Chapter 27, Soldiers of Misfortune

The death of Scully really messed us up, it's hard to move on but we got to keep moving. Paul took it the hardest out of us all, he looked to be on the verge of breaking.

"Their going to fucking pay.." Paul said as I patted his back firmly. Over a week since Scully's passing funny thing is after his death he was promoted to Sergeant, he earned it.

"Alright back up!" Marshall said to a group of Villagers who were gathering around, we tagged a Villager whose acting as a scout for Charlie so we're trying to bring him in for questioning.

Gillan was securing the restraints until one of the villagers tried to intervene but Bucky shoved them back with his rifle.

"Back up!" He shouted his voice sounded gruff just now and when the Villager refuse he buttstroked them into the jaw dropping them.

"Bucky!" Kyle shouted as Bucky motion the Villager to leave, "Papa Bear this is Golf we got the scout and are requesting for immediate transport" He says.

I noticed Paul's trigger finger was twitchy as he stared at the Villagers warning them to back up then he aim at them giving off another warning.

Gillan noticed Paul and before he could say anything I fired my rifle into the air scaring the Villagers.

"Get out! get the hell out of here!" I shouted causing the Villagers to flee, Paul looked at me his expression still hard but a bit soft the Huey came in as we got onboard with the Charlie.

Paul was shaking so I held him tightly to me reassuring him. I refuse to lose anymore after Scully and I sure as hell won't the war break them.

After Charlie was delivered to Base, I went to get some chow since I hadn't eaten within a day after since Scully's death and the constant attacks.

"Hey you Tony the Helltrooper?" Some recruits approached me while I was eating, "Yes..." I said mouth almost full of food.

"Holy shit! I told you it was him, his guy is crazy he killed entire group of Charlies barehanded I tell you" The Greenhorn went on til I took a drink and said "I killed a lot of Charlies son...and alot of NVA too...I stop counting and just kept for that name Helltrooper...I don't even remember how I got it it just stuck...but with name like that I got a target on my back..." I finished eating and left.

Once I got into the meeting room with my unit I was slouching in the chair, our C.O came in and advise us that were being moved into a group with another pack of fresh faces.

We're being made into the 7th Battalion 45th Infantry Regiment. While we're still Golf 1 we'll be leading some greenhorns along with 39th Calvary Division which is what Jamie's apart of ironic.

"This Operation is known as Operation: Romulus, We got NVA tanks, aircraft and a whole lot of them coming in..Gillan I want you to take your squad along with some of the fresh recruits to Dog Sector and secure it so the 39th can make a intersection understand?"

"Yes sir" Gillan says as we got up and left.

No rest for the wicked I guess, but you get use to it. Least I get to see Jamie again, Jamie and Scully seem to get along quite well tho Jamie did hit when he heard Scully's passing.

We step into a truck as we drove towards Dog Sector, with us where the Greenhorns they were scared at first and some were putting in brave faces.

"Hey Sarge...Sergeant Tobias!" I looked at one of the recruits, "You okay? you seem out of it"

"Yeah I'm..I'm okay just didn't have my morning coffee" I said which Paul actually laughed for once again, the truck stopped suddenly as one of the transport infront of us was hit.

We jumped out and fired upon a NVA firing squad, they snipers and machine guns at us. Bucky hide behind the truck and he fired at one of the Snipers.

I was with Gillan as he was ordering the recruits to stay behind the truck. Charlie fired their machine guns which were ripping at the trucks and armor.

"Rifle grenades! use them if you them!" I said as few of the recruits put their rifle grenades to use and fired them at Machine Gun Nests and some Sniper spots.

"Sarge! I think we got-" One of the recruits said before being shot into the throat, "No!" I shouted holding his neck as he begin tearing up and bleeding.

"Keep looking at me! your going to be fine!" I shouted but I was lying to myself as he went away, I snatched his dogtags and read them.

Pvt. Bowers, I looked at him then closed his eyes poor kid just started his day and he just left this world.

Every Soldier we have lost in this war sons, brothers even soon to be father. War doesn't discriminate it'll take anything it wants.

Honestly to hell with the Generals who sent us to fight in their petty war and to hell with the Government for making us die in this place that isn't home.

Dog Sector was secured and the Calvary came in and ready to face Charlie any day now, Jamie approached me as I sat alone holding my head.

He comfort me as I was just growing more tired of this place. Even if I wanted to die I can't it's like something is playing with me just to keep playing this twisted game of war.

I sat back listening to the sounds of our guns firing at first it was terrifying now it's like a lullaby you listen to for sleep. I know saying this makes me sound crazy.

"Sarge we got more NVA popping in sir!" One of the recruits tells me, "This is your baptism by fire boys..." I sighed getting up grabbing my rifle then made my face harden.

"Alright! Machine Gun pepper those bastards! Radio if you see tanks call in for admit missile support!" I barked out commands like Gillan would, I ran with them getting into position as Charlie came in with their rifles and tanks.

"Target set! 780 7739 Fire for effect!" The Radio Operator said, when the Tanks rolled down and rockets rain down destroying a few and some tanks fell into the holes.

Paul wasn't even in a position to mount his gun he was just standing firing it while he held a firm grip to it.

Gillan popped some grenades while Bucky was running with a few snipers, Marshall was firing his sidearm.

Yeah this is war, ain't no good thing about it we're just here to fight.