Chapter 214: Choices for the Future


The moment we arrived we were greeted by the guard, Odin, and Freya. My grandfather’s eyes stared at me with surprise and curiosity I wasn’t used to seeing. It was as if he was looking at me in a new light—like I wasn’t the same girl who had left.

“Welcome home, Cassie.” His deep and hearty voice made me smile as he opened his arms wide, and I embraced him into a hug. “I see that you brought someone back with you.”

Pulling away from him, I glanced over my shoulder towards Damian. “Yes, I did. It was his time to come home to the garden and fate has deemed he is needed here.”

Odin was quiet for a moment, and with his silence, I glanced back at him to see him staring at Damian with complete indifference. Part of me felt like there was a problem, but the other part of me knew deep down that this was meant to happen.