosphere light?!

Noire: not at all

Noire: well unlike Anne I'm fairly blessed despite my horrifying beginnings...

Noire: Anne is a coward, a weakling, a useless person, and has no talent

Noire: I guess if you compare her with me she is very insignificant

Neru: then why did you befriend her?

Noire: easy... because she is weak I want to make her strong so she can defeat me

Neru: wait... I remember you kept training students is it because you want someone to defeat you?

Noire: after many bubble universes that I've traveled that desire is gone... I just want to be happy at this point


Noire: I guess I'm very sentimental that my first student is dying that's why I decided to sacrifice myself to bring her back

Noire: but who would have thought that her soul is so effing weak that my torn soul can defeat her!!!

Noire: that is the most frustrating experience I have!!

Noire: and now I'm decided to attempt to become happy while waiting for the day that she will awaken

Neru: and you will disappear?

Noire: I won't disappear

Neru: ohh?

Noire: I will be gone for an undefined amount of time

Neru: that's disappearing

Noire: but much cooler

Neru: that doesn't change anything...

Noire: well thats all I can say so I hope that clears up your curiosity

Noir disappears in the mindscape leaving Neru alone

Neru: tsk... what a complicated mortal


Noire is cooking something because Kallen is still sleeping

Noire: *sigh* I hope Allana can help my condition so I could separate myself and Anne safely

Noire: if only I'm not hasty at my decisions... but I finally found her so I'm pretty sure I will not share her

Noire: ahh~ too bad I'm going to disappear

Noire: I forgot to call Tsugumi...

Noire goes back to the bedroom and grabs her phone

|Noire: I've come back|

|Tsuyumi: okay, I'll tell Kal'tsit that you are okay|

Noire closes the phone and looks at Kallen

she started to wake her up but she seemed still asleep

she started to tickle Kallen

Kallen: Noire...

Noire: we should eat

Kallen: Okay...


On the seemingly old bridge, there's a car waiting on the side while there's a floating sphere is inside

[(*¯︶¯*) l wonder when are they going to arrive?]

[(´• ω •`) I hope they won't take too long or else I'm going to wait for a very long time here]

[(≧▽≦) there they are!]

two girls are walking towards the car a blonde-haired girl that has sky blue eyes has a navy blue dress black tie, white socks and she wears a white headband

while the other one has brown hair and green eyes while she wears a sky blue dress and tie, while her socks are white that have stripes of blue and she wears a black headband

they both look identical to each other

[o(≧▽≦)o Alice!, Arisu! long time no see!]
