CH 35: new game pt.1

John could feel his wounds opening again as tried to stay conscious.

"JOHN." he could hear Terry shouting as she ran up to him.

"com'on man your gunna be fine." David spoke as he ran up only slightly behind Terry

The other water wolves had already left as they had no reason to fight after their leader had been killed. Another reason for them leaving was that they were rather scared of John as they saw him cause their leader to age at an incredibly fast rate.


John started puking blood as his HP started to lower. Looking around he could see his party surrounding him with looks of concern on their faces.

"r-remember w-what I told you I-in the classroom at s-school. I will B-be fine"

Those were the last words John spoke as his vision grew dark and the familiar system message ring out in his ears.

[you have died]

[Innate Talent activating]



"dammit I hate dying" John moaned as he looked around the white room

[all stats and skills will be deleted]

[all stats and skills brought by the shop will be deleted ]

[calculating rewards]

[tutorial complete: +100 points]

[affinity awakened: +50 points]

[ultimate grade affinity: +100 points]

[level 10 reached: +100 points]

[6 levels above level 10: +60 points]

[stats gained: +30 points]

[skills gained: +40 points]

[tamed monster: +20 points]

[party combos x1: +50 points]

[total points: 550]


Points: 500

+1 stat point. Cost: 15

+1 skill level. Cost: 30

+10% xp booster (rounded up) cost:40

+1 skill keep. Cost:50

+1 stat distribution. Cost:50

+1 random title. Cost:100

XP control. Cost:50

. ]

Quickly looking through the available options in the shop John first decided to buy the xp booster which after bright turned to a 20% booster which he could buy for the same amount of points. Next he bought three skill keeps as based on what it was called he expected that he could keep a skill from the previous version which would be helpful. After he brought a random title and a stat distribution after all he might aswell check what everything done so he knew what to buy in the future. He now had 170 points left so he bought 8 stat points as his skills could level up rather easily aswell as the xp control.

[all shop points have been used]

[new options will be gained next visit]

[please pick 3 skills to keep]

Passive skills:(dagger proficiency Lv:10)

(sword proficiency Lv:10)(bestiary Lv:MAX)

(magic strengthening Lv:3)(dagger throw Lv:5)

(battle concentration Lv:6)

(pain tolerance Lv:8)(goblin skin Lv:2)

(heightened senses Lv:6)(glutton Lv:1)

(true leader Lv:2)(leaders orders Lv:1)

(passive regen Lv:10)(iron will Lv:5)

Resistances: (heat resistance Lv:2)

(burn resistance Lv:2)(bleed resistance Lv:5)(water resistance Lv:3)

(piercing resistance Lv:4)

Skills:(inspect Lv:2)(war shout Lv:6)

(morale boost Lv:4)(true team Lv:4)

(magic tracking Lv:MAX)(dash Lv:6)(strengthening Lv:7)(meditation Lv:10)

(magic control Lv:10)(war speech Lv:2)

(settlement creation Lv:3)(light steps Lv:10)

(tracking Lv:3)(scared shout Lv4)

(fast regen Lv:5)(dagger throw Lv:4)

(bond telepathy Lv:3)(wolf affinity Lv:4)

(mount taming Lv:2)(energy drain Lv:1)

(open thread Lv:2)(inspect Lv:2)(dodge Lv:2)

(conscious magic control Lv:3)

(parallel thinking Lv:3)

Thinking back John remembered the shamans that were part of the boss battle so he chose (burn resistance) next he chose

(war shout) then (passive regen)

[skill (burn resistance Lv:2) gained]

[skill (war shout Lv:6) gained]

[skill (passive regen Lv:10) gained]

He was of course pleasently surprised at the fact that he kept all of the levels and was excited to use them to their full potentia.

[you will now be sent back]



John woke up and decided to check his status panel to see the changes but before he quickly checked the notifications he had gained.

[stat distribution set to: STR+1]

[new title (xp leecher) gained]

[title: XP leecher (growth) [rank 1]

Adds a +1 multiplier for each rank level.

Current xp multiplier: x2 ]

[name: John meyley

Age: 15

Race: human (100%)

Class: NONE

Subclass: NONE

Title(s): (XP leecher)

Innate Talent: REGRESSION

LV 1 (0/10 XP)

Stat distribution: (STR+1)

HP: 10/10

STR: 1 ->3

AGI: 1 -> 4

MAG: 1 -> 2

DEF: 1 -> 3


special bonus: (+20% xp booster)(xp control)

PASSIVE SKILLS: (passive regen Lv:10)

RESISTANCES: (burn resistance Lv:2)

SKILLS: (war shout Lv:6)

Skills ready for evolution:

PASSIVE SKILLS: (passive regen Lv:10)



John was pleased to see that everything seemed the same but was confused about one thing, and that was why his age and race was now being shown by the system.

'I guess I should get to school and prepare'

Before he left he quickly left a note for his dad.

(if anything happens then stay safe and do what you think is right)

His dad probably wouldn't understand it when he first reads it but once the disaster occurs than he should make sense of it.

Due to his higher agility stat his natural walking speed was much faster. As he got to school way earlier than he should of he decided to go to the park and do a bit of meditation.

[skill (meditation) gained]

[skill (magic control) gained]

[skill (magic strengthening) gained]

[you can now see how much magic is in your body at all times ]

[meditation Lv:1 -> Lv:4]

[magic control Lv:1 -> Lv:4]

[magic strengthening Lv:1 -> Lv:2]

'good now ill be able to save more people during the tutorial, and maybe after we will have enough time to try and get all of our families.'

Walninv into the school John was ready for the disaster to begin. He once again talked to James for a bit before he heard the familiar sound.


not wasting a second John appeared besides the goblin and punched it's head causing its skull to turn to mush. Not even a second later seven more goblins appeared and the same scene appeared again, luckily John didn't have to argue with his teacher again.


[skill (war shout) activated]

Terry, David and josh all heard the roar and flinched slightly before feeling their strength rise. A second later another 5 appeared bringing the number of goblins up to an incredible number of 12.

"oh" the two boys exclaimed simply whilst Terry stayed silent her bat twirling in her hands.

John took care of 8 goblins and left the others for the other three to take care of. John was able to kill them all with a single slash to the throat. Once he finished with his goblins he let the others deal with theirs on their own.

Seeing this David walked steadily to John and shouted in his face.


Seeing David act like this John couldn't help feel slightly intimidated. David stood around 6ft tall his dark skin resembling dark oak wood although slightly darker. His muscles were also well developed but he was still on the skinnier side from his constant basketball playing.

"you three need to be stronger so I let you deal with it yourself." John's gaze caused David to take a step back

John knew he was being rather harsh but that was the truth after all it was luck that they all managed to survive the boss fight in the second version.

"if any of you doubt my skills than go ahead"

He spoke as he spun a goblins dagger around his finger and sliced down his wrist. Everyone was shocked by the sudden gush of blood the wound started to close many times quicker than it normally should

For the rest of the time no one else doubted John and followed him diligently. Quickly grabbing the loot drops John managed to equip a full set and gave daggers and shoulder guards to the other three and whatever was left was shared amongst the rest of the class with jack, katyln and James being the main priority.