012: Join hands to set up a scheme

The next morning, taking advantage of paying respects, Su Xinyi said to her mother, "I forgot to tell you something amidst the chaos yesterday."

"What is it?" Fourth Mrs. Su observed that Xinyi's complexion was good, and her mind was slightly at ease.

"When I was a guest at Dongli Palace, I accidentally overheard something. Someone wants to harm my cousin Yihua."

"Yihua?" Fourth Mrs. Su was taken aback.

Gao Yihua was a girl from the Gao Family's side branch. The Gao Family was strict, and Fourth Mrs. Su's brother only had one wife and one concubine. The concubine, Mrs. Mao, had only given birth to Gao Yihua. Mrs. Mao was content with her lot, and her sister-in-law also loved this side daughter to some extent.

"Yes, someone plans to secretly lure cousin Yihua in order to achieve a marriage with the Gao Family, and then frame my maternal grandfather."

Fourth Mrs. Su was shocked, her expression suddenly becoming serious, "Xinyi, are you telling the truth?"

"It's true, mother," Su Xinyi's face was serious, "They said it's a man named Shu Xuebo. He is slightly famous, has a sweet and handsome mouth, and is good at coaxing young girls. I have just arrived in the capital and don't know who Shu Xuebo is, so I can only tell my mother."

Shu Xuebo?

Fourth Mrs. Su didn't know him, but the surname Shu was rare, so she only remembered that Princess Guangping's maiden name was Shu.

But their Gao Family had no grudges with the Guangping Prince's Mansion. Why would they scheme against the Gao Family like this?

"Xinyi, don't spread word of this matter. I will look into it," Fourth Mrs. Su reminded Xinyi of the origin of the Shu surname, fearing that she did not know its importance, "There is no evidence at hand now, but it involves a relationship with Princess Guangping. We need to investigate it thoroughly."

Upon hearing her mother's words, Su Xinyi was delighted that she did not doubt her words but rather take them seriously, saying, "I understand, rest assured, I won't say a word."

Fourth Mrs. Su laughed, "When you're feeling better, I'll take you back to the Gao Family. Your maternal grandparents, uncle, and aunt have always wanted to see you."

"Alright, I'll listen to my mother," Su Xinyi missed her Gao Family relatives as well. The last time she saw them in her memory was when they sent them off to return to their hometown. At that time, her maternal grandparents were already very old, her uncle from the Gao Family had lost his official position due to being implicated, and her cousins' marriages had encountered several twists and turns. The Gao Family was shrouded in a shadow at that time, making one feel heartbroken.

But it wouldn't be the case in this life. Gao uncle had an upright character and would surely soar in this life.

Moreover, Su Xinyi didn't know whether Shang Junyan was aware of this matter or not, but considering the joint operation between the Shang and Si families, the plan was truly vicious and disgusting.

Her former mother-in-law had planned this since her marriage with Shang Junyan was decided, indicating that she had long intended to get rid of her.

Looking back now, she felt chilled to the bone. In this life, as long as the Shang Family dared to do so, she would surely make them swallow their bitter fruit.

Fearing for her niece's safety in the matters involved, Fourth Mrs. Su immediately went to the Old Madam under the pretext of hiring a governess for Xinyi and returned to her maiden home.

After returning to her own courtyard, Su Xinyi was just about to take her needle and thread to make a headpiece for her mother when Lianqiao lifted the curtain on the Butterfly Frolicking among Hundred Flowers and entered.

"Miss, Eldest Young Madam has brought Third Missy, Fifth Missy, and Sixth Missy to visit you."

Su Xinyi was slightly startled. There was no such thing in her previous life. After she fell into the water and returned, she was saved by a man, so her reputation was not very good. The Pingjing Prince Mansion's attitude was unclear, so no one came to visit her after she returned to the mansion. It was only after her engagement with Shang Junyan that these sisters came to visit.

Was it that in this life, since she was not saved by Shang Junyan, her reputation was untarnished, and they came to visit her?