CH 11: preparations

They left the sports cupboard and decided to head to the maths block as that was right next to them


A goblin choked on its own blood as it fell to the floor. They had searched the entirety of the maths block and found sixteen students and they had decided to give them some daggers and a few helms aswell and escorted them to the canteen as that was just past the sports cupboard. After clearing out the canteen the party left the other group there and went to find some more.

After what felt like a week but was in actuality was only around 5 hours the party managed to find many more students 132 to be exact after they escorted the last 5 students to the canteen they decided to get everyone sorted out. With a total of 148 students John had to decide what to do with them so he recollected all the items back other than the items hid party were using and checked his level and inventory

[Lv 7 (42/640)]

They had managed to kill an additional 639 goblins and gained many items from them

[goblin bones x1680]

[goblin helms x224]

[goblin skin x261]

[rusty daggers x656]

[goblin leather shoulder pads x240]

[metal javelins x11]

[aluminium bat's x27]

With the 148 additional students John gave full kit to alot of them.

[120 students have fully equipped goblin gear]

[28 students have 1 piece of gear missing]

[11 students have been given javelins]

[27 students have been given aluminium bat's]

Many students grew jealous of John's party mainly those who didn't have any aluminium bat's, javelins or leather shoulder pads

"why do you guys get to have all the good stuff" John could hear one student shout

Shortly after many other students started agreeing with the first person and started shouting but at least 120 students who had full gear tried backing them up but it was no use


'damn she has some lungs on her' John thought with a look of surprise on his face

After that the students quietened down as they looked down in shame, all the stress and shock from whats happened seemed to of changed them for the worse.

Everyone was quite for a while and in that time John decided to take out all the bones from his inventory and told everyone to take some and to begin sharpening them and he also sent others out to the other sport cupboards in the school to grab more aluminium bat's and some hockey sticks.

[57 students have gained (bone forging)]

[7 students have unlocked innate talent (weapon forging) ]

[3 students have gained (spear throw)]

[party members have gained (thrust)]

John looked at the system notifications in joy as everyone continued making spears

(Tuesday 7:39)

John decided to wake everyone up so that they could get ready to face the goblin mayor.

After last night a great amount of spears were made a total of 1783 as they had managed to get a few more bones from the groups that went out to grab the hockey sticks.

John's party all gathered together and worked out a plan, Jack and katelyn would be at the rear with a group of spear throwers. Ole and jake would be in the middle to protect those at the back with their own group. Josh, David, Terry and John would be at the front as the main attack force

Everyone got all their equipment on and now every student had fully equipped goblin gear. Everyone was now ready and in their groups. John had distributed all the bone spears and saw that they all benefitted from the same abilitys despite being made from different people.

[goblins bone spear (mid)

A crude spear made out of goblin bones

+1 strength

+increased throw speed ]

Before heading out John also decided to add the rest of his stat points before heading out

[name: John meyley

Class: NONE

subclass: NONE

Title(s) : party leader

innate talent:REGRESSION

Lv 7 (42/640)

HP: 11/11

STR:3->5 (+1)




Stat points: 5->0


(inspect Lv:1)(thrust Lv:1)(morale boost Lv:1)(true team Lv:1) ]

John made sure to make everyone have one bone spear and then gave the rest to Jack and katelyns group

[long ranged group have all gained (spear throw) ]

"LET'S GO" John shouted as everyone started to leave

On the way the group ran into a few goblins but made quick work of them and carried on rather quickly, but after John's face turned pale as he gained a new notification

[a new event has appeared at the school

The goblin mayor has gained a large amount of strength and is on the verge of becoming a goblin lord. Due to this many goblins have joined the mayor and have evoked onto goblin warriors and archers ]

[mission: school boss has increased In difficulty.


Students 100+

All students fully equipped goblin gear

Strategy ]

[school panic

156/1687 ]

'damn it all of the students other than our group here are dead' John thought in disgust

Everyone got to the field and saw the goblin mayor with many goblin warriors and archers surrounding it


Everyone raced to get into positions and raised their weapons, ready to charge.


the goblin mayor roared as loud as it could conveying its intent to kill the measly humans who dared to get in its way

"I-I don't want to die" John heard a student mutter

Many students started crying but those around them managed to stop them breaking down completely

[a raid party has been formed

Members: 156 ]