Chapter 13, Heroes and Monsters

War can bring the worst out of anyone regardless who they are; Soldier, Militia or even Civilian.

I can't let myself fall into that madness since I'm doing my service by protecting people not by murdering them. But sometimes when it comes between NVA and VC, I can tell whose a NVA but VC makes it more difficult.

We were on a boat going down the river while on the road where troops and some vehicles. We're heading for a City that we're suppose to take back from NVA, 12th Battalion along with some South Koreans have already engaged the enemy and we're coming up as back up.

Kyle turned on the radio playing some Rolling Stones. I was writing a letter to my family while Paul was over the side throwing up from motion sickness.

Bucky was on top of the boat using binoculars, Scully cleaned out his sidearm and main weapon, Marshall was talking to Gillian. I finished my letter then out it in my uniform til we're finished with the mission.

The boat stopped we jumped out and went up the shore.

Trenches were formed as U.S and Korean Troops were using them for cover, Sherman tanks rolled in and fired in the city.

I sat down with my unit as Gillian begin to talk a strategy with us then a Camera crew went over to us.

"Pardon me I'm with the news and us wondering if you could tell us of the ongoing in the city?" The Report aim the mic to Gillian.

"Well Charlie is holding the city and we're going to have them pay some rent" He says, "And is it true that there are crimes going on against the Vietnamese people?"

I cut into the interviewer "We know nothing about any crimes we're here to fight the enemy not harm civilians the moment someone aims a rifle at us they are no longer classified as a civilian but a combatant....It's all messed up but like I said we're hear to fight America fights for Freedom and-" "Incoming!" One Soldier shouted as nearly everyone went for cover as a mortar round went off near us.

I just stood unfazed then spat on the ground, "Like that their fighting to defend the city and we need to take it back" I said when walk back to my unit.

Once the tanks finished firing and stared rolling in, we all charged into the city. I fixed a bayonet to my M16 in case for close encounters, the city was nearly rubble.

Some buildings were burning, cars were destroyed, Civilians were almost non existence.

We hide behind a wall as a Machine gun fired at us, Bucky slowly aim over the wall and fired his rifle.

"I got em Sarge" Bucky said then Gillian tossed a smoke grenade once it popped we ran out and went into a school.

Inside were a couple of Marines and few Army, they sat around taking shots at the enemy outside.

In the middle was a frighten NVA as one of the Marines kicked him in the chest sending him to the floor.

"Commie piece of shit doesn't deserve mercy!" One Marine said, then one of the Marines hold his arm.

"Wait! maybe he can help us" "Help Us?!" I watched the Marine shoot the NVA in the head killing him.

"Only good commie is a dead commie" He said while laughing. I just glowered to which the Marine noticed me and said "What? he's a commie we kill commies"

Scully held my arm pulling me away which I followed. Paul fired his MG out of a window while Kyle was patching up a wounded soldier.

Gillian ordered me, Marshall and Scully to follow.

Once we got outside we took cover in a crater, bullets went over our heads as mud and dirt was falling. I ripped a grenade from my vest and snapped the pin off as I then lobe it over me.

Gillian fired his rifle with Marshall talking into the radio, Scully fired a few shells from his shotgun. I heard the cries of a wounded soldier I looked over from position and saw a U.S. Army Soldier holding his wounded stomach as he cried.

Without thinking I rushed out despite Scully yelling for me, I picked up the the wounded Soldier over my shoulder and started running.

I ran back into the school where Kyle, Paul and Bucky were, putting the soldier down as Kyle went to save him. I ran back for my unit but a explosion went off sending me into the ground.

My vision was blurry and my ears ringed trying to adjust to the sound, two Marines were dragging me back to cover.

I watch Scully following them with Marshall and Gilligan. Gillian was saying nothing I couldn't hear til my hearing readjusted.

"Keep up the fire!" He shouted. Marshall was literally screaming into the radio then Scully blasted a flanking NVA.

I looked over from the cover then I shouted "Tank!" "Fuck! Fall back fall back!" Gillian shouted as we ran back.

It was becoming literal Hell, bullets were whizzing past us like bees and some fellow troops were dropping either dead or wounded.

I breathed heavily while I ran then with a scream i jumped through a window of house as Gillian, Scully and Marshall followed me.

Scully was reloading his shotgun while Marshall vomited to the side of us.

"Come on keep moving!" Gillian said as we followed, my eyes were stuck in a widen state I couldn't close them and I was clenching my rifle almost like I could break the damn thing.

We went out to a courtyard firing a small group of NVA taking them out quite easily.

Gillian lead us to a flank the enemy tank, "Take out the tank!" He ordered popping smoke. I ran out once the smoke filled the area placing a charge on the tank and ran before setting the charge off destroying the tank.

I stared at the burning tank with my widen eyes not even moving despite Gillian shouting at me and bullets edging closer to me.

I clenched my teeth and my body begin to tremble I felt my vision was darkening and I felt a rush through my body I couldn't tell if I was scared or angry anymore but I can tell one thing that I am alive then I let out a scream.