•••32. Argument•••

The clinking of cutleries in a proper aristocratic manner was the only audible sound that could be heard in the sophisticated, luxurious restaurant that were only meant for the nobles. Other than the sound of cutlery, hushed whispers and murmurs followed in the restaurant, sometimes the murmurs died down completely giving of an eerie silence and again the conversations continued. The waiters glided along the tables gracefully and served the customers with a constant smile on their face. The atmosphere to Isleen was nothing but stifling. She felt choked as she chewed solemnly on the salad that was unwillingly ordered for her by her fiance because for some reason, he assumed that like all other women, she too would be 'modest' enough to pretend about her diet in front of a man, while he, on the other hand, cut his steak and put the pieces in to his mouth happily.