CH 2: system integration

John ran at the creature as fast as he could after all the element of surprise is always a good thing

As John reached the halfway mark roughly 10 metres the beast turned around. The same beastly snarl and crimson eyes locked onto him and the beast ran at him.

John jumped to the side but with no luck



John was sent flying and slammed into the wall. He layed there as his vision darkened, the creature running towards him


He felt his ribs crack as he sunk into darkness



John woke up once again but this time he didn't have another coughing fit

[wake up

Time 6:20AM]

John looked at the date and realised that it was the same day as last time

"1st of January 6:20 in the morning. The same as yesterday" he spoke to himself as he looked around


John ran around his room trying to put clothes on as fast as he could as he ran downstairs


he crashed into the wall at the bottom of the stairs as he rummaged through the kitchen draw

"I have 2 knifes both around 6-7 inches long this should be enough" John spoke to himself quickly

He also grabbed the knife sharpener from the kitchen aswell before his second alarm sounded

[wake up you lazy arse

Time 6:30AM ]

As his alarm sounded he felt the familiar dizziness as he fell unconscious for the second time that he could remember



gasping as he sat up John looked around at the familiar surroundings

"it's the same place and I have my two knives"

He muttered out loud as he went to the door ready to face the creature again


John ran out and rushed towards the creature


As John heard the roar his body suddenly froze for a second before he regained control of his body

The creature began to bend its legs ready to rush forward. Seeing this John decided to run forward and jump to the side increasing the distance that he could move away as he done that the creature boosted forward and punched at John but he was to late and instead missed

John span round and launched towards the creature with both knives the right one landed on the creatures skin but only caused a scratch and the left one landed in the same area doing the same thing but as this happened John's mind became stable he was no longer scared of the creature his breathing became steady and he jumped to the right


he screamed but not even half a second later


a fist slammed into the floor next to him and the next second a foot flew at John



John slammed into Wall and began to bleed

"D-Damn it" John croaked as blood spilled out his nose and mouth










John woke up with a startle as he looked around

"what was that?" John wondered as he remembered that feeling he had whilst fighting the creature



"WAIT WHAT" John screamed but realised that he still needed to get everything ready

this time he was faster allowing him to brab his bike helmet aswell as the two knives. As he put his helmet on he suddenly grew dizzy


As he woke up in the empty room John began to think

"did that thing earlier say something about a system??? Maybe I am the main character"

John muttered

"ummm maybe [status page]

[name:John myley

Class: none

Subclass: none


Special talent:regression

LVL:1 (0/10)






Skills:none ]

"damn I guess I don't have anything good"

"maybe... Shop"


Exp:5 cost:20

Stat point:1 cost:5

+5 mins prep time cost:10

+1 skill level cost:50 ]

John looked at the screen in surprise but was soon disappointed by the low amount of options

"guess I'll just buy 1 stat point then"

[stat point gained]

[which stat would you like to increase]

"strength" he spoke happily

[stat added]

John rushed to view his stats but was quickly disappointed


"w-was I just scammed!!!"

John shouted but rather than let it get to him he decided to face the creature


Fists struck the floor as the creature jumped at John but missed by a hairs breadth


two white marks appeared on the creatures arm as attempted to slice the creature. An arm suddenly appeared besides John and before he could dodge he was struck



John smashed against the wall and slowly died once again