Young girl with love

It was a stupid decision. Not only is it bad from a learning point of view, at school nothing matters except a napping place for a young couple. But I still hope that there is something I can learn.

So I went to the school library to study something, but what I found there was all meaningless. The books seemed to have been written by drunks who had been kicked out of university.

There are no academic books for reference, they are completely fairy tales for children. The things I expected such as books about Monsters, their weaknesses, how to fight against them or their natural habitat, none of the books explained in detail.

The knight class, magician class, archer class or class that specialized in combat only had fairy tale books to study. Why are the people from the education ministry filled with bunch of idiots?

Books of fairy tales about a hero fighting monsters, fighting wolves, fighting wyveren, fighting orcs, fighting skeletons or fighting dragons and demons, all of them only tell of their victory because of the grace of the goddess given.

Don't they know that specific details matter? This republic seems to be filled with people who despise science to its most basic point, and the median for knowledge is writing, how could such an important thing be neglected. I'm not saying that all Republicans are idiots, but most of them are.

This world has dangerous creatures, monsters can destroy villages or cities. It is very important to note their strengths and weaknesses for better disaster management.

Information is limited and the potential for danger increases.

Hence, before I departed, I had brought along a person with high luck, that would probably protect me from all the bad luck I would experience. I thought, the two of us are like different magnet fuses in the same metal, if I attract bad luck, that man will keep bad luck away.

Luckily, even though that man said something I didn't understand, he accepted my request. But I'm still worried, even though Zen has high luck, he's still a person with ordinary abilities that's on par with Republic soldiers.

I swear, if the Burnet family business recovers, I will send hundreds of people to document the potentially disastrous monsters. Adventurers or soldiers only had a bit of detailed information on monsters, the rest was vague information obtained by word of mouth, that was of course bad news.

As Kyle was thinking about what he would do in the future while looking out the window from the horse convoy. He could feel Irina's embrace beside him growing warmer.

"Ah— Honeymoon, Darling, this trip feels like a honeymoon for both of us."

Honeymoon, huh? You mean a honeymoon taking a convoy full of war weapons to a dangerous frontier? Are you kidding? I wanted to say that, but I held it back.

I wanted to talk about business with Irina, but I've heard from a former co-worker that a woman doesn't like talking about business with her boyfriend.

Even though Irina looks like an innocent young girl with flowers all over her head, she is still a business girl who is awesome to me or the majority of the people in this Republic, but I always have a hard time finding situations where I can talk about important business lately. I have to hold back from talking about the business of a large company that is closely related to politics from Irina every time.

I don't know how to explain this complicated feeling. I don't want to lose my strongest ally because of my own stupidity. Arghh!! It's so torturous, in such a bad situation, I don't have the courage to put anything on the line. Of course, I can't bet.

All I have to do now is pay attention to Irina, then study how she runs a business secretly.

Kyle then put his hands on Irina's hips. The horse-drawn carriage with its noisy sound didn't bother the two of them in the slightest.

The white coat uniting Irina and Kyle caused the chilly temperature of the night wind to melt into the warmth. Regular breathing and warm body temperature touched each other, what Kyle could smell next was the sweet smell of High Quality perfume, luxury goods that gave off a kind of comfort.

Careful preparations seemed to have been well planned, Kyle could understand that clearly.

This beautiful girl with short white hair made Kyle unable to look away. If he was someone who couldn't resist the biological urges of an ordinary teenager, normal things would probably happen.

"I can be your warm blanket tonight. Words may affect a person's life, but I'm sure true love requires a strong commitment," Kyle learned that in his spare time.

"Darling, I love what you say, you will always influence my heart whenever and wherever. "

Very innocent answer as usual. This girl is actually very predictable.

While Irina closed her eyes just as her head was leaning on my shoulder, I saw her hand reaching for mine to touch her delicate cheeks.

At that time, Irina then said.

"But Darling, you don't have to try hard enough for me. A woman who wants attention from her lover, will regret it when they realize that excessive demands will eventually separate them both. There are countless dangers in the world, monsters that kill adventurers, soldiers that join the war, even if driven by economic necessity, their families will feel the loss in the end. I always pray to the goddess that Darling won't be taken away from me."

This girl, she said something good. Somehow, everything he said meant a lot. I have to reply to Irina's sweet words.

"I also always pray to the goddess to always be by your side."

Of course it was a lie, but the wish I said was a reality.

Irina then opened her eyes again and smiled sweetly, her charming short white hair and that pretty face, it made me ask, am I worthy of all this?

If I asked my former co-workers back then, they would probably answer something like "If you don't have a pretty face, you should at least have a lot of money, that's how a normal woman chooses a partner" even though I heard such convincing words, I've never heard my former co-worker married a woman.

To be honest, I doubted he would ever get married.

Then, after I recalled the past a bit, Irina then shifted her head to find a comfortable position. The girl was still smiling with a seductive chuckle.

"fufufu— In that case, I'm sure the goddess will unite the two of us over true eternal love. I am the believer that the goddess loves, then Darling is the adherent blessed by the goddess. "

Yes, the goddess has answered your prayers with a curse on me. It's a nice prayer, but it doesn't seem to apply to me.

"But Darling. The goddess is a fair figure, the followers of the goddess of light that I know say that, obedient people are those who work hard, so I have prepared a lot of things for you so that you and I can stay together and live happily. "

I wonder what a girl like you has prepared for me. I don't think it's something as simple as a birthday present.

Yes, at least from what Irina said, it makes me think that not everyone who worships the goddess is a fool.

But the majority seems so.

There were countless loopholes for using the goddess's name to influence people. But I am not foolish enough to wish that even a criminal would drop their sword when I say that what they have done is a sin.

There are lots of situations that have to be solved in different ways. That way, maximum results will be obtained.


Five days and six nights, that was the time it took to get to the border town.

A cascading, stair-like, small waterfall connects the river near the town. Kyle could see a very tall residential building with marble pillars standing tall beside the road. It looked like a path for a cable car, but what was above the pillars was a large aqueduct that connected to the large castle in the center of the city.

This was a city with countless buildings as far as the eye could see, Pigeons flew above the clouds and the footsteps of the residents were loud and full of life.

There were tons of adventurers that Kyle could see on the left and right. Now that the final location of his business had been set, should he take the opportunity for a stronger business foundation? Of course he would take it.

Then with that belief, Kyle entered the large wooden gate with the symbol of a lion eating a sword.