Chapter 6, Classified

The War was still heating up but from what I heard back in the States people are protesting against the war and are calling for all of us to be brought back home.

I even heard them calling us Baby killers, I never killed anyone let alone a child I've killed other combatants cause that's what I was trained for, these people don't know what we're doing.

Sometimes I even wonder why I even decided to serve, I open my journal and begin to write.

February 9th, 1972

'It's been a month since I was sent to Vietnam, I've completed a couple of jobs for my unit and continue my work as Small Arms Repair

It's still pretty humid over here and the bugs are getting more annoying but their not as annoying as the enemy, popping out of tunnels, huts and buildings

I can't handle how many times I had to fire my weapon, still I miss my family and hoping this war will be over soon' I finished writing as I placed my journal down and closed my eyes to sleep.

Bucky and Marshall were watching T.V, Paul was having some drinks with Kyle and Scully went to mingle with one of the Vietnamese women despite Kyle telling not to other wise he'll get Jungle Rot, whatever that is. I slept for a few hours til SGT. Gilligan came in and order us up and get ready.

"Gentlemen we're going to be on a highly classified mission, we'll be head into Cambodia our mission is to search and destroy a base that Command believes is supplying Charlie with enough fire power to take out our tanks and choppers" He says.

"Cambodia? does anyone in Command know about this Sir?" Bucky asked which Gillian turned to him taking out a toothpick he happen to be chewing on.

"What word of Classified don't you understand Bumpkin?" He says which made Bucky quiet real fast.

To be honest I'm a bit skeptic about going to Cambodia since we're fighting Vietnam not Cambodia.

We made our way to the Helicopter as it took off to the air and flew. I noticed Gillian putting green paint on his face then he passed it to Kyle who did the same.

Marshal then Bucky, Scully, Paul then me; We looked like the Native Americans who painted their faces for war.

"This shit on your face will protect you boys" Gillian said as he prepared his rifle while the Helicopter slowly descended and we hopped out.

"Alright we're near the border of Cambodia remember Command wants us to head in find and destroy base and we leave okay? remember we weren't there deny everything got it? let's go" After the prep talk we moved into the jungle.

Gillian was holding his rifle upwards as we walked through some water which was at our legs. I checked my sides while Paul eyed every tree and bush in case of an ambush.

Kyle pulled a leech off of his leg as he quietly cursed. Marshall and Scully stood side by side saying it'll make it easier for them.

"Radio" Gillian asked which Marshall handed him the radio then Gillian spoke "This is Golf reaching to Papa Bear"

"This is Papa Bear go ahead Golf" "Papa Bear we have entered area and there's no signs of any tangos orders?"

"Golf orders remain the same the 'Party' should be couple clicks from your position search and destroy and head back to the LZ" "Wilco Papa Bear Over and Out" Gillian handed back the radio to Marshall.

While we continue to walk I rubbed my eyes before cupping some of the water from a stream to splash myself quickly awake.

"Sarge" Scully whispered, Gillian looked to him while Scully cut a fire to a trap which Gillian continue to lead us but first he patted his back.

While we made our way to the Objective we stopped by a ridge and looked over. We found the Objective.

The area had two machine guns by their flanks, a barracks, a few tanks and one Artillery. Gillian looked through his binoculars then spoke "Ammo depot, Anthony I want you to set up charges in there and..." He went quiet which made me on age.

"Scully you put some explosives on that tank, Bucky you have suppressor?" Gillian turned to him which Bucky said he did.

"Set up sniping position and take out the Sniper towers"

Scully and I quietly went down the side and snuck down. I held my Carbine tightly while Scully took point then he stopped me and pointed to a Soldier who was drinking.

"I got it" He tells me I watch him sneak up to the man and grabbed ahold of him. He struggled then Scully tighten his grip to the man's throat with his arm then he begin to loosen as the man went limp as Scully dragged him back.

I followed Scully then we parted ways, I stepped into the Ammo Depot and saw many Rifles, RPGs and Machine Guns. I took out my explosives and set them before leaving but then I quickly hide just as two Soldiers walked past me.

My heart was racing into my throat but I had to focus and regroup with my team. I noticed on the far side, Scully gave me a thumbs up then we linked up and had to move out of the area.

However another Soldier was in the way this time I volunteer to handle him, I grabbed a rock and tossed it hitting the side of a wall which made him grabbed his rifle and investigate allowing me and Scully to quickly ran past.

"Charges set sir" I said which Gillian nodded "Send it" I hit the detention.

Fire flew up into the air with smoke, the Ammo Depot went up in flames as the bullets acted live spraying into the area which the enemy ran from their barracks grabbing their rifles and the alarm went off.

"Alright go go!" Gillian told us and we ran.

Far as I would know the Enemy could chasing us but we kept running. I could see the plains which we kept running and didn't stop.

"Call it in" Gillian ordered which Marshall drew his radio "Papa Bear this is Golf, objective is finished we are requesting for pick up"

"Copy that but negative on the pick up Golf, area is very hot right now move west you'll be linking up with another group of SOG who'll be finishing your job"

"Yes Sir Golf Out, We gotta move West Sarge" Marshall said while Gillian spat on the ground then snorted "You heard him let's go"

I looked back seeing the smoke in the sky before following the rest of them as we prepare to leave Cambodia.

This was highly classified and thus like Sarge said we weren't here.