Chapter 3, New Mission

Once the helicopter hovered just a bit not touching the ground. We jumped off and scanned the area for any Charlies, it was cleared we huddled with the Sarge as he debrief us again.

"Alright listen we're a few clicks from the supposedly enemy artillery, we're going to set up satchel charges on them and blow em to kingdom come understand?" He asked us which we said "Yes Sir!"

"Alright let's get moving" We followed Scully who was the point man, he was armed with a shotgun so he was prepared.

"Listen this area could be trapped watch for anything tripwires, suspicious objects like weapons also if you see a dead comrade don't bother trying to retrieve his dogtags cause I'll be collecting yours" Sarge told us.

"Sir I believe I see movement" Scully said which put us all on alert. Sarge motion us to get low and move slowly.

I swallowed hard and held my rifle tightly while I slowly moved with my group. I already killed my first Charlie but this might be a entire army of them so I couldn't help but feel scared.

"Wait!" Scully said quietly "Tripwire" He pulled his knife out and cut the wire which Sarge nodded "Good eye"

We continue to move til we came across an old pillbox it was covered in moss and vines "How old is this thing?" I asked.

"Second World War Mickey" Sarge said, I hated that name Mickey cause I'm short but I shouldn't focus on that name.

"Japs used to have control of this shit" Sarge tells us, "My dad fought in the Pacific Theatre Sir" I said.

"Hmm..So he would be used to this shit" Sarge says. We checked the pillbox which was empty nothing was inside but an old torn and rotting Japanese flag.

We left the pillbox and continue to make our way to the objective. We heard loud booming noises thus meaning we're nearing the enemy Artillery, Sarge motion us to keep moving.

Bucky spit on a planet before looking through his scope, saying "Sarge I see a couple of Charlie and a Machine gun nest"

"Pointing at us?" He asked, "No sir" Bucky replied. "Machine Gun lay down suppressing fire when Bucky takes out their Machine Gun nest"

"Mickey your with me, Scully, Marshall and Kyle" He ordered as we quietly got close enough to the enemy.

They were firing their artillery shells at possible U.S troops, I looked behind us to see Bucky climbing up a tree and using a branch to steady his aim.

Then I watched his rifle jerk and the Charlie gunner dropped to ground. I listen to his friends scream in alert as Paul fired the machine gun I think he knocked down two or three of the Charlies while the rest went for cover.

I fired my Carbine while Sarge and rest did the same with their weapons. "Grenade out!" Kyle shouted tossing a grenade which the Charlies ran away while it destroyed a few boxes.

Sarge order us to move up while firing his M16 rifle. I watched each Charlie fall even some still screaming in agony.

I gritted my teeth at the screams they made it was unbearable and inhumane to hear til I hear Marshall's voice.

"Snap out of it man!" He said, "Charges now!" Sarge shouted as I ran to the artillery and placed down the charges.

"Charge set sir!" I said then we pulled back and watched the charges go off, one of the artilleries tipped over knocking into the other and one even flipped over the side and tumbled.

"Call it in" Sarge said.

Marshall held the radio and begin to talk to Command "Command this is Golf 1"

"Go ahead Golf 1" Command said, which Marshall begin to speak "Command Charlie Artillery has been knocked out Command" "Copy that Golf Six, move to the LZ about three clicks west of your position"

"Copy that Command" Marshall put the radio away, "Sarge Command wants us to move to the LZ three clicks west"

"Alright lets move" He says as we marched through the jungle.

It was hot very hot, Paul slapped his neck killing a mosquito "Damn bloodsuckers..." He muttered.

Kyle drink from his canteen a bit before passing it to Bucky who also took a sip. We continue to move til Sarge order us to halt and take a quick break check our ammo and fill up our canteens.

I watched Sarge pull out a cigarette taking a smoke, I sat down taking out my journal and begin to write down.

'It was hot in the jungle, mosquitoes were frequent and malaria was an issue but thanks to malaria pills it helps combat it, we just cleared out a enemy artillery' I wanted to keep writing but I heard gunshot.

I snapped to my feet grabbing my rifle as the rest begin to fire in the direction it came from. "Ambush!" Kyle screamed.

"Return fire!" Sarge yelled firing his rifle, I was panicked and fired my rifle back at where I think the enemy is.

I fired my carbine while I heard what seem to be screaming but it wasn't from my own group, Sarge ordered us to cease fire.

We went over to where the enemy is suppose to be, I looked and it was at least three of them they were NVA.

I patted one and grabbed a letter I couldn't read it since I don't speak Vietnamese.

"Fucking Gooks!" Paul shouted kicking one's corpse til Kyle intervene "Hey back off!" "Fuck off!" Paul shouted as they begin to argue til Marshall separated them.

"If you ladies are done...we got an LZ to make towards lets go" He says Paul and Kyle stopped fighting and followed.

We should be nearing the LZ, I was hoping once we get there we'll be send back to base before our next mission.

"Damn it's hot..." Bucky said, "No kidding" Paul said.

We got to the LZ and watch as a Helicopter land while a group of other soldiers stepped off while we boarded.

Once it took off we relaxed, "Well done boys that was just the easy part the next part isn't so damn easy, we're going ahead once again to secure a small town we got some wounded there and our job is to hold off an enemy attack so our tanks can roll in and our boys get pulled out understand?" He said.

"Yes Sir!" We shouted, "Good...if we survive this then I'll be damn impressed and sooner you can all go home"

"What about you Sarge? don't you want to go home?" I asked, "Not me Son, this is all I know"

I swallowed on what he said, I can tell by his eyes he's not truly there.

I'm hoping this will be simple despite what Sarge says, once it's done I'll be writing a long letter to my family again.