Fiance or younger sister

In the morning, I go to school as usual.

Started with breakfast and then greeted Lily, she hugged me and I hugged her back. Behavior As usual from a tsundere little sister.

Sometimes I feel like it's actually too sweet for my school life full of enemies. So I'm actually grateful to Lily for giving me the warm feeling of a family relationship.

That's what I remember this morning and think about now.

Every now and then if there was a student from Irina's faction, that student would definitely greet me to make a good impression. Yes, as long as they don't insult me ​​I'll be nice to them too.

Irina's faction and then the mistress of that faction finally came to me.

"Darling, good morning," Irina greeted.

"Good morning, Honey. "

Behavior as usual. Irina, she always smiles at me in any condition.

All of this attitude made me think that the Irina yesterday wasn't the real Irina. Was it possible that there was some kind of item capable of imitating people's appearances? If so, I'd better be suspicious.

Irina came up to me and immediately grabbed my hand. He held my hand while leaning his head on my shoulder. We both walk like lovers, even in this kind of formal place feels like a Saturday date.

"Darling, how was your morning, did you miss me?" Irina's eyes lit up looking at me.

"Sure, I was thinking of you," I replied with a smile.

We exchanged smiles.

Both of our smiles were warm, but beneath it all lay a sinister conspiracy of rebellion. The shrouded plan behind a genuine smile felt very natural.

For some reason, I think Irina is prettier today.

Kyla's face then turned red as Irina's long hair was moved by the wind from the window. Irina's sweet smile made Kyle's male instinct scream.

"Honey, what if tonight you come to my house," I whispered to Irina.

That conversation will be very important, especially regarding our next steps. And I think getting Lily into the conversation isn't a bad idea.

If the matter of rebellion isn't decided by now, I can move on to talking about strengthening Irina and and Lily, that's my own plan.

While Kyle was thinking that, Irina seemed to have other thoughts.

"—Ah Darling, no. I know you really want me, but it's too soon, we should at least finish school first," Irina said with a pretty teasing tone.

What is this girl talking about?

Kyle became confused at Irina's attitude. What Irina said made Kyle's mind fly to the sky.

Kyle then shook his head to regain consciousness.

"Huhuhu… Let's talk about that another time. There's something more important than that," Kyle said.

After a short time, they arrived at the class.

Kyla and Irina then sat together to wait for the morning class to start.

The school bell rang, students entered the classroom and the teacher came with books.

As with ordinary days, after a few greetings and checking were present, the teacher started the lesson. The lesson was simple and as usual it was very boring.

It didn't take long for the sleep song sung by the teacher to make Irina take the opportunity to lean her head on my shoulder and fall into a deep sleep.

This girl.

This is just like usual Irina and I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that the person who started this habit was myself.

"Huff… They look like normal, but I can probably guess behind my back they were talking about yesterday's events," I mumbled that very quietly.

Thinking it was pointless, now whose turn I should check with my Aprissal skill.

Even though it's a good choice but at the moment I feel the Aprissal Skill should be used efficiently. Maybe in the afternoon or when school is about to end I'll use it.

Kyle put his hand on his chin then glanced at Irina who was sleeping. A beautiful flushed face with closed eyes and long white hair made Kyle look at her for a long time.

Irina, I think she would be more suitable with short hair, maybe around shoulder or slightly taller than that. Hmm.. What am I thinking! silly, if it's a pretty girl, short or long hair they will still look beautiful.

It reminds me of my old life. In the office, every woman I meet always has short hair, it makes me think that a strict company always applies universal standards for every employee.

But it made me feel that a pretty girl would be prettier if she had short hair. Am I the only one with this kind of taste? No, I mean they look charming and give off a serious impression as mature women.

I could have asked Irina to cut her hair short and she would have done it with a cheerful smiling face. But I don't have the heart to do it, maybe I can come up with something like "Isn't taking care of long hair troublesome for women? Then how about short hair? "Ah— no, it's their right to choose.

After Kyle tried to forget all that, he then moved his hand to grab Irina's side hair to put it behind her ear.

Even when she sleeps she is very beautiful.

In my office there used to be a lot of beautiful women with short hair, but I don't talk to them often because I'm so busy that it drives me crazy.

Meanwhile, Irina could probably be said to be the girl I've been closest to so far.

I feel that Irina is more suited to be a younger sister than a lover or fiancé. Why? Yes, since I have memories of being an office worker of 28 or 30—ah, why did I forget my age?

Even though I knew that well, Irina would never think of me as an older brother. So I have no choice but to act as her fiancé whom she loves.

Is this what you call one-sided love? If so, I'm starting to feel sorry for Irina.

If Irina finds out, will she kill me? It would be easy for him since I'm so weak.

After living all this time working like a slave in my old world, it was clear that I really wanted a comfortable life. And the warmth of the family is what I think is great. Directly, considering Irina as my family made me feel more comfortable.

"Thinking about Irina is far more useful than listening to Master explaining nonsense," Kyle muttered as he rubbed Irina's lips with his thumb.

A few moments passed and the class ended. The sleep song had stopped and Irina started to wake up.