113: Failed to kill, instead got killed_3

Su Qi hadn't yet asked his sister about the situation after she chased the person, and this was a good chance for them to talk.

Su Xinyi told him what had happened, and finally said, "If that person hadn't been in such a hurry, I might have caught him later. But when they saw Fan Qianshi, they immediately ran away."

After hearing his sister's words, Su Qi thought about it and said, "Either the person knew Fan Qianshi's background, or they had some past connection."

"That's what I thought too," Su Xinyi nodded. "Commander Jie only casually asked about the situation at the time, and then he asked if I knew the person. It's clear that he is trying to investigate, not targeting us, but rather Fan Qianshi."

"We are still several hundred li away from Pingning Guard. We must be extra cautious on the way there," Su Qi immediately said.

Su Xinyi nodded, "I will be careful."