
It smells good, I can actually smell it without having to touch these pieces of cloth.

He slowly approached one of the closets, passed his hand over the dresses in the closet, smiled, and then pulled one of them forcefully and inhaled her wind.

- Oh, my God...

- What a smell, it makes me feel high.

He left his piece of clothing on the floor and went out to her room. He stood in front of the door to the room where two men bowed to him when he stood before them.

- The princess is inside right?

- Yes, Your Majesty.

He opened the door with both hands and looked into the room.

Eva was sitting in front of the bed on the floor lying quietly on the bed without doing anything even when she heard the door open she did not raise her head.

He walked quietly into the room and approached her, then sat again on his knees in front of her.

It was like a tale of Beauty and the Beast.

Eva raised her head, her brown hair that was tufted over her face.

-Who are you?

If you are the emperor who is famous for his brute strength, don't try to frighten me, for I can't see you and I haven't seen you before.

He did not talk to her, but kept looking at the beauty of her eyes, lips, and beautiful skin covered with new scars left from her battle with Miroslav.

Some of the wounds were on the front of her chest and her arms from her open-armed dress.

Eva raised her arm towards his face, pointing a finger in front of him

I won't let you do whatever you want! I will take back my kingdom and my poor people.

Julian got up and didn't talk to her. Then he left the room and told the guards something. Then they entered the room and Eva started screaming.

Hearing her cries, Julian smiled, and ended up with her bare-chested on her bed, her eyes filled with burning tears, and this was the sight he saw for the first time.

He stood behind her and had her lower back, which they had imprinted on her name Julian, exposed, keeping her hair away from her back while she was almost unconscious.

Focusing his eyes on her body from behind, he began to lose control of himself.

He ran his palm across her back from the top of her neck to her lower back and the beginning of the still-hot stamp on her body.

Eva spoke in a stifled voice, with her face burying it in the sheets, and her hands cuddling them up.

You can't come near me, I'm an untouchable woman.

I will kill you, I swear I will kill you.

Were you unconscious?

Eva felt something creep into her stomach, and it frightened her when she felt the coldness of his fingers, which lightly wrapped around her stomach.

Eva quickly lifted herself from the bed and raised the bed sheets over her entire body and covered him while looking around and all she could see was a black shadow in front of her that she could not see well, so her eyesight was severely damaged.

- I told you not to touch me, didn't you already hear that??!!

Eva screamed in the middle of the room until his big hand closed her mouth, trapping her naked body on the bed when he climbed on her.

Shut up, I don't like noise.

She tried to keep his hand away by moving her head as her two hands were bound up with his big bare hands.

Look, I don't want you to make a fuss, what I did now was nothing.

I don't want to hear your voice screaming, unless you want to die.

Other than that, if you stick to everything I say, you will have a strong position in the future.

After he took his hand away from her mouth, she said grimly

- Strong position like what?? And who said I want to be the same as you?

- Let me think for a moment.

- Ah right.

He raised his hand up and smiled and said

- Like Patron Number 1 for me?

You and your maidservants go to hell!

Do you think I'm a whore?

Right, I'll ask you a question.

-Are you a virgin?

- are you crazy??!!

Eva screamed so loudly that he had to shut her mouth again and this time he told her to just shut up

- are you going to tell me or let me figure it out myself?

- Go to hell!

Julian approached and ran his hand on her exposed belly up between her breasts and never got close to her breast, so Eva started kicking hard and breathing quickly as well.

Damn you, don't touch me!!

- Tell me come on. This is your last chance

- as.. no!! I'm not!!

- What are you?

- I'm not a virgin, what do you want now? did you rest

I'm no good to your harem, just stay away from me.

Julian left her hands, which turned red, and got up from the bed and began to spin around and put his hand under his chin and said

- How is this possible? You are said to be a virgin.

- I'm not, are you resting now??

Eva lifted herself up and lifted the bed sheets over her body once more.

Julian left with his mind thinking, and with his eyes closed, he walked into the corridor and thought of how that girl could not be a virgin.

Once for several days, Eva was still imprisoned in her room, where the emperor finished organizing the affairs of the kingdom until he took her with him to the imperial palace.

Sir, the kingdom is in good shape now, we have almost completely taken over it. We can now put someone here and return to the empire, since it needs you more than anywhere.

- You're right, but who am I going to put here?

- You can temporarily place anyone until you decide to do so in the Empire.

I think you're right, after seeing a lot of things here and knowing what this kingdom does, I can go back now, so okay.

- I will go and tell them to take the princess out of her room and prepare her to leave with me in the procession.

- As you wish, my lord.

After a few minutes, he ran back in a fright and came in and said the words between his breaths.

- A... the princess...

- The princess has run away...