
His voice resounded all over the place after he shouted above the name of Eva, who heard it, and her heart trembled and she felt that cold air had penetrated him

and her inability to see anything made her even more afraid and hesitant.

Dark sky, wet clothes She

crossed on the other side of the waterfall where there is a large farm of tall weed fields, and she entered between them without seeing anything, only groping with her hands and her heart beating fast.

Cold air playing with her hair and moving it hard, shivering her body every now and then due to the severity of the cold.

While trying to see even a little but unable to do so.

She went out on the other side of the grass and saw a faint light with her weak eyes.

- please!! help me!!

She walked with varying steps, as the monster that terrified and terrified her quickly appeared behind her.

She walked quickly and then ran as if her feet were telling her not to stop even if she died, death for her and although it was not an option but it was better than falling into the hands of that crazy person.

"I can't let my people down and I can't die, but I can't surrender to this monster!"

- Eva!! What a strong woman!

- I can smell you from a hundred metres!

- Eva!

"Every time Julian yells my name, my body shudders and my heart aches, I feel like if he catches me I'm really over this time."

"I couldn't do it.. this really hurt my heart, I only felt a big arm wrapped around my waist as I ran and carried me with ease."

Julian put it in front of him on the mare and noticed that the clothes of the two of them were wet.

But he noticed that her body was trembling severely and her face was tired, but she did not speak or say anything to him.

- Why don't you talk!

- Why did you try to escape?

-What do you want then? to surrender? And give myself up?

- Aren't you supposed to kill me now?

Isn't that what you don't always do when you occupy a kingdom?

Are you going to take me back to the palace to burn me?

Julian laughed as he changed his way towards the waterfall to return to the palace and Eva clutching the horse's hair lost balance while holding it and left it and put her hand on her already shattered head, but Julian's large and wide arm was faster to grab her waist tightly and wrap it around him.

- Isn't that what you used to do with everyone who opposes your decisions?

He answered her coldly and calmly as the horse walked with calm steps

- You are a woman.

- You are a liar!

- I know what happened with the rest of the women of other kingdoms! I executed them with their families!

- who told you that?

- Everyone knows this.

He smiled and put his hand under his chin and said

- When it comes to women, I do some things for them.

What do you mean by some action?

He gave a side smile and said in a cold tone near her ear that made her body shiver.

- You'll know when we get to the Imperial Palace.

She turned to try to look at his face and narrowed her eyes as he lowered his eyes down to hers and looked at her cute features and yellow eyes that were looking everywhere now his face

. His other hand that proves from her waist.

- what are you doing!!

Tell me, have you ever had your first kiss?

- I told you, you're not a virgin, so how do you say my first kiss?

We 'll find out later

. What do you mean?

After examining her face and whispering in her eyes, he regained consciousness and left her forcefully and continued his way towards the palace.

They returned to the palace and everyone was welcoming the Emperor

- Long live Emperor Julian!

Long live Your Majesty Julian!

He reached the palace gate, got off the horse, and lowered her from the horse, after lifting her from the waist with ease.

Then he took off his cloak, which he did not wear anything under, and threw it over her shoulders, after seeing the blueness of her lips due to the cold, after they got wet in the water of the waterfall.

The soldiers and the chief guard who had appointed him ran into the Mirjana Kingdom.

Your Majesty, are you okay?!

- Yeah, it's okay, nothing happened.

After placing the chains in her hands, two guards took the princess into the palace.

The emperor bowed and whispered in the ear of the chief guard and said

- the princess is in danger, take good care of her.

I don't want anything to happen to her, especially her body.

Her body covered with wounds was exposed, her back, which the maids started to clean, screamed pain , and

the seal under her back with the name Julian was inflamed, which made them call a doctor to treat him.

In another room where the emperor is seated with the chief guard and the person in charge of the kingdom of Mirjana.

- And now, Your Majesty, the Emperor, I think that everything in the kingdom is under control, you can now count on us, go to the Empire and then I will...

Their conversation was interrupted by Eva's screams, which Julian had never heard of a woman screaming like this before.

- What's going on?

Julian got up and walked towards the source of the sound where her room was and went straight in.

There were four maids trying to fix her on the bed firmly on her face to treat her back wound, which was inflamed, and the doctor was removing the rotten parts of the flesh from the wound.

The doctor turned to Julian, who was standing coldly, embracing his hands to his chest, and leaned lightly and said to Julian.

My lord, the seal that was imprinted on her back was damaged by the extra parts that she pulled out so as not to kill her.

Julian smiled sideways and said

- It's okay, we can put it somewhere else after she gets her strength back.