•••16. The Arrîvâl part 3•••

The serpent like eyes of the Queen didn't miss the spark of emotions that swirled in the irises of the other ladies of the tea party. They were sharpening their tongue to shoot arrows of words at the Princess who was late. In fact the tea party was organized to fulfil the aim of disheartening and damaging the reputation of this intruder that she doesn't belong here, in the palace. The mother sat comfortably on her plush chair and drank her favourite Teawine that coated her tongue with spicy, woody and fruity flavour as she sat like an audience waiting for the play to start in theatres.

Upon the arrival of Princess, a maid served her hot, freshly brewed tea. The table which was laid down on a cleared spot of the garden was oval in shape. Several chairs were arranged on both sides of the table where the noble ladies sat, as per their assumed status to the Queen. Tea pots, plates full of cakes, biscuits and snacks were available for the participants to devour.