The Lottery

Two days later the group is sitting inside a pizzeria while all of them have their phones out checking Firestorm's website.

Today the lottery is to be drawn for the remaining slots for Sanctuary Annihilation Online.

The forums have exploded with anticipation and a rumor has been going around about how people who had sprite-like A.I.s during their pre-selection were all chosen right away to participate in the game.

Anticipation continues to grow as the official start day for the dive is Sunday which is three days from now.

A blonde beauty comes to the table dropping off a large pizza with half of the pie covered in pepperoni.

"Here's your pizza," she says with a cheery smile. "Let me know if there is anything else I can get you guys."

"We're good for now, thank you," Nathan says to her with a polite smile.

Zach turns and watches her as she walks away.

"I should tell her how I'm about to become famous and see if she's dtf."

James looks over at Zach and scoffs, "Not sure that's the smoothest pick-up line in the world. Besides, she has a boyfriend. We saw her get dropped off as we were walking in here."

Zach turns around, grabs a plate, and serves himself a slice. As he mumbles to himself how she doesn't have a ring, he takes a bite and makes a face while cursing. "Damnit, I hate when I burn the roof of my mouth!"

Nathan grabs himself a slice of pepperoni but, learning from Zach's mishap doesn't eat right away.

"Soon we'll be able to take healing crystals and heal any type of pain away, how unreal is that going to be."

"Wish I could take one now," Zach mutters while gulping his drink to cool his mouth.

James and Kevin leave the food untouched as they stare at their phone screens.

"Guys, we came here to eat and relax before the lottery drawing. It's not happening for another 30 minutes. You can put your phones away and enjoy some food for a bit." Nathan says as he waves his hand in front of James's and Kevin's phones.

Both sigh as they put their phones down reluctantly. Kevin grabs a slice and hands it to James and then serves himself. James swirls his drink with one elbow on the table and leans on it lazily.

"That's easy for you and Zach to say. You guys already got in and only need to wait until Sunday and your lives are changed forever. Hell, Nathan, you stopped coming to school after everyone found out Tuesday morning."

James speaks with a bit of reproach in his voice.

Nathan had decided on Tuesday there was no more point in heading to school anymore since the dive was happening at the beginning of the following week. After it was announced to the whole class (by Zach of course) that Zach and Nathan got selected to play, Nathan spoke with Mr. Mariano about how to leave school officially, to not hurt his school records.

Mr. Mariano suggested speaking with the guidance counselor and attempting to test out for early graduation. The class was graduating at the end of the school year anyway and there were only a few months left to begin with.

Nathan had been dealing with his test out and getting his other affairs in order before the Dive this week. Today is the day of the lottery drawing. The guys all wanted to be together to see if Kevin and James would be getting in.

"I've been getting my affairs ready for the dive and studying for my test that's tomorrow so I can get an early degree. I haven't been like this guy over here who is laying around without a care in the world announcing to everyone and anything about how they're going to be famous soon.

And besides, you should cheer up James. Who says you won't be selected? Have a little faith."

Hearing Nathan saying he has been doing nothing but laying around Zach turns to him and says, "Bro, I've been telling you nonstop you're wasting your time studying the wrong shit. I haven't been laying around all day either. I've been doing real studying for things that are going to matter."

Kevin perks up and laughs in disbelief while exclaiming, "You're studying something? You never studied for anything in your entire life. You aren't going to test out too, are you?"

"Hell no! Why would I waste my time on something that won't matter once I strike it big as a streamer? Nobody will care whether I finished my last year of school. I'm studying Sanctuary Annihilation Online." Zach nods sagely to himself and continues. "I started re-watching each of the beta streams in detail to figure out what would be the best build to make with my stats, which quests I should focus on right away even which inns have the hottest waitresses."

Nathan turns to his friend in surprise. Zach had never put an ounce of effort into anything they did ever since they were kids. To hear he was doing research of any kind was unbelievable. The truly dumbfounding aspect of it all is Zach was doing relevant research that would be helpful.

"You don't have to be so surprised," Zach says to Nathan's surprised face. "I figured we could get a head start above everyone else if we had some type of guide to follow. I even have a mental map of the first town and where the best deals were found from blacksmiths. That way, we can get decent starter gear."

At this point, all three of the guys are gaping at Zach in disbelief.

"You're legit getting ready for the game. I'm actually feeling a little bit proud of you. Quick, James! Look outside and see if it's snowing or if the world is ending. I never thought I'd see the day where Zach Star does research for something."

Zach flips his middle finger towards Kevin and eats his pizza while ignoring Kevin's comment. While Zach is eating his slice, Kevin and James's phones start to go off.

"Oh shit, it's starting!" James reaches for his phone and fumbles with it while trying to check the lottery webpage.

On the website, a list of usernames continues to grow, and music is playing in the background to heighten the mood. The guys are checking the list hoping to see Kevin and James's usernames pop up. Eventually, the list of names grows too quickly for them to keep track and they frantically scroll through. The food lies on the table completely forgotten.

James's phone goes off. "God damn it, I'm trying to check this list. I don't care about some stupid e—"

James trails off and starts shaking.

Nathan is the first to notice his odd behavior and gives him a shake on the shoulder. "Hey man, are you ok?"

"Igottin" James mutters quietly.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you. What happened?"

"I got in!" James yells as he jumps up. His drink spills across the table as he bumps the table in his excitement.


In Firestorm headquarters, in Jake's office, Sarah is leaning over the back of Jake's computer chair as she stares intently at his screen.

"Are you sure this is going to work, and we won't get caught?" She asks for the umpteenth time.

Jake sighs and flicks her under the chin. "Sarah, I told you I would get you in during the lottery process. Have some faith in me. If I can't do this, who in the world can?"

Sarah jumps up and rubs her chin as she gives Jake an irritated look. "I'm only asking, you don't have to be a jerk about it."

"I wouldn't be a jerk if you hadn't asked me so many times. I told you I got this so let me do my thing. "

Jake glances at the screen and shushes Sarah. "Quiet, the lottery is starting, watch me work my magic."

Jake quickly starts typing away at his screen as multiple menus start to pop up continuously. Sarah watches Jake work in a daze. Eventually, she feels her phone vibrate in her pocket. She picks it up and sees she has an email from Firestorm.

After reading the email, she looks up at Jake and sees him sitting back with his hands behind his head grinning at her.

"See, no problem whatsoever Ms. Cuthbert."

"Looks like we'll be joining the fun in Sanctuary Annihilation Online," Sarah says happily.

"Yes, we will, let's hope it's fun we will be having and nothing more…" Jake says quietly as he stares at the screen.

On the screen is a message flashing in gold "Congratulations Jacob Spencer! You have been selected!"