090: To avoid being caught with a handle

Su Jingmo took a step forward, seemingly unintentionally blocking her second sister, smiled and said, "We are the younger generation, visiting our sister's house. How could we bother our elderly Dowager Shi to wait for us? If we knew early that Dowager Shi would make time for us, we sisters would have come earlier."

This housekeeper tried to use Dowager Shi to pressure Su Jingmo and her sisters. She hinted that it was considered impolite for them to keep an elder waiting for so long, but Su Jingmo promptly fired back. They had visited Su Bai Wei in the past, but not every time could they meet with the Dowager Shi from Duke Qin's Mansion.

Amusingly, Su Xinyi thought, Duke Qin's Mansion really was declining. They even had to pull rank and use Dowager Shi to pressure them, the younger generation. It was really shameless.

The housekeeper's smile froze. She glanced at Su Xinyi but didn't say anything else. She turned to lead the way.