[quest (United we stand)
The tutorials have been completed and the first main quest has finnaly started.
Everyone is free to move but are expected to travel towards the safety beacon located at the centre of zone A12
Clear condition: reach the beacon within 10 days and help created a community
Rewards:XP based on play record, +10 stat points, +16 skill points
Failure: all stats reset, all skills lost ]
John looked at the quest in releif as this meant that they would be able to meet with more survivors but with the zone they had to travel to it would take at least a week to walk and most likely alot longer if there were monsters to fight along the way.
The zones were created after WWIII between the then Russia and a few other countries. The war caused every countries leaders to enter an agreement to live peacefully as to help reverse the effects of the nuclear warfare. This agreement took around two decades to sort out due to greedy politicians and those is high standings of power not wanting to lose their money or reputation once they were no longer needed as much. All this led to the new presidents or prime ministers or whatever they would of been called became the zone area leaders such as those incharge of zone A, B, C ect.. The reason the zone areas were named after the alphabet was to break down the walls between countries which helped somewhat. Within each area there would be around 100 zones maybe more which were run by the number agents who like their name managed the specific zones, these were a group of around 10-20 individuals who were under the zone area leaders who were again under the supreme leader. The supreme leader was just like you'd expect a single person In charge of every area zone but they still had a team known as the supreme advisors who helped with decision making.
John had visited A12 a few times in the past due to family living there so he knew the way but that didn't exactly help with getting there quicker as it was still the same distance. After thinking John thought that maybe due to their enhanced stats they could get there in around five days at the least but then again that would increase due to monsters. During this time everyone had packed everything away and put it in a pile infront of him for him to store it.
Once everything was sorted John had led everyone out of the school and walked forward. Using the same tactic they had agreed on John scoured ahead and moved everyone around any groups of goblin they may of seen allowing them to save time.
[a new panel has been added to your status (apocalypse date) ]
[day 7 time: 13:26]
John noticed the new screen and was glad they could see what the time and day was. Although they had originally agreed on leaving a day or two early they had decided to stay at the school and train a bit more which John agreed on instantly once everyone said to him about it, after all why would he not agree to helping his teammates get stronger.
Cynrajal and trynalkar both sat in their seats viewing the screen infront of them. Cynrajal was still pissed about the goblin mayor being killed but that anger turned to curiosity as he surveyed the party with great interest.
Trynalkar looked at his friend and smiled.
"and here I though you hated them. Have you instead decided on sponsoring them once the sponsorship opens?" he laughed
"*ggrrr* i suppose I should see what all the fuss about the humans is and I suppose I might grant one a sponsor in the future." Cynrajal growled as he continued to watch
Trynalkar watched a while longer before speaking once again, this time making Cynrajal fall into deep thought.
"how about we spend some divinity points and grant that leader of theirs a taming skill." trynalkar asked
After thinking for a bit Cynrajal agreed and started the process
"open (shop) sort by taming skills. Hmmm (skills Lv:5 and below) (basic taming skills)" using a filter the screen infront of Cynrajal became shorter before he narrowed it down to a couple skills.
After debating they came to an agreement, to one split the bill between them and to give the leader the (mount taming) skill.
[purchase complete. Please enjoy your item]
The screen flashed before disappearing into nothingness. Holding a skill book in his hand trynalkar flipped through the pages before tapping in the holographic screen before before bringing up a screen with the leaders name and face.
[name: John meyley
Class: predator
Innate Talent:???? (god authority to low)
Would you like to grant the skill
(mount taming)
(Y) (N) ]
The two gods drew a gasp after seeing question marks next to the boys Innate Talent.
"someone has already gained a special grade Innate Talent?" trynalkar spoke out loud
Cynrajal smiled as he saw this. This meant that it wasn't just dumb luck that the boys party could kill the goblin mayor as he had a SG talent at the minimum, something that would be incredibly valuable in the future.
"YES" trynalkar spoke as the skill book disappeared
"this seems like it could get interesting." Cynrajal spoke in glee as he laid back his knee brought up to his chest
As John got back to his party directing them once again he received a strange notification.
[the gods ???? & ???? Have gifted you a skill.
Will you accept
Warning: in doing so the gods will keep a close eye on you but this could lead to a sponsorship later on ]
John looked at the notification in suspicion.
If he had to guess then judging by the novels he used to read a sponsorship was a great way to gain power as this would allow him to either gain large amounts of wealth or to gain powerful skills. The one thing John was worried about was that the gods may be evil and try to harm him or others close him, but on the other hand they may help them In the future instead. If he could gain a sponsorship from this than his party, who was now classed as twelve people by the system, might be able to get one aswell as they would be near him. Thinking about all this John decided to accept the offer as this could be helpful in the future.
[the offer has been accepted please wait]
[skill (mount taming Lv:2) has been gifted]
[you have made a decision that could alter your destiny greatly ]
[you have gained affinity to the gods ???,???]
[you have made an important decision whilst taking your party into account ]
[you have gained the skill (true leader)]
[you have gained the skill (leaders orders)]
John smiled looking at his notifications before heading back out to scout. The skills were a great addition. The taming skill allowed him to take monsters but only if three conditions were met.
1. He must be stronger than the monster
2. He must gain the monsters respect
3. The monster must be usable as a mount
The first and third condition didn't seem to bad but the second one seemed difficult as he had no idea how to gain the monsters respect.
'maybe I just need to prove my strength or something like that. If its something else than this skill may become useless.'
Hello author here
I'm so sorry about the lack of chapters I've just been busy and this had completely slipped my mind so I apologise greatly.
I hope you enjoy this chapter if you did please add this to your library if you haven't done so already. Please comment so I can understand what I can do better and what I can stop doing so this is more enjoyable for you guys.
Goodbye and ill see you tomorrow for another chapter :-P <3