bitter realism

"That's fine.... I can use them to take care of her, and then I'll be able to do whatever I want after that, the further away I get, the sweeter it becomes."

Emmanuel was planning something unknown and this is the thing that can strike fear in the hearts of those who see it, especially when he appears with those wide yellow frightening eyes.

"Emmanuel Small, you're so lucky this time, man, I never imagined you'd have such a wonderful booty."

It happens to himself as he drives away his horse from the front of the camp and his words make him appear like a madman with no brains

And in another place, the emperor clings to that woman, wraps her waist and smells her wind, as if he is inhaling the same oxygen from the perfume of her hair, and she does not exchange it for anything.

'Oh my God... this is starting to make me really disgusted, I don't know but now I get up and I hit him hard and run away, but it takes a lot of effort and it's going to sabotage my plan I've been waiting for with Lillian who has disappeared to a place I can't even guess .'

'His touches start to annoy me, his hot breath hitting my ear and his blinking eye that I can feel against my face on the side, it makes me sick and bored, I just want it all to be over as soon as possible, or else I might act ugly.'

"Your Majesty, you have to be careful with your behavior, I am not an ordinary woman or one of your women yet, I am still just a prisoner of war, you have no right to dispose of her as you like, isn't that what the laws of your empire state?"

'I felt the slackness of his hands wrapping around my body like a snake and that was a good indication of his moving, and now all I have to do is to withdraw from his hands quietly and not let him feel it'

Eva was able to pull herself up, but she sat directly in front of him and said to him while rearranging her clothes after he scattered them from the chest area.

"The Eleventh Law of the Merith Empire states that no female captive shall be harmed in any way, and anyone who commits such an offense shall be held accountable."

'I hear his voice laughing hysterically, does he want to provoke me? Or maybe I misspelled the law number?'

"Why are you laughing like that? Is there something wrong?"

Eva answered him knowing that he was scary and did not abide by any law even if it was made by him himself, but she was just trying and waiting until the night was over, and also waiting for that friend who left her in the most important situations and ran away.

"Sometimes you have to fight, emperor. Fighting is not just about drawing swords and cutting meat, but you have to test yourself by standing firm on your willpower in front of a woman you want."

But for that emperor it was nothing but vain, and he pulled her by her legs so hard and fast that she felt frightened and carefully grabbed my arm after she was about to fall on her back, and Eva realized that all her attempts with her words were in vain.

'What am I going to do now, that man can't hold himself at all no matter how hard he tries and no matter how hard I try there is always a side that tempts him more and more, no it can't happen I have to find a way to relieve this craving that is sweeping his body!'

But he pulled her back lightly without making her able to speak after he closed her mouth with his wide hand and approached her ear while his other hand wrapped her waist and said those words that were perfectly clear.

"You were not mistaken in anything that the law you spoke of was absolutely correct... But who is the person who made these laws? Isn't he Emperor Julian? And as long as Emperor Julian made these laws, this means that the Emperor can change any law at any time and for any Someone wants, I'm not right

Eva lost all ways to escape from this problem that fell into her without any guilt and only had her bright eyes that started to tear and covered her entire face.

Julian, with his piercing eyes, noticed the tears running down her hair, wiped her eyes with his big thumb and remained silent for a while, not daring to say another word.

Julian felt that he had made a mistake but did not know what he had done wrong, so he moved away from her and sat in front of the fire coldly while she covered her face with her hands and began to hear those gasps coming out of her trying to hold those tears that fell.

"That's enough, don't act like a child, you are already an adult."

Going back to that woman whose body was completely wrecked, that kind family who began to take good care of her, and that man who lays traps for her at every point he steps on, and all he plans to do is support her in any way for his own good and his desires only.

'I feel warmth all over my body, is it possible that everything I've been through was just a dream and I'm in my bed now? But that pain that I felt under my chest, or you can say between my chest, made me realize that this was not a dream and that I had been branded by that brown man with yellow eyes.

