061: Dealing with Su Xinyi, this question is beyond the scope.

When it came to tactics to annoy others, Su Xinyi was not self-taught. She was forced to learn these after marrying into the Shang Family.

She just didn't expect that she wouldn't use this move on the Shang Family members first, but on Shu Xuebo instead.

She knew how painful that feeling of being infuriated and helpless, unable to grasp any evidence against her, and frustrated was.

Shu Xuebo intentionally intercepted her and blocked her path, deliberately provoking her. She didn't know if his horse-riding skills were lacking, or if he just couldn't appreciate the essence of being sleazy and disgusting.

No matter, Su Xinyi would let him taste what kind of heart-chewing and soul-seducing taste this was.

Su Xinyi had good horse-riding skills, so she didn't purposely intercept Shu Xuebo. However, her every route could just perfectly cut off his pursuit of the polo ball. One time, two times, three times, and countless times after that...