Game Mechanics: STR Attribute

The [ Attribute : STR ], or Strength, is one of the four [ Main Attributes ] alongside INT, DEX and VIT. It refers to the power the muscles could exert in rapid bursts or during sustained duration of straining, whether in contraction or extension.

STR is used for determining melee combat power (Melee Damage) and the maximum weight a player could carry, which is also known as Max Carry Weight. There is no such thing as multidimensional inventory where one could keep and take out their items anyhow, everything occupies Inventory spaces and have masses and have to be borne on the person himself. The weight carried will affect the player's combat-effectiveness (WeightCE) so one must plan the things he carry with on him.

STR is also used to determine what Weapon-Class a player could use, which also affects his or her combat-effectiveness (WeaponCE). Those who mained with heavy assault exosuits, melee combat or even heavy-class weaponry and heavier, would often spec into STR.

Below are the Stats calculation formulae derived from STR:

1. Weapon Weight Class

-----Note: A Weapon Weight Class will rise temporarily by +1 Class if its Damage is above the supposed Weight Class Damage-----

> Light-Class : Weight =< 2 kg, Damage =< 5 || WeaponCE = 1.0

> Medium-Class : Weight = 2~7 kg, Damage = 5~15 || WeaponCE = 0.9

> Heavy-Class : Weight = 7~15 kg, Damage = 15~30 || WeaponCE = 0.8

> Titan-Class : Weight = 15~30 kg, Damage = 30~60 || WeaponCE = 0.7

> Behemoth-Class : Weight => 30 kg, Damage => 60 || WeaponCE = 0.6


2. Max Carry Weight (CarryWt)

---Note: The number of carried items do not depend solely on one's Max Carry Weight, it also depends on the number of Inventory space one has.-----

> Base CarryWt = Base STR × 10 kg

> Levelup CarryWt = +Levelup STR × 1 kg

> Growth CarryWt = +0.1 kg / Level

> Max CarryWt = Base CarryWt + Levelup CarryWt + Growth CarryWt

> Bonus CarryWt = from Ability | Skill | Trait | Equipment | Others


3. Weight Combat-Effectiveness (WtCE)

> If CarryWt =< 30% of Max CarryWt | WtCE = 1

> If CarryWt = 30~60% of Max CarryWt | WtCE = 0.75

> If CarryWt = 60~90% of Max CarryWt | WtCE = 0.50

> If CarryWt => 90%of Max CarryWt | WtCE = 0.25 (Abnormal Status : Encumbered)


4. Melee Combat Power (Melee Damage)

> Initial Melee Damage = Base STR × 5

> Levelup Melee Damage = +Levelup STR × 0.5

> Growth Melee Damage = +0.05 / Level

> Total Melee Damage = Melee Weapon Damage + Base Melee Damage + Levelup Melee Damage + Growth Melee Damage

> Bonus Melee Damage = from Ability | Skill | Trait | Equipment | Others