'I see this place now and it looks a little nice and warm, it's like a little hut of a nice family living in safety and peace, but what am I doing here with them... Does it make sense... No... I remember now I was on the run yesterday I've A fit of panic, fear and hesitation overwhelmed me for the first time in my life and ran away, leaving the princess behind me without thinking of her. All I thought about was myself only when I felt his hands on my body. What a shame.

"Miss, are you alright, can you see us?"

Or he died today with her head in the head as if she was telling them she was fine and she could see them all That little boy of ten years and that girl of fifteen and that big mother who looked like her in the autumn and the father who looked like her were all sitting around Lillian Graz

The father said while his cute facial features and that beard mixed with a little gray.

"It looks good, she's fine, I'm really glad we were able to save her at the last minute, thank God you're safe my daughter, I hope you're fine, and I'll promise to take more care of you until you're able to walk again easily."

For the first time in a long time, Lillian felt safe with that family after he helped her sit up straight and bring her some food and she sat laughing with them and having some nice conversations with the kids, but she didn't expect that those moments would go away in so short a time.

"I'll go get some firewood from outside, don't worry, I'll be back very soon."

The father said these words at the door of the tent and went out excitedly, but those sounds that the wind brought to them were not good at all. With great difficulty, she took a long stick attached to the door of the tent.

"I really hope this guy isn't the one who got here and found out where I am."

She turned her eyes around the whole place and did not see anything strange, but that sound from among the trees made her head straight towards the trees and saw that old man stained with blood and grabbed him and tried to support him despite the weakness of her body

"What happened to you? Who did this to you?"

But her words were incomplete when that old man's back pierced a wooden spear that emerged from his stomach with the force of the strike, which caused Lillian to step back and the old man to fall in front of her.

"My God!!"

Lillian did not know how far the archer was, but she realized that he did not want to kill her, so she returned with slow, tired steps to the tent, and her clothes were full of blood, so the woman and her children screamed when they saw this scene and saw the amount of emotion on her face

The mother shouted in a frightened tone.

"What happened...? Where is my husband?"

"Let's get out of here quickly, come on!!"

The woman, the girl and the little boy got up, and when they were about to go out, and after they stood in front of the exit of the tent, another spear of wood pierced the heart of the fifteen-year-old girl, and the mother screamed and ran to her daughter, who was breathing her last hard.

"My daughter!!! Nope!?!"

'And here I was the one who should die in this family'

This time she stood in front of them and covered them with her body, but she heard the sound of footsteps approaching, and that voice that she detested was the one who answered her silence.

"It looks like a strong woman is like a little mouse now, what a shame!"

Lillian raised her head and stared at him sharply and yelled hard at him

"Why did you do that? You could only have come to take me and not kill people who have no fault and nothing to do with all this!!!"

He answered her coldly as he opened his arms in front of her

"Why should I care about a pathetic family like them? In addition to being pathetic, they are from the Northern Empire that kidnapped the Emperor's Caravan. Do you think I will tolerate?"

"Who told you to be lenient? I am your enemy and not these people, heartless monster!!"

But these words meant nothing to him, so she rushed the long plank that she carried off the ground next to her with her tired steps to try to hit him, but he grabbed the stick in his hand and pulled it towards Lillian to grab her from the clothes that the family had changed for her and hit her on the head to fall unconscious.

"Now what am I going to do with you two?"

Emmanuel saw that little boy crying over the corpse of his older sister and the mother who was silent with tears in her eyes, so he came towards them and stood completely behind them.

"I think catching up with the rest of your family is the best option. Are you right? Then you'll be able to live together in the afterlife or maybe you'll be reborn as a family, so rejoice, you won't be in pain for long."

Emmanuel left two more heads behind him when Lillian carried Lillian on his shoulder and walked onto his horse and put that beautiful woman unconscious in front of him....

"Maybe we'll have a little fun before we go back to Julian, pretty girl who's caught my eye since I've seen her."