Wrong enemy

A few hours later-

"Mr Kyle, Miss Irina. What do you really want? "

An old man with white hair placed his hands on the table, then he looked at Kyle and Irina who were currently sitting in front of him.

The atmosphere of the afternoon that should be cool, seemed to heat up like a cooking stove. The look on his face was so piercing, Kyle couldn't say much.

"Destroyed the Arena to rubble, then left a student lying in the hospital. Aren't you outrageous, school was forced to stop by your actions. ' said that in a loud voice.

While the man seemed to be waiting for Kyle's answer. Kyle just lowered his head and kept silent.

Stop it, I already know it all. Yes, that's outrageous.

I can't say anything but outrageous. I remember vividly how my fiancé turned out to be a brutal girl who smiled happily when she saw her enemy's lover kneeling right under her own feet, and even stepped on the girl's hair with her dusty shoe.

Damn, damn, damn!! The damn hero candidate was almost killed by Irina. If that foolish future hero really died, then who would fight the World Boss and save the world from destruction? Ohh—my stupid co-worker, why were you talking about a World Boss that only heroes can beat!! Damn, I'm starting to get scared now.

Given how little information I have about the design of this world-like game, it's possible that it's wrong and just nonsense from a drunken moron. However, still I don't have any guarantee that the World Boss can be defeated by someone other than the hero.

If I use the perspective of the game world, then somehow the World Boss can be defeated by the players, because it was designed that way. But it was a game world and this was the real world, obviously that logic I couldn't use to reach a conclusion.

If it's like this, should I apologize to the hero? At least I want to eliminate the possibility where the hero considers me an enemy.

I can't really predict the worst that will happen to me in the future if this situation is left alone.

In the best scenario I can think of right now, allying with the heroes and preparing for anything should the World Boss really appear. It's just that I don't want to fool myself with that naive thought either.

The scenario where I can help the hero from the shadows is probably the most realistic. Something like that I would do if the hero was hostile towards me, this was all for the sake of the world so as not to collapse by the World Boss.

As Kyle was thinking about it all, his lover, Irina, started to stand up and speak.

"Uncle, that stupid woman should be taught a lesson for daring to insult my Darling. All the damage in the arena can be repaired, but our pride is not easy to repair. "

"Miss Irina, do you know that the girl you are talking about is on our side? What I'm talking about here is the daughter of an archbishop, Miss Cindy Austinus. Miss does not understand what exactly you are doing. "

"Huh?! That kind of woman. How important was the Austinus family? "

"The Austinus family is one of the three great powers that sit in parliament, they have a big influence on the religious community in this republic. If that family leaves our faction, then we can be sure that the voices of the goddess worshiping sects to us will be lost, this is quite a serious political matter."

"With the family-led political elite and wealthy businessmen belonging to the Darling family, losing their support will not be a problem for our faction's political power in the parliamentary seats," Even though Irina said that, but she was starting to realize that it was something quite serious.

Sweating, my fiancé Irina broke out in cold sweat. When I think about it, it's true that losing a strong ally just because of a trivial matter of a ridiculous duel, is enough to be called a foolish act. Moreover, Irina had hit him hard enough.

Kyla began to show an expression of stomach pain, similar to the expression someone shows when eating green oranges mixed with soda. So painful and starting to suffocate.

Damn, is this all my fault? No, no, if only Irina was able to act cool, the situation wouldn't be much worse than now.

INT!! INT!! INT!! If I'm not mistaken, don't I have some kind of title that increases the INT stats of allies around me? Then what's the point of it all? Why doesn't it work? Why does a girl become stupid when she's around me? Where is the justice of the system?!!

Instantly Kyle started to turn his head towards Irina, as if trying to confirm something.

"Parliament contains 34 seats from our faction right? That's about 1/3 of the total number of parliamentary seats. In other words, our faction still dominates. My sister should be able to deal with some issues regarding the partial loss of power. The balance may change, but it's not a hopeless bad thing. There's still a chance."

chk!! This girl is actually not stupid. Obviously he realized what was really going on. that's fine, but why wasn't he like this a moment ago? Have thoughts about men filled her head so objective judgments seem to be thrown in the trash? Bother!!

This is why young girls when in love can't be relied on to make decisions.

I get it guys, my former co-worker sometimes complains about his wife going shopping always getting confused when buying something which ends up buying everything the woman can see, so that's actually true. The difference from what I'm experiencing now, is just the side effects I received, my former comrades might have lost 90% of their monthly salary, but I could have missed the chance to keep this world intact from the World Boss threat, this is crazy!! very big difference. I won't let something like this happen again next time.

"No Miss, if my assumption is correct, our faction might be left with 23 due to the departure of the Austinus family. And when the goddess worship camp has chosen a faction, whether it's the military faction or the democratic faction, our faction's dominance in parliament will collapse. However, if it gets worse, we must be aware of the possibility that in the end, the faction of government will be chosen by the Austinus family. "

"Tch!! The government faction, if these savage people get the people's support, I can't imagine what will happen. "

"Madam might be able to do something to gain people's support, but I can't guarantee it will be as strong as the influence of the goddess church. "

"Commodity manipulation and trade, it's a tough gamble. But I'm sure that's what my sister might do when the situation gets tougher to get the people's vote."

What I'm hearing right now, sounds like an evil plot, so I looked left and right to make sure no one was eavesdropping.

And the good news is there's no one but the three of us. But I was still worried that it would be a disaster if I missed it just a little bit.

Therefore I brought my lips closer to Irina and whispered into her ear. A small breath from me seemed to make Irina's face turn red.

"—ahhh.. Darling, please not now. I might have enjoyed it another time, but not now. "

"No, that's not what I meant. I just want to know what honey is up to. "

Instantly Irina's expression changed.

"Don't darling. Darling probably won't like this, because Darling is too kind. "

"I don't care, hurry up. "

I tried to force Irina to speak, so I raised my voice slightly. But what I got, the girl started acting weird, to the point that I thought the seriousness Irina was showing was just an illusion.

With the time I spent with Irina. Honestly, I feel like Irina is a pervert. No, it's not that I don't like it, I'm a man too—but, oh well.

It just wasn't the right time to talk about it.

After I whispered, Irina started to answer.

"Actually, Darling, this is about a plan to seek popular support through mass manipulation as a result of our faction's intervention in commodities and trade."

"You mean?"

"Darling remembers, Why are we both engaged? It was all done to take full control of the economy in the republic, with my family having a major influence on most of the economic policies and in addition the Darling family having an influence on foreign trade. The plan to reduce the supply of raw materials that enter the country can be done."

"And if the Plan can be executed, what will happen? "

"It will be an economic crisis."

"...?!" Kyle's pupils shook for a moment and his eyes began to dilate.

"Darling, listen. The economic crisis will greatly benefit our faction. If that worked, the people of the faction would spread rumors massively about how incompetent the government was, it would be a matter of time until a commotion broke out. When people don't believe it, our faction will enter and become heroes so that people will think that our faction is the only one who can help the country. We will have full authority, both from parliament and the public. The other factions will also be unable to act at all."

Hmmmm— it's a rebellion.

"Then, the main problem is how skilled our faction is when it comes to hiding evidence or how well the public's perception is that we can control. That is the key to the success of this plan. "

"That sounds pretty risky Honey," Kyle narrowed his eyes.

Irina nodded in agreement.

"I know it's darling. "