006: Forth Mrs. Su is really amazing

She really hadn't intended to push her into the water today. She just saw Su Xinyi's vixen-like face and couldn't help herself for a moment.

She just wanted to teach her a lesson and make her aware of her own status, not to fantasize about someone she shouldn't be thinking about.

Fearing suspicion, she pushed Su Xinyi into the water and jumped in herself, also giving Su Xinyi a ruthless reputation. With this, even if Jiang Zhongqing liked her, Lady Jiang would definitely not let such a woman enter their home.

Her calculations were thorough. Su Xinyi had only recently been recognized and was cautious in the Duke Mansion. Even if she was wronged, she wouldn't dare ask for support from the people of the Duke Mansion, but swallow it herself.

Who would have thought...

Xui Yurong could not admit it. Instead, she thought quickly and laughed, saying, "It's my fault for being a little too curious and asking Miss Suliu about her countryside affairs, which unintentionally upset her..."

The words were vague, but enough for others to speculate.

Forth Mrs. Su's face turned stern, and she was about to speak when Xin Yi stepped forward and said, "Miss Xu's words are quite strange. I don't remember you asking me anything about the countryside, but you did say a few things such as, 'A country bumpkin like you wants to grab Young Master Jiang's attention, but don't even bother looking in the mirror to see your own behavior,' 'A cheap person will always remain cheap, it's in their bones,' 'Su Xinyi, don't you just use your face to seduce people? Even if I push you into the water today, all the ladies and young women in the capital won't believe your every word,' 'A crude person like you who grew up in a remote place should marry a village husband and live your life. Young Master Jiang isn't someone you can covet; you better know your place.'"

As Su Xinyi spoke these words, the expressions of the people around her became lively.

Xui Yurong's face stiffened, never expecting Su Xinyi to dare utter those words. How could she dare?

"Miss Suliu, I don't know where I've offended you to have you slander me like this. I never said those words!" Xui Yurong was adamant in denying it. She couldn't admit it, or her reputation would be ruined.

Not only should she not admit it at this point, but she also had to suppress Su Xinyi. Otherwise, today's matter would not end well.

In her previous life, Su Xinyi was indeed calculated by Xui Yurong. Just returning to the capital with a sensitive mind, she really didn't dare cause trouble for the Duke Mansion, which resulted in this incident becoming her lifelong regret.

But this life would be different.

"Miss Xu likes to joke. What grudge or grievance do I have with you to make up such lies about you?" Su Xinyi's face was pale with a hint of green, but her demeanor was graceful, her speech unrushed and clear, gaining the silent approval of many ladies.

Despite growing up in the countryside, the Sixth Missy of the Qi Country Duke's Mansion had an excellent bearing and Fourth Master Su was certainly a fine gentleman. Like father, like daughter.

"Yes, indeed. Miss Xu, why not tell us what grievances you have with our Xinyi, that she would dare to frame you baselessly?" Forth Mrs. Su was furious. Previously, Xin Yi had only told her a few sentences, but she didn't know that Xui Yurong had said even more outrageous things.

Duchess An could see the situation was not good, so she stepped forward and said angrily, "Forth Mrs. Su, I know you are kind-hearted, but to be honest, Miss Suliu did grow up in the countryside and perhaps she just doesn't like my daughter Yu Rong."

"Well, your Miss Xu must be quite something to make our Xinyi immediately dislike her. I wonder why other young ladies don't have such good luck!"

Everyone: ...

Forth Mrs. Su was truly unmatched! Just listen to the way she spoke!