An easy to guess plan

As the dining table fell silent, with the guests having left. Carmila was still sitting on the dining chair with her face downcast, her eyes slightly widened and her lips tightened slightly.

This is the answer. Carmila already knew the answer to all the difficulties that befell her, therefore she could hardly hold back her anger.

Cruelly exploited for the other party's purposes, even though on paper it was a potential ally, Carmila really felt like she had been played by someone else. Is that how they try to build a relationship? That's so uncivilized, Carmila thought through her head as if it was about to explode.

The beautiful woman then bit her lips then whispered.

"Chk! Burnet, So that was your doing."

That was the plan, by asking the Burnet family company to send weaponry down a dangerous route, the main route where bandits suspected of being demons cut off military logistics, all of which would prove whether Burnet was involved or not.

And the end result, there was no attack whatsoever. A robber wouldn't rob their own group, that's a very clear logic, why when Burnet joined the sender nothing happened? Everything would make sense if Burnet himself was the culprit.

The more Carmila thought, the more it all made sense. The presidential election had changed everything, Burnet clearly knew that their faction would not win, so mitigating losses was a definite step to be taken. This is similar to military tactics on the battlefield, even though it is in a different field but has the same instruments and patterns, making Carmila understand a little what Burnet is trying to do.

The woman then looked at her subordinates and said.

"Harold, have you confirmed that?"

Captain Harold then grabbed some documents and placed them on the table, removing some broken glass along with a plate that was split open due to the impingement of a woman, Harold then gave a report.

"Kyle Burnet of the Burnet family. There's nothing special about that young man according to the message Colonel Fred sent from the white dove a moment ago."

Harold then placed his palms on the table and shifted the stacked documents aside right under Carmila's eyes. Some posts appear to show detailed reports.

It was a report sent from the capital using mail pigeons, military personnel had been assigned to investigate the Burnet family in order to find out the truth. At that moment, Harold resumed continuing.

"The Burnet family owns a small company called Wolf trading company, it is a company that does business in shipping services. There is nothing suspicious about the company except the little information that has been obtained. The report said that it was just an ordinary company."

"You think I'd believe it was just a normal company? Harold, you should know that it's actually very suspicious."

Hearing Carmila's words, Harold then looked again at the document to then show the serious attitude of someone who found something. He then placed a hand on his chin.

"Kyle Burnet was known as a problem student at school, nothing stood out about that young man other than bad rumours. However, lady Irina also did that. This proves that they actually did it on purpose, As if hiding what was inside. A student who manages a company is of course not a fool, even if they have fooled other students, still it will be exposed in the end."

"From what I've seen, I feel that Kyle and miss Irina aren't fools, then why are they trying to create bad rumors for themselves? I don't see any advantage they can gain, why did Colonel Fred's report contain something so trivial? "

Carmila turned her face away with an unconcerned expression. But an answering sound made the woman slightly lift her head to look at her subordinate.

"Wrong, major, you are wrong. This is actually a very important report, because with this report, the investigative team that was sent finally realized the strangeness of the reason why the Austinus family left the business faction. "

"The Austinus family's departure from the businessman faction wasn't a mistake?"

"Yes, this is a political maneuver that most people will not be aware of. I suspect the Austinus family's entry into the church faction was a trap or a move to create an opportunity."

"I don't understand at all. "

"Think about it once more, the aim of the business faction is to intervene in laws. They knew that what the church faction wanted was the holy Austinus family, so they sent it while feigning divisions among their own faction, in order to get in and influence the church faction from within. Meanwhile for the Military faction, what we want is to strengthen the military, but that doesn't get us to the point where we expect help from other people, then logistical problems occur. Isn't this clearly suspicious? By sending their allies to each faction that has the potential to become a ruler, their goals will still be achieved even if they will lose. However-"

Harold paused for a moment, he then swallowed his own saliva before looking up at his superiors.

Carmila noticed, she felt that the big hole in the darkness wasn't shallow, it was even deeper than what she could see, There were a lot of mysteries popping up when she heard what her own bottom trying to cut through was so annoying. With an increasingly sharpened expression, Carmila couldn't help herself from asking.

"Why? Why are you stopping? Continue. "

They now saw each other before a silence due to the extinguished candle made the room suddenly darken, it was then bright again when the moonlight penetrated the open window. It seemed that the dark fog that had covered the moon around the city was now fading due to the strong night wind.

The moonlight gradually entered creating a streak of blue light on the floor and black shadows on the other side. Harold then opened his mouth again to speak.

"There is no guarantee that the plans carried out by the business faction will succeed in deceiving people from the military faction, and it will even hurt the business faction itself when we find out that they are involved in the problems experienced by the military. "

Qualified individuals who are properly educated will not be so easy to deceive. There are many scenarios where the investigation will eventually find out the truth, the military faction is the faction that knows what the Republic's potential strengths and weaknesses are. Besides corrupt officials, there is also the role of people who balance the Republic so that it can stand firmly on a fragile roof.

Even the military faction has military schools that are not bound by laws from the parliamentary council, they fully have the right to determine what they will teach, although not much and rarely exposed, people in the military realize that it is much better than regular schools throughout the Republic, places where every young child is trained to become a soldier.

It ultimately created quality military officers unlike most Republicans. One of them is captain Harold and major Carmila.

"I can conclude that the problem with military logistics is entirely the fault of the Burnet family. The family has been very mysterious from the start, why with such a small company can acquire such a large amount of wealth, then its closeness to the Triase family, I don't believe the Triase family will care about such a small company unless they know the true value of the Burnet family, the private banking business of the company should know everything."

Implicitly, Carmila realized what Harold was trying to say.

With all the clues she received, Carmila assembles the puzzle pieces into a complete picture. If, Burnet kept many secrets regarding their original income, it meant that an unknown dirty business might have been in the shadows, a high-profit business leveraging all the family's connections.

To reach that point requires extraordinary management skills and the ability to see opportunities, that is, people are cunning and shrewd. Then what actually happened? What scenarios might there be?

It is possible that the Burnet family is confident in robbing military logistics because even if the military were aware of it, it would involve all members of the business faction, that way it would ultimately be handled by its own faction without receiving suspicion from the military.

Camouflaging among people was far better than hiding among the leaves, while the business faction and the military faction were in tension, they finally realized that they depended on each other and then the Burnet family entered at a critical juncture to show that the Burnet company was solution to overcome logistical problems in the military.

This would make the military comfortable with trustworthy efficiency, so that the stable income from the delivery service business would be enjoyed by Burnet with a wide disgusting grin.

Win or lose, the military faction or the government faction and the church faction, Burnet will still benefit even if the business faction's goals are not achieved. It's like throwing a net for three gems.

Carmila realized it, this was a clever ploy, so cunning it made her want to puke.

Carmila's sense of patriotism, As if rising to a higher level of understanding, there are many enemies in the dark who are very skilled at building show tents. This was no longer a battle against demons or elves, but this was a battle within the Republic where swords, arrows and staffs were no longer the main weapons.

Even if it were possible, Carmila was sure that if Burnet saw a potential advantage in working with the demons, they would take it without hesitation.

Carmila then got up from the chair with her fists clenched, she felt like hitting something or slashing a very large stone pillar. Even so, thinking with a hot head would prove to be very detrimental, therefore Carmila opened her mouth when the military uniform she was wearing started to feel loose around her breasts.

With a small breath, Carmila also said.

"Burnet, this will not go according to your plan, you will be rewarded for what you did. "