Notion of present (Part 3)

Overconfidence and cowardness were two elements that were closely related, and a person could be at the same time overconfident and a coward.

Such a person would always believe that they could do anything, that they were always right, but that was only because they feared failure.

Indeed, they feared failure so they hid behind their fake beliefs, persuading themselves that their every action was absolute.

Nevertheless, such a person would meet a bitter end, sooner or later, as no one would be absolute while being ignorant.

Adam, of course, had gained a lot of confidence in himself, in his ability, but he was still ignorant, and he kept making mistakes.

Thus, in front of the three girls, he needed to prove what kind of person he was.

The girls were very comprehensive considering what happened, and Adam knew this, but he couldn't also tell them everything just because of that.