Chapter 77: Insatiable Hunger

Hale POV

It’s been two days since Ivy woke up, and every moment she was awake was a blessing. However, I couldn’t help but be concerned the changes in her were something to be worried about.

“I don’t understand why you’re worrying,” Talon replied for the third time today as we sat listening to Ivy shower in the next room with James. Her moans of pleasure echoed from behind closed doors as he took her again for the second time in two days.

“Do you hear that?” I said, looking at Talon with wide eyes as a carnal roar traveled down the hall. “She is no longer the sweet girl we once knew. She has become something else.”

Rolling his eyes, Talon continued stuffing his face. My brother’s appetite was larger than I remembered it being before. I knew I should just be happy we were finally all together, but things just didn’t add up.

“Sounds like they are going at it again,” Damian said as he entered the kitchen.