Chapter 17, Camp Longhorn

Our bullets kept firing til the Spetsnaz were forced to fall back allowing to run. Suddenly Gillan tripped over a ditch causing him to fall, Paul ran over grabbing him as he carried him while I man his MG60.

Paul had Gillan on his shoulders while I was facing backwards firing the MG it was heavy and powerful bullets ripped into chucks of woods and torn through vines.

Three Spetsnaz troops came out and the MG cut them down. They stood for one second and when I pulled the trigger and sprayed the rounds they fell hard.

I kept my finger pulling the trigger to keep any Spetsnaz away from us. Kyle, Bucky and Scully were throwing the cover off of our boat as they climbed aboard.

Marshall and I fired at any remaining Spetsnaz following us before we got on board and drove the boat down the sea and away from the land.

"That shit was crazy we just faced an entire group of Russians" Kyle said, Scully looked at the shore seeing no Russians or NVA followed us.

"You okay Sarge?" Paul asked as Gillan held his ankle "Yeah I'm fine well done gentleman drinks are on me tonight, and gentlemen a for a group of non Green Beret let me just welcome you to MACVSOG"

Our Mission in North Vietnam was a success whoever that man was and what important role he had in Vietnam was finished. Our service in Nam was far from over, not sure how many months I got left but I know it won't be peaceful.

I lay on a bed writing in my journal of everything that's transpire from the retaking the city and sending Chau to America to be with my family.

She's carrying my baby and I never felt so happy before til now, I'm becoming a Dad once this is all over I'm inviting everyone in my unit including Jamie to my wedding.

After writing I put my journal away and lay on my side as I begin to sleep. In my dreams my surrounded by pools of red water I couldn't tell if it be blood or something else.

Walking through it felt like I was walking through mud I kept walking as it got harder to walk then i felt like I was sinking.

Something begin to nudge me when I looked it was a corpse of a fellow Soldier, I panicked pushing it away as another body nudged into me this time of a dead NVA then VC and Spetsnaz.

I became overwhelm and sank into the red water, i struggled to breath then I found myself washed onto a floor with a woman in a chair facing away from me.

I got up and noticed it was Chau I ran to her only to notice two NVA aiming their guns at her as I try to scream they fired. They aim their guns at me and fired.

I felt bullets ripped into me as I became loaded then I felt backwards into the dark abyss.

Waking up I begin coughing and gasping for air til Kyle held me saying "Anthony relax man! relax!" I was looking all over my side I was drenched in sweat before I begin to calm down.

After gaining my bearings I grabbed some breakfast with Kyle and the rest of my unit, breakfast was made up some scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, some sausages with orange juice and coffee.

"My ma would make the best biscuits and gravy y'all would ever eat" Bucky said, "Hey Tony what did you do before being put in this group?" Paul asked me.

"Small Arms Repair" I said chewing on some sausages, "I worked with Engineers" Paul said.

"I was a nurse" Kyle said, "Transfered from another group I did labour work" Bucky said.

"Worked with artillery" Marshall said then Scully drink his coffee saying "Clearing out nests" Gillan came over drinking his coffee.

"Hope you boys had a good breakfast we're being sent to Camp Longhorn in Black Virgin Mountain we're being sent as support so no special mission, possible high NVA forces in the area so everyone stay alert" He says.

After breakfast we climbed apart the helicopter as it flew off to our next location. Paul was still holding his M60 over his uniform was different, he had no sleeves and he had ammo belt around his body.

Bucky was still using a Springfield Bolt Action Rifle while wearing a Boonie hat, he even had a bowie knife strapped to his chest, Kyle was given the Thompson Machine Gun and it's funny seeing another WW2 weapon in Nam.

Marshall had the S&W M75 which was a copy of the Swedish variant it almost looks like a M3 Grease Gun to me, Scully was using the Itacha 37 Shotgun.

I was using the M3 Grease Gun despite it's look it worked very well and Gillan was using the CAR-15. Like Gillan said we're supporting Camp Longhorn from an NVA attack, whatever the importance of Camp Longhorn is we have to defend it.

The Helicopter touchdown as we stepped off, the camp had some M101A Howitzers on the hill facing the West direction, two mortars and one AA gun.

"Welcome to Camp Longhorn boys" Gillan says "Enjoy your stay" He says with a laugh. We set ourselves up for anything at the same time took time to recuperate.

The Enemy could attack anytime but we'll be ready for it we have to be.

Everyone in my unit begin to play some cards while I was writing letters to my family including Chau.

Grabbing my coke bottle as I took a drink then I felt someone nudge me I turn over to see Scully handing me a cookie from his MRE I accepted and thanked him while he turned to his cot to get some rest.

I took a bite of the cookie which was very sweet, I listen to the rest of my unit and members of the camp having a barbeque which I'll be joining them when I'm finished with my letters.

"Everyone ever since I came to Vietnam I've been through literal hell the constant fighting is tiring and being brought to a crawl

I don't know if we're losing or winning, everytime we win a battle we lose another, I've seen some nastiest things in Nam

the NVA despite being sent to kill people like me I feel bad for them as we are in their country, still a lot of good Soldiers have died and I won't lie to you guys I have killed which should be obvious I don't really enjoy it but I have to live with it

Sometimes I wonder if we'll ever be giving the chance to stop and shake their hands just drop the weapons and embrace each other

I miss you guys Mom, Dad, Hayley and Jenny, most of all you Chau I hope their taking care of you and our unborn I'll be home soon guys I love you" I put down the pencil and letter as I lick the envelope after putting my letter inside.

Getting up I joined the rest for the group for barbeque having some burgers and dogs, just a feel of home being in Nam.

Just a piece of home.