Black witch who goes to work

A 16 year old boy with short golden hair and sharp eyes, got up from the bed. He then looked towards the mirror with an exhausted expression.

After tilting his head for a few moments, the boy then went to the bathroom and quickly got dressed. A work uniform with a little black tie, white shirt and dark blue coat looks very appropriate when he wears it.

It's time for him to go to work.

After grabbing the small bag covered by the blue coat, he then looked at the pointed wizard's hat in thought for a while. There, right in the wardrobe, a black magician's robe with a pointed hat neatly arranged. It was the uniform he always wore in the past but now he had no intention of putting it back on.

"I don't need it anymore. I should probably sell it to a clothing store for some money."

After he got a new job at a big company, his financial condition had reached a point where he never imagined he would get it.