Chapter 29, Endgame

After finishing setting up the charges I know it wasn't enough the area could still have NVA crawling.

I grabbed more explosives to level the entire tunnel to Kingdom come, running around and setting up more explosives to make sure the entire area collapse.

While I was setting up charges something hit me in the shoulder as I let out a cry of pain, turning around shooting an NVA then dove for cover.

Another squad of NVA came in firing at my position and I was armed with just a revolver. Peeking by the side firing at them, I mange to knock down a two NVA before I hide again from the bullets.

I pulled a gas mask on and popped some smoke which help me run for another piece of cover. Grabbing another Rifle, I fired at the NVA taking out some more of them.

I heard voices behind me which were clearly Vietnamese so I pulled the trigger and said "Fuck it"

The charges went off as the tunnel begin rumbling as I begin to run, the aching of my wounds made it hard but I kept running.

I thought back to my family Mom, Dad, My Sisters, Chau and my baby girl their all waiting for me.

Even my unit is waiting for me Gillan, Bucky, Kyle, Paul they need me so I keep running. The Tunnel continue to rumble and shake as rocks were falling and lights were swinging around.

I saw one of the entrances was closed I had to run back and search for a new area to escape.

A door a wooden door so I ran into it and broke through then I saw my family. It was a living room my Parents, Sisters, Chau and my daughter.

I was confused yet felt comfort so I gather with them and sat down with them. Chau smiled at me and handed me our daughter as I held her.

She was indeed beautiful so I carried her and show her off to my sisters of their niece.

"Welcome home brother!" "Welcome home son" They greeted me which I smiled but I felt something was off.

So I turned to see Chau was turning into a NVA who had a hole in their head, I back up and looked at our daughter as I was holding a sever head.

I got up and ran for the door only to find myself running in thick liquid which was pulling me under as I struggle.

I screamed for help for anyone to save me as I felt my something being pulled further under.

Suddenly my eyes open big as I begin coughing and gasping for air, I was underneath some rocks so I begin crawling til I reached another room.

Inside was a radio with an Vietnamese flag, I went over to the radio and took a long look as it was broken.

Even if it did work I wouldn't dare ask the enemy to save me, I rather take my own life then surrender to them.

The rumbling continued as I climb back into the tunnel and begin crawling through it as I manage to drop down into some water.

The area was starting to flood so I keep running, my chest grew tighter and my legs stared to get tired but I kept pushing through.

Finding a latter which I climbed up and enter a post which inside where some dead NVA, least I don't have to deal with them.

While I continue to search for a new escape the tunnel walls begin to close in on me and I swore the walls were talking.

"SHUT UP!!!" I shouted and begin pushing my way through anything in my way. I saw walls with faces, dead VC, NVA and Comrades.

I let out a scream as I dove into the ground and began crawling til I felt the walls closing on me more.

Eventually I stopped crawling as I felt I could moving much so I drew my out my journal and begin to write.

'To whoever finds this journal give it to my family...My time in Nam has been nothing but hell and insanity

I've lost some friends and what's left of my will to move on so I'm asking to whoever finds this give it to my family'

I manage to pull myself onto a wall as I wrote some more.

'Tell my mom I did my best, Tell my dad I did my service, Tell my sisters I'm sorry and for my wife and child tell them I'm sorry for not being there and I love them' I said as I begin to see a light coming towards me.

As far as I know it was the light to God's Kingdom or even NVA coming to take me away either way I'm not going to fight anymore I'm done fighting.

A hand grabbed me pulled me to my feet I looked at the figure as it was Scully.

He looked at me and help me walk through the tunnel, I was muttering apologizes then he said.

"Shut up Anthony you did enough for us, you fight the hardest battles and survive the craziest things Charlie as thrown at us but you will survive understand?" He says as we made it out of the tunnel.

I felt to my knees as I heard people yelling I look up seeing Paul and Jamie running towards me.

"I got you buddy!" Jamie says as he and Paul carried me to a stretcher. I look over to my side seeing Scully smile at me as he walk into the jungle and he was gone.

"You did enough son your going home" Gillan said patting my chest as the stretcher gets carried by some troops.

I looked at the sky as I felt my eyes were wet and they begin leaking down I'm going home.

It was over it was finally over my service has came to an end. I don't know if I should feel pride or sadness either way it was over for me.

My work in Nam is over.