Chapter 11, Prison Break

The Moon shine in the night sky, I sat with my unit of Scully, Marshall and Bucky. Our mission is rescue some Marines from a NVA prison, the mission is simple get in and get out.

I quietly walked down with my unit as we stayed off the road and used the wall for cover. Over the way I heard them talking even a T.V. playing, We kept close to the wall to avoid any spotlights.

I saw a small hole which could go under the wall, I took out my trenching tool and stuck it into the dirt and begin digging.

I kept digging til I made it big enough for a person to squeeze through.

"Marshall you say back with Scully, Bucky you and I are skinny enough to slip in" I said as I begin to push myself through the hole.

I sucked in my gut and got through then Bucky followed the room smelled horrible. I looked around and saw blood on the floor and walls even a table hald straps with fresh and old blood.

I wanted to throw up but I kept it down, Bucky tugged my arm and pointed to a fellow Marine who was sitting in a corner.

He was bruised and filthy when we approached him he flinched til he realize we're friends, I grabbed him and brought him to the hole here Scully pulled his arms and yanked him out.

Bucky and I continue to search for any more prisoners, when I saw a stand with hanging bodies and a wall painted with blood and ejected bullets.

"Bastards are killing P.O.Ws" Bucky said, I motion him to stay low as we slowly made our way out of the courtyard. A lone guard was out smoking so I quietly went behind him and grabbed his mouth.

He screamed in my hand as I plunge my knife into his chest and with a few stabs he went silent, I dragged him back.

Looking up to see a window I kneel down and gave Bucky a boost up as he climbed through. "Find the prisoner or any Intel I'll keep watch" I said as he gave me the OK sign and vanished.

I held my rifle awaiting for him, my eyes were darting around in case of any of the guards appeared. I turned and looked at NVA, except he was covered in blood and had wounds on his body.

Whether he was actually there or not I shouldn't focus on it so I turned away and took out some gum and begin chewing to calm myself.

"Anthony!" Bucky said which I looked up as he throw a makeshift rope making two POWs climb down.

Me and Bucky lead them back to the hole and they went through, I ordered Bucky to go back while I keep searching. He didn't argue as he went through and I went back.

I climb through a window and saw sleeping guards which I slipped past, I continue my search then I heard cries of agony.

Making my way to a shack looking building, I quietly slipped into and saw a Marine on a table in agony as a man wearing doctor's robe was doing something to him.

I took out my trenching tool and said "Hey asshole.." He turned to face me then I smacked him hard into the head which he dropped.

I looked at the Marine he was in a horrible state, he had deep cuts, bruises, puncture wounds even one of his legs was missing.

"K-Kill....Me...." He said, I was horrified from what I was looking at I can't bring him back cause he won't survive so I took out some morphine and injected it into him to numb the pain.

"Mama....Mama..." He cried, I held his hand tightly he tried to squeeze my hand til it went limp. I held my head down then took his dogtags as I left.

I heard some of the Guards shouting and running, they must of find their prisoners gone so I quickly ran for the hole but the Guards were there.

But I didn't stop running towards them when they saw me I was already up and close. I cracked one with my shovel and the other with my fist, I crawled through the hole as Scully and Bucky pulled me through.

We started running with the POWs, Marshall carried the most wounded one on his shoulders. The NVA shouted and fired at us but we kept running.

"Damnit! which way?!" Bucky shouted, "To the right!" Scully motion however we found a dirt road and the NVA were will on our tail.

"Keep running!" I shouted so we keep running.

Once we reached a river bank we had to run across as fast as we could, a small group of Villagers noticed us so I hushed them as we all stormed into one of their huts.

We were all panting as inside of a family, I motion them to keep quietly then I look outside listening for the enemy which none show so I begin to assume we lost them.

"You guys have water?" I asked taking out my canteen shaking it "Water" Which an older man nodded an ask we need food to feed the wounded soldiers which the family gave us some food.

We feed the wounded POWs, "Marshall call HQ"

"Golf to Command" He said "This is Command go ahead Golf"

"Command we located the POWs we are in a unmarked village and we'll be using the cover of night, is their a nearby group or base we could use?" Marshall asked.

"Golf, Base Hotel Echo is seven clicks away" "Copy that Command Golf out" Marshall hung up as he told me which I nodded and turn to the family.

"Is there a boat we can use?" The father nodded and had us follow him to a boat which we loaded the POWs and I gave the man some money as a thank you.

I push the boat into the water and climbed aboard, I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"What's going on?" Marshall asked, "This....This damn war....That prison was just a torture place" I said.

"Do you think we have the same?" Bucky asked which I stared at him then looked away staring at the water.

"God I hope not..." I muttered