I will apply!

Monday at 8:00 am at Maple Branch Academy, a group of students is sitting in Class C homeroom. The conversation is being carried out between the different cliques. The topic of conversation they all have in common is the newest FIVR game.

A group of four guys is sitting at a cluster of desks at the back of the classroom. "Have you been following the news on Firestorm's new game Sanctuary Annihilation? I heard the pre-selection application is stringent and they put an age requirement. I wonder why that is?" One of the guys says while pushing up his glasses.

"The age requirement is 16, right? That shouldn't matter to anyone in our grade. Honestly, Kevin, I'm more interested in why they had the part about any injuries or fatalities occurring during the dive and waiving the right to hold the company liable added in at the end of the application. When did anyone full diving ever get hurt? Seems extra and only to try to hype it up even more." A chubby kid with an anime shirt on comments.

"I think it's because of how long this dive is going to be. The lore of the world is saying it's the last bastion of humanity defending against the legions of hell. Rumor is there are at least 100 planes the Players are going to have to clear before it's considered done." A tall lanky boy says while yawning sleepily.

"What do you think Nathan?"

The other three turn towards the furthest corner where a boy with close-cropped hair sits with one arm over the back of his seat. He responds, "James, 100 planes may seem like a lot but who knows how quickly Players will clear each plane. If it's a long dive, there is a greater chance for people to get famous while streaming the content. 25,000 spots being the maximum is unheard of too."

Kevin and James nodded in agreement.

"How amazing would it be to get one of those spots and have a chance to stream to the world through Firestorm's network? With how huge their network is, how much they are pushing this game, plus the limited spots available, all 25,000 people are basically guaranteed success." James sighs with a wistful look in his eyes.

"Their success is locked in for sure. You also must factor in that not everyone accepts having the world watching their every action while deep diving. So, the actual amount of people who will be releasing their gameplay rights will be a lot lower." Kevin reminds the group.

Nathan looks at everyone and asks, "If you got in, would you allow people to watch your every move?"

Kevin takes his glasses off and rubs the bridge of his nose as he contemplates his answer. "I do not think I would allow people to watch. When they say every move, they really mean every move. Do you guys remember what happened with that male streamer DK Lounge? He was in a dive for so long he forgot he was streaming and wanked it in front of thousands. The clip went viral, and he ended up losing all his endorsements."

"Bro, do you plan on wanking it while in VR? I mean, I get they say it's full immersion, but come on! I didn't realize you were that type of guy." Zach looks at Kevin with a grin on his face like a cat that just caught a mouse.

"Fuck off, of course, I wouldn't do that!" Kevin's face gets pink as he mutters, "but you never know, you could find a girlfriend diving and that should be kept personal..."

The other three burst out laughing.

"Our hopeless romantic" James adds.

"Hey, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. At least in a full dive, you would know it's an actual woman and not someone trying to catfish" Nathan chimes in.

James saves Kevin from further comments by answering, "I would allow the streaming. Having a once in a lifetime opportunity to become famous and successful would make your future job consist of playing new games every day. That would be living the dream."

The chubby kid in the anime shirt jumps out of his chair and exclaims.

"I the great Zachary will get into Sanctuary Annihilation and become world-famous, so everyone get ready to follow, like, and subscribe! Hahaha."

Nathan and James facepalm as Kevin grabs him by the shirt to yank him down.

"You get in? Please! You realize the amazing and dreamy Jake Spencer is the one who supposedly wrote the selection algorithm for Sanctuary Annihilation Online. There is no way you would fit into any criteria he would set." A girl with blonde hair at the front of the class turns around and yells towards Zach.

Zach looks over at the blonde girl and snorts disdainfully.

"We also know you won't be selected either Kim. The only way you're getting selected is if you need extensive knowledge on how to fail. What is this now? Your third year in this grade. You're old enough to be a teacher now, sit down before you hurt yourself."

Kim's face goes red with embarrassment as people throughout the class laugh at Zach's comment. Kim's friend pulls her back and consoles her while whispering.

"That fatty isn't worth the time arguing with Kim, his words are as sharp as he is round, ignore him. We all said we were going to put in our applications. One of us is bound to be selected"

Zach turns to Nathan and says, "How about you Nathan? If you got into Sanctuary Annihilation, would you allow people to watch your every move?"

