Bad luck during the day

As Kyle's group picked up some food. Kyle could see how crowded the students were ordering food during school break.

And as an elite in society, Kyle and his gang are telling people to step aside to clear the way.

Even if, I didn't say it directly, Usually they would pave the way for me to be able to order food faster than the others. However, now that I'm standing right behind Matias making people seem oblivious to my existence.

Yes, queuing actually doesn't bore me at all. I don't care whether I have to queue or not, but whenever I'm with Irina and stand out, I never queue at all. However, today was the first time I experienced that.

"Kyle, it seems today a group of commoners don't know what manners are. Don't they know, who has let them enjoy the educational facilities in this country?" Matias said that with a face that looked down on others.

This guy, does say something like that sometimes. It's just, I rarely see him harassing other people just for fun. Yeah, that's good because it won't be a problem for me.

While Kyle remained silent, someone in the group replied to Matias.

"That's how common people are. They don't know any manners at all, this school should provide entry requirements with some basic etiquette tests to be a good citizen," a golden haired boy answered Matias.

"Yes, you are right Elm. Basic manners are something that every society has to achieve harmony in the state."

When Matias and his group said similar things. They then started looking for a table to sit down. Every time they walked and their disciples passed, other students just gave way while lowering their heads.

At such a moment, Matias' eyes then saw something odd. It was a black-haired student busy eating at the table.

Matias then approached the boy's table, then said with a smile on his face.

"Hello, commoners. Can you give me your seat? the scenery around here seems quite comfortable. So this is a place suitable for the elite, so grab your food and stand up and go elsewhere. "

The boy was silent for a moment, then after some time had passed, he resumed devouring his food without paying any attention to his surroundings.

Matias started showing a pulse in his head. Then after he returned to fixing his face to a friendly expression, he then turned to one of his friends.

The person Matias saw answered with a nod.


"Yes, I understand. "

Elm approached the black-haired boy, then grabbed the boy's head and pushed it down. Just as the sense of smell was about to touch the food on the table, the boy held it with all his might.

Uh.. Wait, this is too much. I know we are the ruling group of schoolchildren, even above the teachers, but this is the wrong way for us to behave. At least, for a reputation repair plan, this is a bad move.

Therefore preventing them, is the choice I have.

"Wait, stop it.. I'll talk to him," Kyle said to Matias.

Then Matias nodded and Elm let go of his grip.

Having finished and Kyle was given a chance, he then approached the black haired boy while wearing a friendly expression, like an office clerk asking his co-workers to finish work immediately when he was worried that some customers were showing signs of disapproval. In the worst case, he might get reprimanded by a boss holding a whip in hand.

Reputation problem, I will definitely fix it!

With determination and thought, Kyle then spoke.

"Sorry to disturb you while you're eating, there's a better place than where you're sitting right now, so please stand up and go somewhere else. Understood, sir? " Friendly face and cool voice. It should have made anyone with a sense of hearing hear it even if it was just a few sentences.

However, the reply from the black-haired boy was something Kyle didn't expect at all.

"Cchk! .. I understand," the black-haired boy said.

He then got up, then walked past Kyle.

That guy clicked his tongue!! That guy clicked his tongue!! That guy clicked his tongue!! Why? If I'm not mistaken, isn't he just silent when being bullied by Elm. Then why, only at me did he click his tongue?

He should have pointed that out from the start. It would have made a lot more sense than him doing it to me, who politely spoke without being rude by holding his head.

Ahh.. Damn it, do I have to rearrange the plan? Start by finding out how bad the reputation in the public eye is. If I didn't know where I was now, the next step would only be in vain.

Just as that thought filled Kyle's head. A girl runs towards him. But it wasn't Irina or anyone he knew, but another girl.

The girl then hit Kyle's shoulder and fell.

The girl had bright pink hair and blue eyes, her beautiful face and well-proportioned curves could make any man would never forget her when he first saw her.

Kyle who stood up while enduring the impact then looked down. In his eyes now, a beautiful girl looked back at Kyle.

Their eyes met and Kyle then held out his hand.

"Are you all right, miss?" Kyle asked.

"I'm fine," the girl replied.

However, before Kyle's hand grabbed the girl's hand. Someone shouted at him.

"Get your hands off of Miss Violet!!!" A handsome looking man shouted at Kyle.

Then he ran over to then slapped Kyle's hand away.

"Are you now targeting Miss Violet for you to bully her? People like you who rely solely on family names without displaying their own abilities. It irritates me." The man made an angry face.

Wait a minute, you misunderstood. Actually that's not how it happened.

It was the girl who bumped into me and I was just trying to help her. Can't you see it all from a distance? I really, really intend to help him, you know?

Just as Kyle's face turned to start speaking. There was one more ear-splitting scream. It was the voice of a girl Kyle knew well.

"Who are you, commoners. How dare you be rude to Darling!!" Irina said while showing an angry expression.