Question and Answer (1)

Nathan looks at the time and sees it is around 3:45 pm.

'My uncle should be home around 7 if he goes to the bar like normal. That should leave me enough time to get the questions done. Good thing Mr. Mariano told us roughly how many questions this section has and how long it takes.'

Nathan decides to go ahead and start the question-and-answer portion.

"Scion we can start the third section."

"Very good, the way the third section will be carried out will be me giving you the questions and then recording your answers. Some questions will involve scenarios and corresponding images will be shown to give you details to fully understand those questions."

While Scion is talking, a small sprite-type woman appears on the screen. She is glowing blue and has light blue translucent wings. Her eyes are a single color throughout and glow with a blue intensity.

Scion's voice also lost the robotic quality from before and now has a whimsical melody-like sound to it.

"This will be the form I use while asking you the questions. Is this form acceptable?"

"Is this one of the questions for the section?", Nathan mutters under his breath?

"Yes, this form is acceptable." He says to Scion.

Scion's eyes flash and she smiles.

Different color squares start to appear on the screen, the color squares then disappear, and Scion appears again.

"When the color squares appeared on your screen, what was the color of the fourth square?"

Nathan blinks a few times in confusion. 'What the hell? I thought this was only a psych test. Damn it!' he yells in his head.

Nathan closes his eyes trying to picture the squares in his mind.

"He answers, orange."

Scion then asks, "How many color squares appeared on the screen?"

Black lines appear over Nathan's head. 'I am going to lose my chance at getting in this game because of some color squares...'

"At least 32 squares," Nathan answers with a confident look.

'With an approximation as an answer at least I will be technically correct' Nathan thinks smugly to himself.

Scion flashes Nathan a predatory grin and then asks, "What was the exact number of squares that appeared?"

Nathan is dumbfounded and his cheeks start to warm up in anger.

"Are you kidding me? 43 squares!" Nathan yells his answer at the computer.

Scion openly laughs at Nathan's response. She follows up with, "If I told you that the correct number of squares was 32 how would that make you feel?"

Nathan grits his teeth in frustration.

"I would feel upset that I had the answer right the first time and then changed it. Is 32 the correct answer?

Scion raises her hand to her mouth covering an impish smile.

"Mr. Emblem, this question-and-answer section is for you to answer questions, not me. However, I will give you the correct number of squares for the cute faces you made during this part of the questions."

After a few seconds of silence, Nathan turns his palms up and says, "Well? How many?"

Scion replies while staring at Nathan, "I never said I would answer right now we still have a lot of questions to get through."

Nathan facepalms and looks at the screen afterward to see Scion holding her mouth and shaking while trying not to laugh.

Scion regains control of herself and then asks, "Of all the color squares, which was your favorite color?"

Without even thinking, Nathan responds, "The empty black square of the screen when all of the damn squares went away."

Nathan takes a deep breath and goes to answer the question when he hears Scion say, "Points for originality, onto the next series of questions."

'That counts as an answer?' Nathan thinks to himself. 'I need to control myself and not let these questions get me riled up. I cannot ruin my chances due to losing my cool.'

"If you could have a choice between ultimate power or ultimate riches, which would you choose?" Scion flies around the screen while asking nonchalantly.

"I would choose power; you can get as many riches you want with enough power." Nathan answers.

Scion pauses her flight and places her tiny hand under her chin. "Hmm, if you could take someone else's power to make it your own, would you do it?"

Nathan responds solemnly, "There is a give and take in everything in this world. If I could take someone else's power and make it my own, I would."

Scion's eyes flash brighter, and she has a huge smile on her face when listening to Nathan's response. "What if the result of taking another's power left them completely powerless to defend themself?"

"I would still take their power to make myself stronger." Nathan nods as he responds.

"Would you do anything to have the chance at becoming powerful enough, to have everything you want?" Scion asks as she starts floating around again.

"There is nothing that would stop me from seizing the chance to becoming powerful enough, and being able to take care of myself." Nathan answers without pause.

Scion flutters around the screen looking pleased with how Nathan answers the questions about power. She then stops and looks him in the eye and looks solemn.

Nathan braces for the next question while he stares into Scion's eyes.

"Pancakes or waffles?" Scion asks in a serious tone.

Nathan blinks in confusion, "Huh?"

"Answer the question!" Scion yells at Nathan while shaking her tiny fist at the screen.

"I would choose waffles?" Nathan answers in a confused tone.

"Why would you choose waffles over pancakes?"

Nathan looks at the screen and does not know whether to laugh or cry. He spits out the first thing he can think of and speaks.

"Waffles hold syrup better than pancakes because the pancakes soak up the syrup, while the waffles make mini cups of syrup instead."

Scion nods her head in agreement as she listens to Nathan's response.

"Next question." Scion speaks.

'Honestly, I feel like this questionnaire is made up by some random 5-year-old with the way these questions are happening. One moment, it is serious, the next it seems like a joke.' Nathan thinks to himself while listening to Scion's next question.

"A woman walks past you in a crowded space and her chest brushes against your hand." Scion creates a mini version of Nathan on the screen and acts out the scenario. "She keeps walking as if nothing happened. Do you apologize to her?"

Nathan places his hand on his chin while he ponders his answer. He concludes and answers, "I would not apologize to her."

Scion giggles at Nathan's response and follows up with, "So you would grope a random woman if you knew you could get away with it."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Nathan exclaims while shaking his hands. "Who said anything about me groping random woman if I can get away with it!"

"Mr. Emblem you answered that you would not apologize for a woman's chest brushing against your hand, that is an accidental groping incident that you got away with." Scion responds firmly.

"That is an accident though! I did not grope her in that situation." Nathan argues his case.

'What the hell is this! I'm not a pervert.