104: Su Shizi is an honest person

Su Xinyi left the tea house, feeling more and more disheartened. It seemed like everything had changed. How could there be such a huge difference?

The testing drug murder case, she had truly never heard of it before.

In her previous life, without her intervention, the Crown Prince solved the case. However, in this life, due to her involvement, they missed it. So, she couldn't ignore this matter.

Since there was a loophole, she had to make up for it. But how to communicate with the Crown Prince, that was the most difficult part.

Could they reopen the murder case?

Wu Shun had already been released, this case must have been closed. If they were to reopen it, would Wu Shun have to go back to jail?

Su Xinyi thought about it and couldn't find a better solution, so she could only investigate the case herself and see if she could find any clues.