
I closed my eyes and opened them slowly, taking a deep breath.

I leaned my head back on the pillow, and felt my head sink rapidly. It was throbbing, like a drummer was inside. Today was definitely one of the worst days of my life.

I sighed.

My whole body was stiff, and I believed my muscles had stopped working when I lay in bed.

Damn it.

I untied my blue tie, and realized my throat was stuck. All the words that didn't come out earlier today strangled me now. I took another deep breath, trying to keep the feeling of helplessness and pain out of me. I made circular movements with my shoulders. When I couldn't stay calm anymore, I took a relaxing bath. I let the water fall around me, hot. I closed my eyes tight, and it was like I could see him in front of me again. It tortured me.

I couldn't let it get to me, but I allowed it anyway. And I wondered if it was that bad, because maybe I really deserved it all. My sister hated me—just like the rest of the world—my dad was in a fucking hospital, living on braces, and I was…well, trying to hold my own.

I lifted my head and the water ran through my hair. I ran my hands over them, combing them back with my fingers, rubbed my eyes, and leaned my forehead against the cool wall.

"Fuck," I yelled, punching the wall.

On that one day, I had to be strong enough to realize that this was all real, but again, I ignored it, and the weight it forced me to carry was unbearable. Tears welled in my eyes, stinging, burning. I couldn't allow them, because that would declare me a coward. But not resisting seemed tempting.

I ran my hands down my face, feeling the stubble growing, and brought them to my abdomen. I smiled. The only normal thing that had happened to me today was a fucking coffee burst right in my most expensive suit. I mentally saw my secretary's expression, and damn it, I only noticed the redness in her face then. She was red. My eyes caught the mesmerized gaze, feasting as I undid the buttons, revealing my body beneath my clothes.

How long does?


My tongue passed between his lips. Would it be wrong to hit one thinking about my hot secretary? Well, she seemed quite entertained by my little show earlier. Do not. I resisted A smile escaped my lips.

Come on, Chase… the day hasn't been complete shit, admit it.

I couldn't think of anything else but my secretary's half-open pink mouth. The muscles in my body contracted. I brought my hand to the cock, and involuntarily traced it with a finger. I bit my lower lip. It wouldn't be so bad if I relieved myself. Maybe he'd even thank her later, because without a doubt, that ass deserved a handjob.

Your perverted!

You're talking to a girl, you can't knock one for your secretary," the little voice in my head said.

I was hard, completely hard.

What's her name again?







My hand felt warm as it touched my stiff member. I swallowed the saliva and the water ran through my body, sliding deliciously. I closed my eyes tight and pictured Annelise in my mind. Nobody's ever been arrested for hitting one, have they? My chest rose and fell, indicating that the wave of arousal I felt had completely engulfed me. Breathing increased, I slipped my hand along the cock, feeling its fiery hardness. A dry moan escaped the back of my throat.

I pictured Annelise in that tight pencil skirt on all fours. I got close, wet with the coffee she'd spilled on me, and slapped her ass.

Mean girl.

She let out a squeak.

I ducked, and she turned toward me, that stupid grin on her face.

I accelerated the movements. My cock throbbed under her touch. I leaned back, drawing my brows together, inexplicably too excited to stop. A wave of images of Annelise ran through my mind:

On top of the table, sucking my cock, wet, naked… how was she supposed to be naked?



Luckily or unluckily, the company played. I turned off the shower, wrapped a towel around my body and went to answer it. On the other side of the door was the doorman, the smile on his face was almost exaggerated.

— Mr. Ward," he said. I noticed a box in his hands. "Sorry to bother you, but..." He looked at the box. — A woman had this delivered to you.

I frowned and took the box from her hands.

- Thanks.

"She said that…" I closed the door, leaving him to chatter to himself.

I pulled away and headed for the couch. I sat on the arm of the sofa and opened the box. He had a note along with his jacket and shirt.


Did she have some sort of scrying?

And why am I worried that she knows about my special needs? It was just an incident. An incident she caused. It's not my fault for being creative.

I took the ticket, opened it and read:

Annelise I didn't get a chance to return it in person, but still. It's here, brand new.


Ah, how cute.

I got up, walked to the kitchen. I opened the lid of the garbage, pressing my foot into place, and threw the suit away.

