Chapter 36: A Sky Full of Stars

Never let it be said that Orion didn’t keep his promises.

Rain awoke to breakfast in bed. Having grown accustomed to his preference for cooking for her, Rain was positive it was his food from the first bite.

But it somehow tasted sweeter. Even the savory slices of ham were sweet.

She didn’t think to question it as she scarfed it down, a habit she hadn’t broken in the few months being here.

Comfy beds? Yes. Dreaded Showers? Unfortunately, but yes. Even Shoes? Still working on it. But the idea of having food readily available at all times was still a struggle.

At least she wasn’t hoarding it anymore. Not since she got scolded when Orion found frozen waffles hidden in his jacket pockets.

To be fair, she’d never seen him use that jacket.

At least he hadn’t found her other spots yet.

After breakfast, she found her favorite dress laid out at the end of the bed.