Boss Encounter

As Raulf started to throw the bodies in a pile. He walked around and see a new hole forming, but this time its larger that what he had encountered.

Finally, After hours, the guardian of the core revealed itself. Wearing a thick metal armor, having wings on its back and a spear.

"This shall be my new kingdom." The monstrous titan spoke as he releases steam out of his mouth. His body was red, showing such thick veins in his arms and has double the height of Raulf.

Raulf looked above surprised of the gigantic man. "What the fuck?" He exclaimed as he started positioned into a stance.

He held his grip as was about to attack but the titan look at him and the bodies slowly disintegrating around him. "Are you the one... who killed my people?" He looked down on him.

"I am impressed, but you are a threat to my kingdom." The titan placed his spear on the ground and widened his right hand.

A swarm of spearmen and archers came out of rifts. But it was different from what he had encounter earlier. '!' He looked at their eyes filled with extreme murderous intent. He felt chills but he was ready holding his blade tightly in his hand

They rush towards Raulf but he held his ground. Spears started flying at him but he dodged them swiftly. He cut their hands from the gaps of their armor.

The titan watched as his people started losing. "You!!" He took his spear and swung it. Raulf felt something was approaching him at an accelerating speed. He dropped down on the ground while he rolled as spears and arrows were thrown at him.

'!?' A large bang came from behind, he looked around seeing a large slice of the build. "Holy shit!"

He looked at them. 'I shouldn't waste any more time' He held his blade as it turned into a Huntsman. He leaped and dodged all of the men.

Raulf looked at his armor, trying to find ways to kill the man. He looked at his legs as some have his legs exposed.

"Its futile" The titan formed a stance as he started swinging rapidly trying to hit Raulf, but he was swift. "You ant!" He was frustrated and stab him once more but Raulf was already behind him.

"Nice! That was deep" He cut his ankle forcing him to slowly go down. His armor was useless as he started to analyze the gaps.

Raulf thought of slicing the armor but it was of no use. The metal is strong and his blade couldn't cut through it. It may be a powerful blade but what kind of metal is this armor made out of?

He was about to start an attack and then his heart suddenly hurts. He felt pain but was able to hold his ground. He never fell and was focused on the fight.

The Titan knew something, seeing he's wide open while in such pain he wanted to use it for his advantage.

"Attack!" He widened up his spear to unleash a power blow. Raulf took his time but blocked his spear with his knife. The titan grit his teeth, mad on what was happening.

Raulf felt weird as if someone was watching him. But he ignored it despite having such an uneasy feeling. Upon waves of spearmen and archers came out the numbers were lowered. From thousands down to a hundred.

He simply spawned killed all of them when he already kill the already existing ones. The titan's helmet went flying as his blade cut through his neck. The body fell causing a huge shake but immediately stopped. 'gr-'

The rifts were still existing but no longer summoned enemies.

A Helicopter from above looked at Raulf as they took a couple of pictures of him sitting in the piles dead bodies. He looked up and waved his hand "Hey! Help!!" but they immediately left when he noticed them.

"Did that man really took down that calamity? That much must be at least an A Rank?" The man looks at the photos in his camera asking questions.

"Why are you asking me that? Didn't you saw it with your own pair of eyes? Dont tell me you went blind while wearing that suit."

"We must report this asap. Quickly"

Raulf looked at helicopter fly away as he sighed. He looked around Paris while having such a weird sense of familiarity. "I guess im back home?"


'You..... Who are you?' He asked to himself while looking at the papers. Raulf looked at the man "Where did they go to?"

"I heard they we're sent by the president." He started thinking but he swayed his head. "Other than that I have no clue."

"Hmm.. Since these things you call "Rifts" ate all defeated. Why isnt everyone leaving the center?" Raulf asked out of curiosity.

"An unknown phenomenon is making those exposed in the rifts age longer. Slowly taking their lifespan. You either need to go to a shelter or cover your entire body."

"So when are the citizens coming out?"

"Probably 4 hours from now. Going out means death anyways."

'so, Ive been out there for almost a day? huh' "Thanks for the information."

"No problem, Anyways you can leave. You answered my questions already. I already answered yours."

Raulf went out of the room and looked at curtains covering the window. he opened it and looked at the sky and it started turning night.

"Hey!" Camille came out of nowhere and waved at Raulf. Raulf looked at her while puzzled.

"Dont you have a job?" He tilted his head out of curiosity. Wondering why she approached him.

"Ah.. Its our break after that search and rescue mission."

"Well, I have to go. Good luck on your job" Placing his hands in his pockets as he slowly leaves. "You're about to leave?" Camille asked.

Raulf nodded as went to the luggage area for his equipment. He showed them the card and immediately left out of the center.


"Finally, Im here" After missions that was given to Raulf, not bothering finding his alternate self. He went into the docks.

The place was filled with dust as he started going above. "This should be it" He found crates. He opened it to find multiple loads of guns.

"They should be here by this month." Operation GB-79. A group of terrorists and arms dealers were trading guns, August 7 19**.

Raulf looked around to find some crates filled with food and some beverages. He smiled not having to worry about food for now.

"Now that I think about it. What should i do in this life?" Wondering with a can in his hand.