Friend or Foe?

Nathan is led out of the dungeons and into the streets of Hammers Rise. The sun is out shining, and the cold early morning breeze gently blows across his face invigorating him.

'I must have been unconscious longer than I thought, or the days are shorter here' Nathan muses.

While being escorted through the streets the city is almost unrecognizable. Homes and buildings are still smoldering from the night's attack. Rubble and debris are littered everywhere. The stark contrast from his walk with the guard Kevin is almost unbelievable.

As they progress through the city, Nathan witnesses the atrocities of the Legion's capabilities. There are corpses littered everywhere. Some of them are intact while others have missing limbs. Nathan can even see signs of bodies having been chewed on.

The scent is nauseating but Nathan holds back his gagging in front of the Aarog's disdainful mocking gaze.

Coming up upon the middle of the town Nathan is assaulted by heat and the acrid smell of burning air and melted earth. Reaching a clearing he is greeted by the sight of a massive pit that is still glowing red. Around the pit are Aarogs and another reptilian humanoid race he hasn't seen before, constructing what appears to be coliseum stands around the pit.

Answering his unasked question, the purple Aarog says to Nathan, "Our leader loves to watch gladiator fights and makes an arena in every city he conquers." A look of pride is seen in his eye as he observes the construction being completed.

"He particularly loves to watch the people conquered having to fight to the death and watching the will to live to surpass any feeling of old camaraderie as they kill brothers and friends for another day."

Turning to face Nathan and look him in the eyes he continues.

"There is great honor in participating in the fights. Our leader respects power and strength above all else. He will award the winners with prestige and even a lowly slave like you could gain the honor of freedom by joining his battalion if you emerged victoriously." The Aarog looks over Nathan once more in the sunlight with a quizzical gaze.

"The owner of a slave who performs well in the arena is also rewarded. Perhaps you could be a pit fighter. You wear armor, you must be some type of adventurer even if not a good one ha-ha-ha" The Aarog laughs at his quip while staring at Nathan intently.

Meeting his gaze, Nathan takes a moment to think over this potential "offer". Before he answers, he hears Scion whisper next to his ear.

"Accept this Aarog's offer, judging from his appearance he must have been a gladiator and that's how he rose to his position. If my hunch is correct about who is in charge, it would be extremely beneficial for you to join the fights and would also allow you to grow your levels in strength."

After hearing Scion, he thinks about his current predicament of being captured and lack of opportunity for growth, he decides to accept the offer.

"I am an adventurer and have experience in fighting," Nathan says, testing the waters.

The Aarog puts on a mocking grin and says while turning around, "I like that look in your eye. It makes me want to pluck it out and crush it. I'll tell the leader I plan to put you in the arena and if he accepts, you will be my gladiator slave."

Nathan smiles coldly at the Aarog's words and continues to follow him as he observes everything around him. Even though he seems accepting of his fate on the surface, the thought of how he can escape is still his top priority.

Arriving at a mostly intact building Nathan can't help but freeze in his tracks as he stares in disbelief. The massive beast that assaulted the city is chained up like a guard dog next to the building. There is a massive metal muzzle-like contraption over its mouth lined with jagged-looking runes that flash crimson. Nathan can see the same runes now that he is up close, instead of viewing from far away across the chains that restrain the dragon. Seeing the beast up close, Nathan realizes he was correct in his guess, and it is a dragon.

Nathan can't help but be amazed at this leader who has such a powerful dragon under his control.

The purple Aarog upon seeing the dragon laughs, "Glaadir, you overgrown lizard, you should have made the arena pit bigger. You've grown lazy."

The dragon picks up his massive head and stares at the Aarog, smoke rises from its nostrils. As it levels a stare, Nathan hears a deep rumbling voice in his mind, "Ba'ock you bipedal squid, you don't plan on entering the arena again, do you? One championship isn't enough for you?"

Nathan stares at the dragon in a star-struck manner. His mind forms thoughts and dreams of having a dragon as a companion. Who doesn't wish to tame a dragon?

Ba'ock points to Nathan and responds to Glaadir, "I'm going to present to Argodoth this human as my gladiator and hope he accepts. The rewards for him winning give me rewards as his backer. They are just as good as if I were to participate and win myself."

Glaadir turns his head to the side and his massive golden eye stares at Nathan. Nathan feels his body tingle as if Glaadir is seeing through him and examining all his secrets. Nathan forces back the urge to shudder and meets the gaze head-on.

A booming laugh erupts in his mind as he hears Glaadir saying, "A weakling human? Ba'ock you always were one to love a gamble."

At the same time, he hears Glaadir's voice in a softer tone telling him, "I know what you are. You are a Planeswalker, find a way to come and spend time with me. I can give you valuable information about the planes. I can also help you increase your strength quickly. If you help me break my bonds, I will help you escape this city as I make my own."

Nathan controls his emotions in front of Ba'ock as the shock of Glaadir's statement of helping him escape Hammers Rise runs through his mind.

"You don't have to accept my invitation for now. Ba'ock and I are somewhat cordial and for an Aarog he is not as bad as others in his race. When next we meet, we will speak." Glaadir turns away from staring at Nathan. Nathan no longer feels the tingling through his body and feels his thoughts are safe again from the dragon.

In a louder mental voice, Glaadir says to Ba'ock with a tint of mirth, "This human has dreams of taming dragons, you sure picked an interesting one."

Ba'ock turns fully to face Nathan and shakes with laughter while holding his stomach. "Little maggot, do you have any idea what Argodoth had to do to get Glaadir as a war mount? He is one of the strongest Lieutenants under the Legion Commander sent to this plane and he was only gifted the right to use Glaadir for this expedition. Without these soul runes suppressing him, Glaadir would raze and destroy every living creature here before making his escape."

Glaadir releases a low rumble from his throat and the soul runes glow a bright crimson.

Ba'ock wipes his eyes and looks between Glaadir and Nathan. A malicious smile comes across his face as he says, "If you want to tame dragons how about you tame his holding pen first. I'll have you muck out his holdings every day as part of your training. Ha-ha-ha."

Nathan is flabbergasted at the turn of events and can't help but look at Glaadir with newfound awe. He manipulated the Aarog so easily into getting what he wanted, another chance to talk to Nathan.

"Look, the little human looks like he is going to cry himself a river at the thought of having to clean up after you Glaadir," Ba'ock says.

Unable to retort, Nathan shakes his head. Ba'ock mocks Nathan a few more times and bids Glaadir farewell as he escorts Nathan into the building.

"Let's hope Argodoth accepts my proposal with you human," Ba'ock says as he escorts him into a massive throne room. Upon entering, Nathan feels an overwhelming presence and cold sweat breaks out on his back.