Meeting You

"This club is a where i usually hang with my friends. They have a performance here I think so lets go in"

"Camille, while I was fighting this "Calamity" Im pretty sure this place received damages due to the behavior of those... things.. But why is the exterior clean compared to the ones I saw while we were going here?"

"Ill explain one we enter the club. come on, lets have some fun for awhile."

Upon reaching the doors the security asked for their IDs. They gave it to the guard as he look at Raulf. "Hey... Didn't you just enter? When did you leave?"

Raulf looks at him, confused. "Pardon?"

The man looked at this with a confused face. "You... Never mind. You have a performance Tonight. Good luck."

Camille looks at the two of them as she slowly spoke. "Alright...."

Raulf and Camille felt awkward as they entered while Raulf not knowing what the man meant.

The establishment was bright. Music was playing and people were chatting and drinking. They sat down on their reserved table as Camille placed her bag besides her.

"While we wait for service I have something to ask you."

"Wait, Im quite confused but can you answer my questions first? Such a catastrophe happened and people like this recovered in a day or two?"

"Ah... Let me explain. Since the calamities appeared France has alot of huge Players and Clearers. They are the ones who destroyed those creatures."

Camille opened her tablet and swiped to an image.

"These creatures drop coins worth alot of money. Unknown reasons why they disappear when they aren't in contact with someone. And on rare occasions they drop materials and Items."

She swipes to another image.

"This here is what they had created. An auto recovery device. Once a structure has been scanned by it, it will automatically rebuild the structure. This establishment has a Tier 3 device but the people here has a Tier 1 device with already cost alot. That's why they are here."


"Anyways what im about to say. I have a favor to ask you, Can you help me?"

"Im all ears."

"My parents from Japan found a wealthy and influenced person. They want me to be his Fiancee for their own greed and reasons."

"....Hmm... Youre from a highly classed family? And where are you getting at? Do you want me to snap the neck of that bastard?"

"Woah woah woah, too far."

A waiter came by and offered them glasses of water. "Ah thank you" Raulf replied.

"Then what do you want me to do?" He reached over the glass of water drinking it.

"I want you to become my husband."

Raulf paused for a moment, trying to digest the water. "HA?"

"TEMPORARILY!" Camille closes to him with a mad face.

"Ah... alright... Fine. But can you do something for me in return?"

"What's it about?"

Raulf places a map, Circling out a place and a couple of photos taken.

"A nearby port as been smuggling Rifles and Drugs. Since you're from a highly classed family, I'll assume you have connections to the military. If not then pretend I didn't ask"

Camille looked at the files, personnel and data. She slid it back to the envelope it was kept. "Give me a copy, Ill submit it to someone I know from the special forces. They can report it to a higher authority personnel."

"How did you get such data? It looks authentic." Camille asked with curiosity

"I found it while arriving at the port. Saw a couple of boxes, drugs, and money. But i dont know where they are going to be operating again. Tell them fast about it cause they will be using that at any moment."

'That's only a minor event. Something big will eventually happen later that alot of lives will be taken.' Raulf deeply thinks of the tragedy what was about to come.

"Hey! Hey Raulf! What's with the deep thoughts?" Camille waved her hand in front of his face

"Oh ah. Sorry." Raulf looks at back at Camille apologizing

"Just wait for the food to arrive. The performance is about to start."

The performer entered the stage while its pitch black. Raulf looked at the stage, waiting for the performance to start.

The lights turned on, And he looked at the stage with his eyes widened.

"Im not... dreaming right?"

Both looks at each other in surprise.