Emperor's Message

Princess, your hair is so beautiful.

My dear Nate, you make it beautiful with your golden hands

That maid lowered the brush to pull the princess's long hair that goes beyond her butt line

The princess stood up from the chair and let her maid brush her long brown hair and

the princess's eyes were on the mirror


She smiled when she heard a knock on her room door

-he is here!

The princess's clear smile of joy formed on her lips as she turned around the door

when the maid, Nate, put the brush on the table next to her.

It's probably Max.

- Yes, Your Highness

The maid walked with contented steps to the door and opened it. A twenty-year-old blond-haired man with blue eyes and long eyelashes was smiling in front of the maid and welcomed her quietly, hiding his hand behind his back.

Hi Max! you are welcome to enter

Max entered and the maid left them and came out, then the princess went to hug him tightly while he turned around after he raised her feet from the ground

Max, I miss you.

- Eva, me too.

Tell me where you were, I've been waiting for you.

- Hmmm, actually

He smiled at her and took out a small yellow flower in his hand, which he was hiding behind him.

- Eva, I think we should -

The sound of knocking on the door interrupted his words that were clear before her eyes, but she was waiting for him to utter them

Eva felt the obvious annoyance on her face while Max smiled softly and asked her not to get angry

Max went to open the door and there was a guard standing quietly, sweat pouring from his forehead

- Mister Max, this message came for the princess of the Myrith Empire.

- Merith? This does not bode well... He flipped the letter

with his hand left and right, sighed, then smiled and asked the guard to go

-Okay, you can go now.

The servant turned away and left, after asking permission

, Max came back with the letter that Princess Eva began to stare at anxiously

- What is this?

Max looked at her and sighed and then passed the message to her

- it's a message from the Myrith Empire.

Eva took the letter and sat on the bed and quickly opened it, while Max stood in front of her with his hands on his chest


Her Royal Highness

Emperor Julian Reese Julius offers your Highness to join the Empire of Merith to ensure security and peace in your kingdom

To take advantage of the empire's support to you.

If you accept this, you will remain a princess of the kingdom of Myriana, and if you refuse, there is no peace for a kingdom that is not under the empire.


Fuck you, and your empire!!

The princess threw the letter hard to hit the wall.

She raised her hair in her hands and put her hands on her forehead anxiously, those yellow eyes sparks were flying from her

- I knew this would happen one day.

- What are you going to do now?

Max approached and sat close to her and put his hand around her waist and laid her head on his shoulder

- Max, I don't know, I can't accept submission to them, our people will be wronged, I'm sure of that.

The people believe in me and in my strength. How can I hand them over to the Empire so easily?

· · • • ✤ • • • ·

- Your Majesty, do you think she would agree?

It doesn't matter either way, I'll get her kingdom.

He sits quietly with that blue robe covering his body from his shoulders, showing his chest, wearing black pants and bare feet. He sits quietly in his office with her feet on the table in front of him.

Dion, don't you think you're thinking too much?

- It's not like that, Your Highness, I just don't want too much trouble.

Young man, you are one of my generals, and you say you don't like troubles after you killed more than two hundred people with ease and comfort without getting any scars?

- But sir...

- Dion, you think too much, and you also call me 'Sir', and I'm your friend, you should get away from this nonsense.

Curly red hair, calm black eyes, and a conspicuous prince's clothes. Their owner got up to look for a book in the library of the emperor, who sat unconcerned with whatever was going on around him.

- Julian, for the record, it's been a week since you sent that letter, what do you think happened?

- Since the Messenger has returned, I think they

received it three days ago.

Dion turned around quietly at him and said coldly as if he knew

- did he really do it?

If I don't receive a letter from her in just two days, I will go myself and destroy that damned kingdom and their princess.

Meanwhile, Miroslav quickly entered without knocking on the door with a small envelope in her hand

- He's from the kingdom of Mirjana.

Julian did not change his sitting position at all and his facial features did not change. All that was waiting for him and Dion, who was standing with an open book in his hand, was for Miroslav to read the letter to them.

After a few seconds of reading the message, everyone fell silent except for Julian, who started laughing hard, and the madness was evident on his features.

- That woman is challenging me then??!

- Wait a minute guys, the princess didn't say anything, she said that she doesn't want her people to be oppressed and she doesn't want position or power and that all she wants is to rule herself without having to rely on anyone

- and what she said is only true.

Julian quickly got up from his chair and ran to the door, eyes burning with excitement and madness

- I'm the one who's going to lead the attack there!

Miroslav put her hand on his hand on the doorknob and held it tightly

- Julian, you told me I would have the new kingdom, so...

- Let me take care of this kingdom with my soldiers.

Julian turned around and smiled with a terrified look

- Well, Miro, but what if you fail?

She smiled while looking up at him with a smile on his side.

- Have you ever lost?

She put her hand away and bent down on her knee

--just rest, my lord, and I will bring you that woman's head.

Julian paused and looked at Miroslav afterwards, and smiled madly again.

- I want that woman completely...

- I want to see her

-You want her captive, then... That's yours, Your Majesty!

· · • • ✤ • • • ·

- Your Highness, what is going on? I see that you are very busy at this time and do not appear in public much, is there a problem?

The princess is sitting on her bed quietly, her eyes cold as if she is frozen in feelings.

As her maid walks around tidying up the room

- Nate the Merith Empire will attack us, and at an unknown time....

The mirror fell off the hands of the maid, Nate, and broke.

- w.... Wraith?