Investment in the black market

Lisa reached out her hand, she grabbed a few small boxes on the side and opened them like a woman opening a birthday present.

A small wooden box the size of a palm was right on the table and some of the things her subordinates took out from the big wooden box were also there, Lisa took a deep breath then smiled slightly.

"A delivery from the Theocracy, a Dark Magic ring, some demon sect scriptures, the Waterfall City Painting from the Elf Kingdom, then a Death Valley Magic sword, I specially prepared it for you, Miss Lily."

The items mentioned are neatly arranged from the smallest to the largest. Lily's eyes looked at the items and then focused on the scroll under Lisa's hand.

Lisa noticed the look in Lily's eyes then she opened the scroll to show that the painting was real.

"Waterfall City Painting, how did you find it?" Lily said that as her finger followed every line in the painting.

There he saw a beautiful city that merged with a waterfall, a waterfall that was split into two with each side facing each other and the roots of a large tree covering some of the water flow. a building with dozens of pillars neatly arranged to form a kind of giant staircase next to the waterfall.

Some look like people's houses and some look like offering altars.

Lily's eyes couldn't keep up with a civilization capable of building a city as grand as this. He was practically very mesmerized.

However, confirming some things was a job he had to do.

"I heard, Waterfall City in the Kingdom was captured three months ago. That place is so far to the west that Adventures from the republic can't get there, so I don't know the true truth of the rumors of the Theocracy's attack on the Kingdom, but with this painting, I can confirm that at least Waterfall City really fell into the hands of the devils."

"Ara— so I am the first agent to convey the truth of the news to Miss?"

"Business expansion into the demon land is too difficult for ordinary employees, if it's not you, I don't know how many employees will end up being corpses when they return. "

"Ara, Ara— does this mean my pay will go up? That sounds good Miss Lily, the cost of living in the capital is quite expensive for border people like us. "

"For that—" Lily then glanced at Irina while crossing her tiny arms across her flat chest.

Lily then opened her mouth to try to say something.

"Brother," Lily said with shrinking eyes and a sweet smile.

Staring at Kyle's face for a moment then looked at Lily, Irina began to realize the true intention of Lily who looked at her.

In normal circumstances, Irina might not pay attention to what is being talked about by Lily and Lisa as she always does at school, it's just that this time some important business affairs are involved in it.

So that way, after Irina's hand released Kyle, she began to ask something.

"My family's business with a military faction has a problem because the robbery of weapons that should be sent to the Theocracy border has been robbed by a group of people suspected of being from the Devil race. For now, the military stated that all of that was carried out by Bandit. "

Hearing that, Lisa put his hand on her chin, she was seen thinking about something.

"... a group of Demon, I did not hear anything about the Devil Army who tried to enter the Republican territory."

"Darkness magic, curse magic and some slash that cannot be done by ordinary bandits in general has been reported by some magic experts who are rented by my family company, are you sure it's not the deeds of the Devils Race?"

Irina's eyes began to sharpen and the tone of her voice sounded quite heavy. Whatever it is, she looks like an office girl who is accustomed to working in the office to take care of documents for a better business development.

A company director or something like that.

"The loss caused by the robbery might not be felt for now. But there is no guarantee, the military faction that ordered weapons will have enough money to pay later on. It would be worse when they thought to cancel the order if the problematic logistics could not be overcome in the near future. I can at least help them a little when they pay for me. "

"Theocracy is not possible to send their Demon soldiers just to disturb the logistics path of the Republican army. The Demons will definitely be seen when they stepped out of the border, "Lisa said that with a small smile.

His breathing was a little slowly causing shocks on his chest to be a little visible.

Irina did not pay attention to it all but she realized something from Lisa's words.

"Didn't you investigate the Demon army while in Theocracy? The fall of Waterfall City in Kingdom has been confirmed by you that it is true, so how could you not know anything about the Demon army that infiltrated the Republic? Maybe the devils have capable personnel for espionage missions. Special army or something. "

There is also the possibility of Lisa and her group not aware of that. Too busy with a smuggling business so they don't investigate information that might be used as a sale value.

Irina did not know which one really happened, but she had to find a solution to the loss that happened to her.

When Irina thought of it deeply, Lily began to pay attention.

"Sister. "

"Lily's sister, this is not as simple as you think. Weapons sent to the Republican military to the border are all ordered by the military faction, indirectly they seemed to tell our factions that the logistics that continued to be robbed could not be handled anymore, and that means the problem about the bandits had been around for a long time but they did not can overcome it with their own hands. "

"I don't really understand politics more than you miss— Sister, but I'm sure, Madam Lisa doesn't try to hide something. Better, we ask something else. "

Hearing that, Irina sighed softly. She must give up for now, there are more than one way to find out the situation about their position.

School uniforms with short skirts and white hair Irina, making her should tidy her a little so that her beauty does not disappoint Kyle who is beside her.

With a sweet little eye glance, Irina continued with another topic.

"Alright, for now, I have to be satisfied with the assumption that the one who robbed logistics was indeed the bandits. There is no strong evidence if it is indeed the act of the devil race. "

Then with a strengthening tone, Irina brought her face closer to Madam Lisa and put her hands on the table. She smiled a little then said.

"The Waterfall City who was captured by the Demon Army should have a rebel in it. "

Instantly Lily's shoulder began to lift, the echo of the sound that entered her ear hole was clearly heard when it was finished.

Meanwhile, Madam Lisa's subordinates looked at each other like a group of people who looked confused.

Realizing that, Madam Lisa then asked something.

"What do you mean? "

"The black market business network created by the Burnet family is strong enough for the trading of weapons without tax. I began to think, rather than I expected a business agreement with a republican military faction that could be destroyed at any time, it would be better if my family's products were sold to people in need. "

Irina bowed her head so that her hair was slightly loose, she then grabbed the pen from her uniform and then put it on the table.

Improve position so that her eyes can see Madam Lisa, Irina then says something.

"I don't care whether the Elfs managed to rebel or not, but if they still have hope to do it, it can be a business potential. "

Seeing that, Lisa then grabbed a small pen on the table and played it between the fingers. Turn it a little then hold it with the palm of the hand.

More or less, Lisa understood the purpose of Irina's words.

"The business cooperation agreement is entirely in the hands of Miss Lily, I only do work. But I personally can conclude that you seem to try to invest in me. "

Looking at Lily for a moment where Lisa could see a small noding indicating approval. She began to move her hand slowly.

With her hand that grabbed the hood behind her back, Lisa covered her face with the hood.

"Just tell them, if the cost of smuggling of quality goods is very expensive. Then, I want to send it at the level where the Elfs cannot rebel in the near future. "

"I understand, I will set a shipping schedule when your employees come to this place five days from now. "