Nathan solemnly replies, "I would without a doubt. You all know my situation at my uncles. He does not want me there at all and once this school year is up, I'll be out on the streets if I do not find a place to live."

"Getting into Firestorm's most anticipated FIVR and becoming a big network streamer would be my ticket to independence."

"Bro, I've already told you, to hell with your shit tier Uncle. You will never be out on the streets as long as I am around. All of us feel the same way. Do not let your pride get in the way. You have a home with all of us if you need somewhere to live"

Zach pats his chest while proclaiming proudly. Kevin and James nod their head in agreement.

"It isn't a pride thing. I don't want our friendship to change and if I depended on any of you for a roof over my head, no matter what you guys say, it'll change our dynamic. I'll find a way to make ends meet. I have been talking to Paul and he mentioned getting me a job in the kitchens at Sanderson's. I'll be fine." Nathan assures his friends.

Ding, ding. The bell for class to start goes off and their homeroom teacher comes in.

"All right everyone, to your desks, I know you're all excited about this new FIVR game but, we still have to get started."

Their teacher starts to take attendance. As everyone is responding when it gets to Zach, he can't help but ask, "Mr. Mariano, are you and any other of the teachers going to apply?"

Mr. Mariano looks at Zach and then scans the rest of the classroom seeing all the eager and expectant faces of the students he lets out a sigh. "You all know it is against school policy for teachers to talk about FIVR and streaming due to the increasing amount of people quitting school. The schools get their funding based on how many students graduate on time (he glances at Kim) and how many get accepted in the schools' respective feeder college each year."

Zach puts on a fawning expression as he says to Mr. Mariano, "Mr. Mariano, we all know you have no respect for all the school board's rules and regulations. You're the coolest teacher in this school. You also know we won't go running our mouth on you. You can definitely tell us with no worry of getting in trouble."

"This kid…" Mr. Mariano says under his breath. Looking around the class again, he then peeks over at the doorway to make sure nobody is walking around in the hallway. Catching the hint, Kim gets up and quickly closes the door, and goes back to her desk.

"I'll be honest with all of you. There are quite a few teachers who have already applied to Sanctuary Annihilation Online. Let's be real, if any of us can get into this game it's exactly as you all think. It is a one-way ticket to the rich and famous lifestyle."

A lot of hush conversation breaks out in the classroom at Mr. Mariano's comment.

"I'll have you all know, if you have not yet gone to the website to start the application process, you should make that your top priority when you get home today. This is not like other FIVR releases in the past. The application takes a few hours to complete. They have a psych test, and you must give all your personal information so they can conduct a background check."

"What kind of questions did they ask for the psych test?" a student calls out.

"How many questions is the psych screening?" another yells.

Mr. Mariano puts his hands out to calm down the students. "This is why I shouldn't be talking about this stuff with you all. There are too many questions in the psych test to list them all. They range from what your favorite color is to what you would do in a certain situation. There were over 500 questions in the psych section alone."

Students gasp as they think about having to answer that many questions.

"500 psych questions! What are they even looking for with that many questions? That must be ever more stringent than applying for an official government position." Zach exclaims.

"Hey fatty!" Kim yells at him. "I told you Jake Spencer is the person who created the algorithm for selecting applicants. Of course, it is going to be more thorough than some psych tests created by the government. I bet he is going to take all the applicants' information and find his true love too." She adds with hearts in her eyes.

"Zach shakes his head while he turns to his friends and whispers. "This woman is delusional..."

"A background check and a psych test, this pre-selection sounds crazy. Are you guys still going to apply?" Kevin asks.

"I am still going to apply; nothing is going to stop me," James says.

"I'll probably fail the psych test but, there is always the lottery. Who knows, we may get lucky, get selected, then quit school and become rich and famous." Zach says with a shrug.

"I will apply, and I will get selected!" Nathan clenches his fists while making it sound like a vow.

Mr. Mariano claps his hands to get everyone's attention. "Okay everyone, enough discussion for now save it for lunch. Please turn to page 256 and let's get started.

The students reluctantly take out their books with a groan and start their day.