A time traveler?

"What the hell is wrong with this guy!?"

It didn't take a while for Timothy and Yelena to finally understand what was happening.

Maybe it was because of the dark environment, but the scene in front of them was more horrifying than it already was.

At first, Yelena and Timothy believed that it was Lupic's power that made him formidable, and they weren't completely wrong, but that was not all.

"This bastard is mad!" Even timothy was forced to admit that Lupic was not your typical thug.

Lupic died, and another Lupic died, and another one died, but fifty other Luipics appeared.

Those who died had their body turned into charcoal, their interiors bursting out of their body, and their brain electrocuted and melted.

But Lupic was still advancing toward Yelena and Timothy without a sign of fear in his eyes.

It turned into psychological warfare.

Bodies began to fill the area and they were in an extremely sorry state.