Chapter 21, My Brothers Forever

Days, Months I don't even know how long it's been since my time in Nam.

I stopped keeping time on the days and I even stop keeping tally on my helmet as keeping count of kills isn't working anymore ever NVA or VC I kill is just the same.

Kill one another pops up, I have destroyed plenty of tanks, tunnels, weapon caches. Yet Charlie keeps coming back for more, my unit have been in the dirtiest of battles as we always continue to spend our bullets.

Jungles, Villages, Towns, Cities even Military Bases the enemy has been everywhere but so have we; I don't even know I still got my sanity still or I'm already dead and I'm just trapped in an endless loop.

We were outside of a ruin temple near a city as our Tanks and Helicopters assaulted the temple. Gillan was put into temporary command of some Engineers to clear out a tunnel leaving me in charge.

"We need to get rid of those Mortars and ZPUs before they cap our tanks and air support" One C.O. said as Kyle interjected "But sir we're going have to cut through a small town and without any armor we're good at dead"

Suddenly in the air one of our Helicopters was blasted out of the air crashing into the jungle, "There's no time to argue I want that temple taken right now! Sergeant I want you to take your squad and get rid of those Mortars and ZPUs" He tells me as I grab my M14 as I lead my unit.

We went around the town which could be infested by NVA so taking the the temple we could use the mortars against them. I sent up Scully who took point as he put in some buckshots into his shotgun prepare for close encounters.

Then he stopped us and pointed forward "NVA they don't see us yet" He says, the sound of fighting can drown us out as we slowly advance onto them.

Ordering both Scully and Paul to ambush the enemy while I lead Bucky, Kyle and Marshall to flank them.

We made our way behind a stone wall as I peaked over then climbed pulling Bucky, Kyle and Marshall up.

Once Paul begin firing we attacked.

Bucky fired into the head of an Officer while Kyle fired off his Thompson with Marshall covering him. Pulling a grenade off as I throw it at the ZPUs crew causing them to scatter but a few were caught in the blast.

The firing didn't last long as we were able to clear the area. Setting up charges on the ZPUs then detonating them destroying the ZPUs.

"Alright we could use those mortars Marshall call in!" I said as Marshall handed me the radio.

"Sir this is Golf! ZPUs have been neutralized and mortars have been taken permission to use them on the town?" I said, "Golf the town is indeed holding Charlie Snipers and some Machine Guns your all clear to blow them to hell"

I handed the radio back, "Bucky scope out the enemy, Paul you and Scully man that Mortars" I said as Bucky ran begining to scope out.

While Paul and Scully grabbed the mortar bringing it over, "Charlie Machine Gun nest area 789 051 fire for effect" Bucky said as we sent the mortar out.

"Target hit" He says, "Roof snipers area 009 776 fire for effect!" Then we sent another round.

"Building is gone" Bucky says, "Wait! enemy tank! 684 4309 779! he's coming right for us!"

"Send it!" I shouted as the shell launched, "Target but still moving!" "Send!" I ordered.

"Target is disabled I blew we blew out a tread!" Bucky says, destroyed or disabled as long it's out of commission. After the town and temple was taken we made our way for the city.

The city was smoking and buildings were crumbling, the NVA in the area surrendered the city after overwhelming numbering and our shelling.

We were partaking in a massive Offensive this was considered to be the major Offensive to end the war or at least give us breathing room.

I remember watching the Tet Offensive on live television when I was a kid, Gillan stepped off the helicopter as he approached us.

"Well done boys...I am proud of you all, gentlemen your tours are coming to end quite soon so we're going to give Charlie quite the parting gift once your all done come on" He said as we boarded the Chopper.

I sat back sharing my chocolate with my unit, we have survived the nastiest battles and the war has drawn us closer to the point we're all brothers in arms.

Sometimes I feel connection to them as we laugh and suffer in this war. I take out a photo of my family all together then another photo of Chau with my newborn.

I was given a baby girl and she looks beautiful, I remember the letter my family sent on how Chau seems to be a very great woman for me and their granddaughter is beautiful.

Hell even my sisters are happy to be nieces right now, when I first got the photo of my daughter I showed it to everyone unit including Jamie.

Jamie called me the luckiest son of a bitch, Bucky said on how I'm blessed to be given a baby girl.

I love them all Jamie, Bucky, Scully, Paul, Kyle, Marshall, Nolan and Gillan their my brothers in arms.

They make the suffering go ahead and make my head clear whenever I have to command them, no matter how dangerous our objective is, Gillan has always command us.

I don't know what this war would lead us winning or ending like Korea the nation begin split into two.

Regardless I always have my brothers with me, eventually the Helicopter landed as we stepped down and ran to join an Armored Battalion we're going to counter charging an NVA assault.

Our main object was retaking Hill 780 and reclaiming Camp Longhorn, our Bombers have been pounding the area in hopes of softening up the enemy.

We had trenches stretched through the country as we hop down just as our Tanks engaged the NVA Tanks. NVA troops ran firing their weapons while some even bayonet charged.

Our guns lit up as bullets flew taking Foe and Friend alike. Explosions were loud defying anyone near them one our Tanks was destroyed but we taken two NVA tanks with us.

"Fix Bayonets!" Gillan told us as we grabbed our Bayonets and fixed them. With a warcry we ran out of the trenches with the other troops, I ran forward feeling like my legs were burning and my chest was on fire.

I felt so damn alive.